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1st (and now 2nd) full experience with limonene extracted changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OMFG SWIM just almost came out of his first ever full DMT experience.... and OMG. I mean I have read a lot about this stuff... but this was just something else.
So SWIM did his first lot. His girlfriend was asleep on the sofa. Candles were lit, some scented oil burning.
He was still in the room, except everything got brighter and had transforming patterns all over, and had a look of plastic - vision got very clear, was very beautiful. Physical feeling was initially a bit stiff, then SWIM got used to the feeling in his body and was quite nice.
He told his girlfriend as he regained motor control a bit, 'wow this stuff is amazing' etc, she murmured and smiled.
visually things were getting hazy, beginning to fade out... so SWIM decided to try some more and see where he went.

SWIM did a bigger hit this time. Even before he was able to exhale, vision filled with patterns as he put the pipe down, and SWIM was transported somewhere... however, SWIM was also carrying some unsureness and a bit of fear with him, this seemed to stick to him like something unpleasant, he spun around with it a bit, but was in a very colourful place, he cannot remember so much what he saw, but it was like concepts of who he was where he was were turned inside out completely. He was definately scared while he was there, as he has never had his self or what he thought of as his self torn apart so much, it was VERY CHALLENGING! Trying to find words to describe it is quite difficult. Perhaps it was a bit like dying? He repeated to himself that it would not last that long, thank god!
However soon he felt warm loving reassuring presence, and then he was back in the room like he was in a cocoon, or a hazy bubble, with patterns and stuff going on outside in the room... SWIM was feeling very warm and cosy in this bubble and enjoyed being there for a bit. He was then thinking over and over in his head about his friend who he had gven some of this changa to earlier in the day, and just thought he must tell his friend to BE CAREFUL!!

Well - SWIMS curiosity has never taken him quite so far.... SWIM will try and address the fear/uneasiness feeling before he goes there again, as it felt like a weight that caused him to spin a bit while in hyperspace.

He says: Thank you again to the good people of the nexus for making this experience a possibility.
thats great... sounds like you where met with a nice challenge as well.

could SWIY give us a bit of info on the tek one used as well as the preparation of the changa. Ive not heard of to many successful smoked limonene spice extracts yet so swim interested...
your chnaga was it just caapi leaf and spice? what was the ratio you mixed them together?
Learning to 'accept' the beginning rush, the onset, of a spice journey is something that I really don't think can accurately be taught to someone. They simply have to learn it by experience, and it sounds like you had yours my friend. SWIM too had an instant of some type of fear, though he can't pinpoint what, his first full on DMT trip. Instantly, he let that incredibly intense feeling transform from fear of the unknown into allowing it to seep into his soul, effectively using it to project positivity from within. This is what helped him accept the power of this amazing molecule interacting with his body, and it has stayed with him (so far) in his subsequent journeys. It has proved to be very useful, not only to quell any feeling of overwhelming fear, but to help him learn and grow.

Remember, there is only love.

Trust SWIM when he says you will enjoy your future journeys even more ;)
Thanks peeps, I think it is a case of learning to let go completely, of all that you know of as your self, and trusting that at the root of your self is love.

For those interested in the tek / preperation:

SWIM followed ron69's limonene extraction tek, and once he had his freebase goo he dissolved in ISO alcohol and mixed with the following:

Caapi leaves (About 50% or so)

The ratio of leaf to goo was around 1.2:1 (based on weight of acetate)

According to SWIM the experience felt full, warm and complete.

SWIM would also like add that before smoking his Changa he smoked a pipe of Caapi+Calea, he is not sure whether this affected the experience or not.

EDIT: Jorkest your new tek looks very promising, planning to try that next. Nice one.
balaganist said:
For those interested in the tek / preperation:

SWIM followed ron69's limonene extraction tek, and once he had his freebase goo he dissolved in ISO alcohol and mixed with the following:

Caapi leaves (About 50% or so)

Why so many herbs? This is just me talking here but with just caapi and maybe one other I think they'll have a lot more leg room to do their own thing.
soulfood said:
balaganist said:
For those interested in the tek / preperation:

SWIM followed ron69's limonene extraction tek, and once he had his freebase goo he dissolved in ISO alcohol and mixed with the following:

Caapi leaves (About 50% or so)

Why so many herbs? This is just me talking here but with just caapi and maybe one other I think they'll have a lot more leg room to do their own thing.

