Rising Star
I did this in about 10 seconds, it will take 15 seconds max.
1. start with the above, use a bic pen to push into the squirter/mouthpiece hole and widen it very slightly. the whole pen width
2. get a 6mm 1/4Drive socket and push it into the perfect fit hole (bluetac to seal)
3. burn a hole the size of a cigarette or slightly bigger in the bottom of the bottle
DONE! (5mm or even 4mm may work better, without the use of a pen to widen the hole)
pack the conepice. tamp it with the back of a bic pen as needed
hold your finger on the hole. fill the bottle up.
screw the lid back onto the bottle and fire away. )stopping to leave a small swill of water in the bottom(
take the lid off and take your hit but take your finger off the bottom hole like a shotty but THROUGH water
Note: added wind protection, you dont want any stray buds flying away in the wind or no candy dust. you never know when a bit of wind is gonna kick up in your laundry sink
1. start with the above, use a bic pen to push into the squirter/mouthpiece hole and widen it very slightly. the whole pen width
2. get a 6mm 1/4Drive socket and push it into the perfect fit hole (bluetac to seal)
3. burn a hole the size of a cigarette or slightly bigger in the bottom of the bottle
DONE! (5mm or even 4mm may work better, without the use of a pen to widen the hole)
pack the conepice. tamp it with the back of a bic pen as needed
hold your finger on the hole. fill the bottle up.
screw the lid back onto the bottle and fire away. )stopping to leave a small swill of water in the bottom(
take the lid off and take your hit but take your finger off the bottom hole like a shotty but THROUGH water
Note: added wind protection, you dont want any stray buds flying away in the wind or no candy dust. you never know when a bit of wind is gonna kick up in your laundry sink