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1st experience of the spicey spice!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey all, i had my first experience with the spice this weekend. Truly amazing stuff!! I wrote a big old email to my friends about the whole thing' background, extraction and experience. Here's the experience part. Oh and without this website, forum and everyone who's contributed, this might never have happened. Massive thanks! And so on Sunday night, I was all set. I packed my new pipe with the crystals from the 2nd pull, it looked to be a hefty dose. A typical dose would be about 50mg (0.05g), I didn't bother to weigh it tho, but I'm guessing it could have been more. The room was set to full-on trip mode: UV light on, fairy lights on, tunes on with visuals from the laptop. After some consideration, the tune selected for the trip was Shpongle - ...and the day turned to night, a 20 minute epic, with the final third of it being a bit crazy so I started it half-way through. Sat down in my arm chair, relaxed myself, smiled, and proceeded to hit. The pipe worked a treat, once hot enough the smoke was coming thick and fast. I'd read reports about how the smoke was would be too tickley, with people coughing up a lung as the drug takes hold. The smoke tasted a little plasticy, but I found it to be smooth. Probably helps being a smoker. This time I concentrated solely on getting as bigger hit as possible. Just about had enough time to sit the pipe down before I couldn't even see my hand. I exhaled my last breath after holding it for a good amount of time, and then it came.. Coming up on DMT is like nothing else. Your heart races and you start to feel hot. It seems to have a relentless acceleration with true warp speed qualities; sounds and vision are warped around the edges and you can feel a vibration building inside of you. The visuals are truly other worldly. When experiencing psychedelic visuals on other drugs, they seem alot more gentle compared to these. They are not just in your head, you become them. There is nothing else. You cannot feel your body, cannot feel time or gravity. These visuals are the only thing there is. Kaleidoscopic patterns of puzzeled doors in the dimensions of an Escher picture behind an ocean of spinning spheres. All sorts. It's a full out of body experience with them. As the initial rush died down a little, I was aware that my eyes were open, my head had flopped backward and I was staring at the ceiling. I coughed and choked as I came back into my body. The visuals continued. I looked around the room and it seemed like some sort of alien hyperdimension. It's so difficult to describe it, but alien hyperdimension seems fitting. This trip was so much stronger than the first. I raved around my room with this amazing experience I'd just had. But had forgotten what actually happened, so once again, I sat and chuckled to myself about it. The effects slowly faded and 15-20 minutes after first taking it I felt pretty much back to normal. It's fair to say that there isn't really a comedown with DMT, but you feel slightly burnt out after doing it. The onslaught of visuals and rush of it all, plus the fact it's gone almost as soon as it comes, leaves a strange feeling. After an hour of taking it, I was caught between feelings of "couldn't do that everyday "and "let's go again!" There was still enough in the pipe for another descent hit. It's early days so I couldn't resist. For the next trip, I got comfy on the bed and turned the music off. I wanted to see what difference it would make. It seemed the dose was the same as before, and by the final toke I knew I was in for it. This was much different. It felt as though I went way way out there for a long time. So long infact that I actually thought I died because I had no feeling of being on this earth, I was in limbo almost. And I thought to myself "damn, Derek's dead! Oh well it's not so bad, I kinda like it here, although I'm getting a bit bored now.." I then spotted the UV flag on the wall at the end of my bed, looking like it was a long way in the distance. It came spiralling towards me and by the time it reached normal proportions on the wall, I found myself rolling around on the bed (not violently or anything, just in funny positions). Quite a relief to find myself back in my monkey body. All very strange indeed... arrgh, that's why they call it the Dead Man's Trip (pirate voice). It's all about set and setting. I think the lack of music made it completely different. I think you need something to carry you along. Ambient is definitely good, no words. As for position, arm chair worked best. Bed was good, I felt more detached from my body that way. Just don't ever do it standing up. Apparently it loves water, so near a lake or sea might be nice someday. It is fair to say that a DMT trip is the most incredible thing you could possibly experience in your life. It just is. Nothing else could possibly compare. I'm not saying it because I love druggy stuff, it's just that it's so completely over the top. I agree with Terrance McKenna when he says "if there's a stronger drug out there, I certainly don't want to try it." It really is the absolute limit. I could almost argue that it wasn't even meant for human consumption if it didn't naturally occur in our bodies; we must have a physiological use for it somehow. Could be a spirit thing? Dreams? Some sort of key for communication with beings in different dimensions? I'm no closer to the answer, but after experiencing a heavy DMT trip, anything could be possible. Yes, Derek's my real name. Or is it?..
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading about your experience. SWIMs definitely had similar feelings and thoughts.
Great report! Im trying some soon but now im a bit warey about the heart racing thing, does it just beat fast or realy jump out of your body?
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