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1 Tsp. Acacia Confusa Rootback, Smoked: Light Effects!

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Esteemed member
This afternoon, I loaded about 1 tsp of ACRB into a glass pipe, outside in a garden to see if it was active when smoked.
My headspace before smoking was positive and optimistic, with a minor headache (felt kind of like an early migraine). I didn't expect much, but was looking forward to whatever the bark had to show me.

It took me about two minutes of heavy toking to smoke most of the powdered root bark: it's not easy to smoke at all, although the taste is surprisingly pleasant.

At this point my memory of time starts to get a little funny.

Sometime later, I noticed that I had been staring at a leaf for the last few minutes, entranced in the vein structure and how it looked like some kind of continental highway system. Surprised, I looked up, and noticed that colors seemed a little brighter. A sense of serenity came over me: the garden was beautiful, I love my campus, had spent a nice morning with my friends and I instantly understood that I was supremely lucky and that my life was beautiful.

I ducked inside the dining hall to see a friend, and when I got inside and found myself surrounded by people, I became extremely anxious, feeling like I had made a mistake a danger of being overwhelmed by people. I ducked back outside, and wandered around until I found myself back a baseline, rather suddenly.

Total time: 15-20 minutes, from the first toke, to the realization that I was back.

My headache didn't both me while I was living the experience, but once I got inside, it became painfully intense, taking on a sharpness that most of my migraines never achieve.

I absolutely intend to try this again: maybe with a vaporizer.

Perhaps instead of smoking the rootbark, maybe make a quick tea and allow it to evaporate down to a residue and then add a little water to that residue and transfer it to a smaller vessel in order to try getting a small pile of residue that can be smoked? If smoking the bare rootbark did anything for you, a residue would probably be/burn better.
why try this again? Why not do an extraction or brew some tea? Yes of course if you smoke a spoonful of the bark you can get some tiny effect..but what is the point when you can do a full spectrum extraction and have just a tiny bit of goo or something that can take you very deep in just one little hit? You can still smoke just a few mg's if you don't want anything strong. It will save your lungs.
Sabnock said:
Perhaps instead of smoking the rootbark, maybe make a quick tea and allow it to evaporate down to a residue and then add a little water to that residue and transfer it to a smaller vessel in order to try getting a small pile of residue that can be smoked? If smoking the bare rootbark did anything for you, a residue would probably be/burn better.
Thats a good idea or ND you could soak it is some 99% ipa decant and evap it. It should be much smoother hitting then. Thats really interesting Id like to try it sometime. I have scraped some caapi vine into a bowl and toked that. its very relaxing so I wonder what the 2 combined would be like. Hmmmmm....I may have to give it a go. Thanks for sharing. I like trying new things.
Jamie: personal interest, mostly. I'm curious about different methods of dosing, and I figure that someone later on might be interested, and when they do the research, they can see what I've done.

There should be as much information about everything available. It might be useful one day.

I tried again today, this time mixing it with a little bit of cannabis and there definitely seems to be synergy between the two: I've smoked plenty of weed in my day, so I know what to expect and this was different.

I have never had such a euphoric and comfortable high in my life: there was no paranoia, there was no confusion, just this blissful sense that it was all and that everything was beautiful.
It has been done many times by people. I have smoked mimosa bark and chaliponga leaves. You can feel effects from both of them just smoked in a bong but it is harsh as hell on the throat to smoke enough to feel it and hard to build up to anything other than a mild sort of feeling. I tried it once and then never did it again. Concentrating it just makes it much clearer, cleaner and deeper.
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