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1st time no hyperspace

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
First of all, SWIM would like to say wow, what an exciting first psychadelic experience.....but is positive he didnt make a breakthrough. Its more of like someone asking if they had an orgasm. "You would know".....SWIM questioned it, so the answer is definetely no, especially considering the dose and how it was burned.

SWIM had 60mg, but was anxious about the breakthrough so only started with about half, 30mg. A good amount of that was burned by the flame, but noticed a few crackles and then the warm white smoke....maybe not very potent but it was sure white and did not burn at all, it was actually very pleasant. SWIM does have good cannabis lungs.

First effects were a headrush and slight motor loss. The stucco ceiling spatter marks began swirling in 3D. No noises, however. Upon closing eyes a small rush occured and a bright red pyramid was in my far left peripheral. SWIM thought, "Ok, this seems only an extension of what you see looking at the back of your eyelids, and not a full disembodiment.

Not expecting to have to do this and just enjoy the small dose, SWIM grabbed the coffee filter and, out of slight fear, only scraped in maybe half of what remained (15 of 30mg) into the bowl....smoked that, and not much better. The remaining 15mg was packed, inhaled with thick white smoke, again fairly pleasant in a plasticy way....like inhaling steam through a watergun water canister. Immediately sat back and again more ceiling distortions and random colors swirling around the room. The TV was on but on mute, and no distortions on the screen.

SWIM clumsily layed back on a big pillow and closed eyes. Giant sheets of geometric patterns arranged like an eye chart flew past. Again, this merely felt like an extension of eyelid looking but a little more intense. Then a fractal-like, bright red hurricane (viewed from top) shaped object was spinning and spewing shapes and patterns outward. SWIM thought, "this is what I have to go through".
Upon getting closer, it appeared to be more like a tunnel than a hurricane. It was passed through, seemingly...but no breakthrough.

Judging by the dosage amount, and stories of loud noises, disembodiment, realer-than-life type trip SWIM knows he didnt make it.

Anyone else know someone who had a similar, "Is this it?" feeling on a 1st time low dose?

exactly like my first time as far as acoustic ceiling but only had 30mg and I was very inefficient about smoking it. using a corn cob and copper mesh. I switched to sandwiching between small amounts in glass pipe at a nexians suggestion. It was way more effective were you letting open flame touch DMT? That will mess it up.

Good Luck
I call that a level 1 experience, 3D patterns, the classic chrysanthemum visuals (term coined by terence mckenna)

Don't feel bad, though, it's a good first experience!
If you want to breakthrough, I would recommend a sitter, and good vaping technique. I have had, and have broken people through, using the technique in this thread.

You need a sitter because most people will start to lose motor control after a solid 1st hit and it is can be challenging (if not hazardous) to go for the 2nd or 3rd toke.

Don't worry, breakthroughs will come when you are ready. In the meantime, safe and sane exploration to you!

Please make sure you have a trusty sitter (someone you trust 100%!!) before vaping DMT again, you might have a veeery bad experience if you're not ready for it (you don't know yet, there's no way to determine if someone is ready or not really) you might freak out badly when you don't feel your body anymore and begin to think what crazy actions might my actual body do while I'm out of it??? jumping out of windows? or maybe it's drowning in vomit??? so please have a sitter, also I'm sure you won't want worrying about your sitter robbing/raping you while you're on DMT, so make sure you trust that person 100% and no paranoid worries exists in your mind about him/her.

All these worries might freak you out, get rid of them before blasting off.

Good luck
I view "getting up and jumping out a window" to be more of a reason to have someone as a sitter for you on salvia. In my experience, people (even people having a negative experience) are rendered incapable of moving, especially if they're out of it. I suppose drowning in vomit may be more likely, but I've still never heard of this happening with anyone with DMT and I think may be something of an irrational fear. This is not to say you shouldn't have a sitter, just that you may wanna clear those thoughts from your head as I think they are extremely unlikely.
Unfortunately, due to the circles of coworkers and friends some people are limited to, finding a sitter can be difficult. Sometimes opportunities present themselves where someone in a 1 on 1 conversation will admit "back in my high school days I experimented with lots of stuff". Of course you don't say right away: "Oh nice, can you come over and hold this pipe until I go limp from smoking it?". Its a process, and hopefully you develop enough trust with someone over time.

SWIM will add that a water bong was used, which made the smoke painless. Some of the spice was burned away until he reformed it into a ash/DMT/damiana sandwich, which yielded much better results. Open flame didn't touch the DMT, but was still enough to mess it up.
He waits patiently until a sitter will arrive in a few weeks. Until then, more extractions.
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