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2th try.....Woah...WOW !

Migrated topic.

Herba Luisa

Rising Star
2th try....50mg....screen/ash/spice/ash/screen-sandwich. vap. perfect.
Woah...wow, so fast, so strange, so intensive, the COLOURS....I LOVE IT !!!

Thanks to all who made the extract-tek-info-postings šŸ˜‰

This is the greatest gift.....thank you!
Herba Luisa said:
2th try....50mg....screen/ash/spice/ash/screen-sandwich. vap. perfect.
Woah...wow, so fast, so strange, so intensive, the COLOURS....I LOVE IT !!!

Thanks to all who made the extract-tek-info-postings šŸ˜‰

This is the greatest gift.....thank you!

Congratulations and welcome to the club.
Haha fantastic isnt it :D its been a while since my last launch and i can feel the pull from hyperspace getting stronger by the day. :D
well Herba Loo' - how are you feeling now ? The after-glow can last, but sometimes it seems hard to 'integrate', unless you go back - to get your 'fill' enough to talk about it and recall.

Do you feel anything lingering from those launches, in your self ? ... can you tell us more ?... we love to hear about it, if you can remember, share, and 'wordify' it ...

for eg. my first real 'opener' of an experience ... it was like knowing that the "AllThatIs" .. "The Other" is always hovering with us... I came 'back' thinking that 'Time' and bodily incarnation is an 'illusion', and we are haunted by an hyperspatial intelligence, ... 'alien' at first but then I realized that "It's" just us, all the rest of each of us is ... is .... is ~ strung up to Heaven with love! ... and that was a great afterglow !
Has anybody gotten the computer/machine portion of the trance? And also the multitude of other suposidly normal dimentions that we run across? and the astoundimg multiplicity of yous that exist across all of them! and the feeling that a tremendous amount of info that's being dowloaded into our other in the process!
old Dead Head said:
Has anybody gotten the computer/machine portion of the trance? And also the multitude of other suposidly normal dimentions that we run across? and the astoundimg multiplicity of yous that exist across all of them! and the feeling that a tremendous amount of info that's being dowloaded into our other in the process!

I've had that download feeling a couple of times. Like massive amounts of information is flowing through me.
this last time it was like i knew the answer to everything..

i knew the way everything worked,

masive information coming at me..

just a tease..
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