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1st Pull 1% yield... go on?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys

My friend did today the Nomans Tek on 100g MHRB and got on the first pull 1.05 g of spice... that's almost 1% yield for the first pull. He also saw that the solvent from the 2nd pull isn't that much saturated than the first one. (not so yellow)

He needs to know now, if he should go on pulling after the 2nd pull or if he can start a new mix. Tomorrow morning he'll see the yield of the 2nd pull, but he believes, it won't be much more than 0.3-0.5g of spice.

So what to do? is that bark empty or can there be done more?

Cheers and thanks

Well your abundance may decide. 0.3gr of spice, that's about 10 to 20 smokable doses for SWIM. SWIM does pulls until the return isn't worth the work. If you already have enough to last you six months or more you might not be too concerned about squeezing every last little bit from the bark.
For sure keep going. Maybe heat up the whole mix, with solvent added, in a warm water bath in the laundry tub. Don't stop when there are still goodies to be had! You may regret it later when you are all out..

Besides, your already set up, motivated, and on a roll!!
Keep pulling for the jungle spice! Don't know what solvent you're using but if it's not xylene/toluene already then switch when the spice is exhausted. And yellow spice is nice too, don't ignore it. SWIM was gutted when he cleaned his drains with MHRB potion along with the jungle magic.
Ok, i go on now with pulling, but the hard thing is to get xylene. Where can one get that? I pull with naphtha. Mhh yes yes, yellow spice isn't that bad, only used that until now. Haven't done any recristallisation so far. I'm more into changa ;)

So, with xylene, i could get the mysterious jungle spice out... time for me to look for xylene. :)

Edit: Oh or another idea.... What if i put another 100g of bark into the lye mix? would that work?
Edit: Oh or another idea.... What if i put another 100g of bark into the lye mix? would that work?

SWIY would need to add more water and lye more than likely. SWIM use Naptha also and has no problems.

SWIM has yet to get jungle spice.
SWIY used 'T1009 thinners' which is xylene. Not foodgrade though and don't know about contaminants :/
This pulled loads of (probably) DMT N-Oxide that SWIM wasn't expecting... which is why he lost the jungle spice- he assumed 3 pulls of xylene would be enough and had disgarded the potion before the xylene had evapped. Search for the 'jungle spice' threads for more info.
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