Fair point. SWIM will probably limit the mix for his next batch. He had been experimenting with the various combinations
as a smoking mix (without dmt) and found a nice combination with the first four. Justicia was added as he had read of its good synergy with dmt. Mullein, is not psychoactive AFAHK but seems to smooth out the smoke a bit.
SWIM had his 2nd full spice experience tonight.

This time, he let himself go completely. It was beautiful. He was transformed into shapes and colours. He noted a slight struggle at some point. He reminded himself, to let go, and be thankful. Immediately things began to flow more easily. He remembers saying alound "Thaaaankk yooooouuu" it sounded really weird to his ears!!

Already the memory is fading, he says he will remember to have his audio recorder ready for his next trip.

SWIM feels very happy that he managed to let go and enjoy his time in hyperspace; he was very nervous at first after his last challenging experience. He had 2 hits which were good but not full breakthrough - his 3rd was a fair bit larger and he hardly had time to put his pipe down before his arms began dissolving and twisting. He immediately sat upright on his bed and assumed meditation posture.
He was taken to a very colourful space, he remembers seeing a kind of multidimensional cube/sphere.
He was shown many things but his memory of them is not clear now.

As he started to come back, he felt the urge to sing. This is something he last did a few weeks ago on an amazing Ayahuasca journey, which was also the first time he had sung like that in his life. It felt like he was there again - he was singing his heart out, it felt very cleansing and healing. He carried on singing for a while, as he gradually drifted back, although when he opened his eyes he still had a lot of visuals going on... a couple of times he was almost screeching with the joy and wonder of being, and at the amazement of what he had just been through. Truly exhilarating.
Gradually things died down, he lay back on his bed occasionally murmering and singing and babbling to himself in a funny voice he first acquired while on journey with Liberty Caps last year. Then he just lay there experiencing the lovely calm afterglow.

I think this forum could with more emoticons!!??? Something like that total dissolution multidimensional colourful being stretched infinitely into hyperspace ??

ok time to sleep now...
balaganist said:
SWIM had his 2nd full spice experience tonight.

This time, he let himself go completely. It was beautiful. He was transformed into shapes and colours. He noted a slight struggle at some point. He reminded himself, to let go, and be thankful. Immediately things began to flow more easily. He remembers saying alound "Thaaaankk yooooouuu" it sounded really weird to his ears!!

Already the memory is fading, he says he will remember to have his audio recorder ready for his next trip.

SWIM feels very happy that he managed to let go and enjoy his time in hyperspace; he was very nervous at first after his last challenging experience. He had 2 hits which were good but not full breakthrough - his 3rd was a fair bit larger and he hardly had time to put his pipe down before his arms began dissolving and twisting. He immediately sat upright on his bed and assumed meditation posture.
He was taken to a very colourful space, he remembers seeing a kind of multidimensional cube/sphere.
He was shown many things but his memory of them is not clear now.

As he started to come back, he felt the urge to sing. This is something he last did a few weeks ago on an amazing Ayahuasca journey, which was also the first time he had sung like that in his life. It felt like he was there again - he was singing his heart out, it felt very cleansing and healing. He carried on singing for a while, as he gradually drifted back, although when he opened his eyes he still had a lot of visuals going on... a couple of times he was almost screeching with the joy and wonder of being, and at the amazement of what he had just been through. Truly exhilarating.
Gradually things died down, he lay back on his bed occasionally murmering and singing and babbling to himself in a funny voice he first acquired while on journey with Liberty Caps last year. Then he just lay there experiencing the lovely calm afterglow.

High five!!

I used to have a slight struggle at the start sometimes but it would always dissolve just as quick, eventually it becomes second nature to dissolve before you even hit the pipe.

balaganist said:
I think this forum could with more emoticons!!??? Something like that total dissolution multidimensional colourful being stretched infinitely into hyperspace ??
I've thought this myself..:arrow: :?:
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