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25mg apx volt report - first entity?

Migrated topic.


safe travels!
hi all, had a lovely trip last night, wanted to share and see if anyone can relate :) for context, i made the batch using u/spiritveghead ‘s awesome, easy tek. i’ve been slowly working my way up, have done probably 10 trips ranging from 5 to 20mg, with a few failed attempts and getting used to the apx volt. this is by far the farthest in i’ve made it, and i’m having a blast. a few times every 3 or 4 weekends or so. have done several psychedelics in the past: shrooms, 1P & 1B LSD, and my favorite Aco-4-MET.

loaded up ~25mg into an apx volt. pre melted by holding for about 3 seconds, then held it until i saw smoke rise from the chamber. the bubbler was attached already, so i timed my breaths and got it all in one go, held for about 12 seconds, but i was blasting off already.

as i exhaled, my words echoed. i said “this is fantastic” twice and heard the echoes reverberate. the laser and popcorn ceiling turned into amazing geometric patterns, seemingly zooming in and morphing into a scene after a while. the ringing in multiple pitches filled my ears, with occasional “pings” of different pitches. the ceiling has morphed into a vaporwave view of three pyramids, one large one right in from off to the distance, and the other two to either side.

as my vision moved forward, my body had started to melt into nothingness. the pyramids were almost neon, and I could see the tan sand… but something or someone to the right of me kept bugging me. i never got a real look at it, but it seemed like it was urging me to throw up? i tried to ignore it but the thought became larger and distracted me from the pyramids. that seemed to be the climax, as i felt myself started to come back down.

i took in the view for a few more moments as it faded away, back down to the ceiling. in the end, i didn’t throw up, nor ever feel nauseous, or anything resembling needing to throw up. was this entity just tricking me? i am still not sure if i broke through, i feel like i was close but that entity, probably just my nerves, held me back.

all in all, best trip so far, and i feel so amazing about it. that’s what it wanted to show me and i am so grateful. has anyone experienced something like this?
(mind)Set: good, doing great in school and life
(physical condition) Set: great, working out more and more and feeling good
Setting (location): my comfy trip cave/bedroom
time of day: 12:10am, pretty awake still as i usually fall asleep around 2
recent drug use: had used thc earlier and was still feeling good, calmed my nerves a bit
last meal: lol this might do it: mcdonalds around 9pm

Gender: male
body weight: 102
Hi bmxer, welcome to the DMT nexus forum.

Thank you for sharing your story.

As for the question was it a breakthrough. You'll know 100% without a doubt once you've had a breakthrough. Depending on your size/weight around 50-75mg DMT.

Did you lose sensory input from your eyes? Bellow the breakthrough threshold there is distinct difference between closed eye visuals (CEV) and opened eye visuals (OEV), near to and during the breakthrough the visuals become so intense you lose your eye sight and percieving directly from your mind, like when you are dreaming. You may be blinking your eyes wondering are they open or closed.

Plus you'll feel like you legit have died.

There's an entry in the Hyperspace Lexicon


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Hi Phenethylamine23!

Phenethylamine23 said:
Did you lose sensory input from your eyes?

I think so? I remember staring up at the ceiling, and as it "zoomed" in and morphing into geometric patterns, it changed into a landscape setting. My ceiling had stopped existing, and I felt as though i was at/inside the pyramid scene. It looked like real life, and my body had definitely started to dissolve. I honestly cant remember blinking at all! maybe i was too mesmerized. but my room no longer existed for those moments, and only started to materialize once the pyramid scene faded back into geometric patterns.

I have had really cool (although still pretty bland of color) CEVs off of 22mg, but i managed to keep my eyes open this time and was rewarded with the most colorful and visually beautiful trip yet :)

and 50-75 mg you say? i was under the assumption that DMT administered via inhalation didn't take body weight into account very much. but this gives me much reason to research more, so thanks for the heads up!
Hi bmxer7247

I also had some doubt about if my last experience was a breakthrough or not. When I came back, I knew it was it, but It doesn't seem to match others descriptions of it, so I'm not so sure now. It was beautiful and moving, though.

Either way, I want to comment on the doses Phenethylamine23 mentioned: those are really excesive. With an efficient ROA (such as your volt) 30mg or so should be plenty for a breakthrough. Maybe up to 40-50 if it isn't as efficient as an e-mesh, but I don't know that.
I'm pretty sure you would blackout if you did 50mg with an efficient method.

I've had those "bland CEV's" you mention starting from 10mg or so (it depends a lot on my own mood and setting), and very inmersive (but not breakthrough territory yet) with 20mg or so.
Hi pantostao!

i agree with your statement. As i was coming down, i thought to myself "surely that was a breakthrough," but from what everyone says, there is much more to come :) im excited!

and yeah, even if it did take 50+ mg to get me there, i wouldnt find out until i had done many doses leading up to it. i have been working up by 5mg, so 30 is next (although i may try 27mg first). One of these days I will make it there, when both myself and the DMT determine I am ready. regardless, I am grateful to enjoy these lower doses, as i've seen many reports that people are uncomfortable at sub-breakthrough doses.

safe travels!
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