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Migrated topic.
In 2012 I hit the singularity, I experienced a personal apocalypse and the universe died with me...

Actually I had a UFO sighting while sober, for the next three days synchronicity reached absurd levels in my life until a violent peak at my first DMT experience...

Everything I read as a kid about what mckenna said would happen in 2012 actually happened to me, right when he said it would (unfortunately the rest of the universe was unaware of this event.)

I take all this with a grain of salt, but can deny my experiance...

That's about as far as I'm going to go into that, but I share your sentiment regarding 2012 as being quite significant.

The evolution of process dictates that
the universe started oh so simple and then how it go oh so complicated?"
would be the only path it could follow...

The big-bang was a white-hole...in a universe outside of 3 dimensional space and time that we exist in a black hole consumed more than it could hold and a "white-hole" burst into existance the universe we know today...it's a cycle from simple to complex and back again...

There's probably been billions of universes and billions of whiteholes forming big bangs...

The start of the cycle is simple, it grows complex, gets crushed into a singularity, the singularity ruptures into a white-hole, and the cycle resets as the white gold creates a big bang...


hixidom said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
In 2012 I hit the singularity, I experienced a personal apocalypse and the universe died with me...
This sort of happened to me too, except it was in 2014. The singularity still happened in 2012, so maybe I went back in time. That's what it felt like, at least.

To add to the link-base, Chicken Chicken Chicken: Chicken Chicken (cited 16 times, btw)

When you enter "the 4th dimension" time is not linear...

I'm still having some trouble wrapping my head around my 2012 experience...

Even in the psychedelic community when I tell my whole story im met with accusations that I'm crazy or not telling the truth...

Trust me though, I believe you when you say DMT can do things to your personal time and space that are completely unexplainable to anybody who did not experience them first hand...


(Mckenna here is speaking about UFOs, but the principle applies to DMT just as well...

I’ve paid very close attention when these experiences were happening to me, and there always seems to be loose ends that argue against whatever hypotheses seems currently most attractive, and though Jacques didn’t mention it today I recall in his book The Invisible College he stressed the absurdity that seems to attend the contact experience. That if the contactee will truly tell the unvarnished truth then there will be elements in the story which will make the contactee look like a moron, in other words, the invalidation of the experience is an inimical part of its structure, almost as though the entities were saying, well you may tell this story if you wish, but if you’ll tell it truthfully you’ll be taken for a fool. Well there’s nothing wrong with being taken for a fool except that it does peal the phenomenon rather nicely away from the very sober ladies and gentleman who are making there careers in some branch of science.-terence mckenna


Death occurred and it was nothing like I thought it would be. Or it was just as I recalled it.

A new world was formed.

Cleared the field to sow anew, burning the chaff. Then realized I didn't know how to plant nor what to.

Made friends, asked strangers who seemed to know. Began learning.

Feel much better now, 2012 began a long nights journey into day. The sun is rising.
Lol, I failed to finish that read :lol:

http://hitchhikers.wikia.com/wiki/The_Creation_of_the_Universe said:
Many races believe that the creation of the Universe involved some sort of God, though the Jatravartid people of Viltvodle VI believe that the entire Universe was in fact sneezed out of the nose of a being known as the Great Green Arkleseizure. The Jatravartids live in perpetual fear of the time they call the Coming of the Great White Handkerchief, somewhat similar to the Apocalypse. However, the Great Green Arkleseizure theory is not widely accepted outside Viltvodle VI and so, the Universe being as wide and strange as it is, other explanations are constantly being sought by different races throughout the Galaxy.
I still prefer my "Big Yawn" at the alpha and omega, and not in particular 2 yawns (begin - end) but 1 yawn that connects begin to end.
burnt said:
"Isn't it weird how the universe started oh so simple and then how it go oh so complicated?"

For real begin discussion! 😁

sort of like how a seed starts simple and becomes very complicated like a tree? 😁

but then again if you look close enough the seed isn't simple at all...

maybe just looking at our solar system? simply a giant whirling ball of gas, then a nuclear reaction... A sun, and some planets, with orbital periods, a bit more complex... and then overtime it becomes more and more complex.... the sun has planets with more and more systems, with atmospheres, climate cycles, ice ages, and then even MOAR the planets start peopling, life cycles, more and more complexity...

maybe the entire universe can be described in the life of a tree, or the solar system, or even a single lifetime?
I still prefer my "Big Yawn" at the alpha and omega, and not in particular 2 yawns (begin - end) but 1 yawn that connects begin to end.
okay i've already forgotten what i was gonna write 3 times, but here we go:
thats just the psilocybin reducing oxygen flow to your brain 😁
Mindlusion said:
maybe the entire universe can be described in the life of a tree, or the solar system, or even a single lifetime?

Yes, I think that in these subtle choices, of what you compare the universe with, you find the most about yourself. In the end, it kind of appears self-similar and of a fractal nature, and we are stuck viewing its forms from our own perspectives.
Maybe dark energy will eventually retract and the "big crunch" will ensue. If this does occur, maybe we will fall back into a singularity and a whole new universe will form out the other side. Could we be in an endless birth/death cycle of old/new universes?
DoingKermit said:
Maybe dark energy will eventually retract and the "big crunch" will ensue. If this does occur, maybe we will fall back into a singularity and a whole new universe will form out the other side. Could we be in an endless birth/death cycle of old/new universes?

I think in some form or another.. death implies birth as much as birth implies death, two sides of the same coin but we cannot see across the asymptote, the singularity, we can only 'bounce' between sides.. whether it's thought and action, light and dark (no light) , love and fear, electron and positron, matter antimatter, spin up or spin down, all cannot exist without relationship to its other.. well.. in the quantum world it only makes two sides of the coin when you pay attention!
And maybe physical death is needed to proceed on ones journey further and further into/out to infinite cosmos as pure energy, an eternal conciousness on a neverending journey... :p
DoingKermit said:
Maybe dark energy will eventually retract and the "big crunch" will ensue. If this does occur, maybe we will fall back into a singularity and a whole new universe will form out the other side. Could we be in an endless birth/death cycle of old/new universes?

Are you accuainted with cosmic inflation/the inflation theory? If you haven't you're in for some interesting reading, for example:

"Cosmic inflation is the idea that the very early universe went through a period of accelerated, exponential expansion during the first 10-35 of a second before settling down to the more sedate rate of expansion we are still experiencing, so that all of the observable universe originated in a small (indeed, microscopic) causally-connected region.

Although the universe has been expanding since the initial Big Bang, inflation refers to the hypothesis that, for a very short time, the universe expanded at a sharply INCREASING rate, rather than at the decreasing rate it followed before inflation and has followed since. By some calculations, inflation increased the size of the universe by a factor of around 1026 during that tiny fraction (far less than a trillionth) of a second, expanding it from smaller than the size of a proton to about the size of a grapefruit."

Wow :shock:
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