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3d eye chakra (anja) activation from changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello fellow friends, travelers, space-explorers, and shamans!

Thanks to the advice of several posters, I've now got a few different blends/infusions of changa sitting in various jars that I'm very excited about sampling once they're ready. Thank you again to this incredible community for all the information, support, and help!

I wanted to ask about something that happened to me a while back, but at the time I didn't have the permissions to post on this particular board.

One day I was smoking changa with a bunch of people in a room. I was the only one smoking, and my friends were using a projector to project different trippy images on a wall. I was having a blast, and I keep toking and laughing and talking to people around me and having a great time. Everyone was very amused at what a good time I seemed to be having and was laughing along with me.

At some point, I started feeling an immense pressure on my forehead right between my eyes....like someone had their thumb on the center of my forehead between my eyes (just above my eyebrows) and was pressing as hard as they could. Eventually there was a 'pop', everything went white and I felt like I was having a type of 'mind orgasm', with a huge climax type feeling of an intense building or ramping up or intensifying that felt so strong an orgasm is the only thing I can use to describe it. (I think there's actually a video of me as this was happening somewhere...apparently I screamed out 'I'M HAVING AN ORGASM!')

At the culmination of this 'building' sensation, there was a type of 'explosion' andI left my body. I experienced what the buddhists describe as 'being one with everything'. I was everything that ever had happened, was happening, will happen or could happen all at the same time. I was everything that ever was or ever would be and nothing simultaniously....mind you, I wasn't 'experiencing' or 'seeing'...I WAS everything. I was back in the cosmic amniotic fluid; it was pure bliss and love.

I was given a few messages about what this reality really is, then I was sent back to my body, where I watched the universe reconstitute itself in front of me, and was filled with an overwhelming love and appreciation for all of creation. My body felt like it had no weight to it. I hugged everyone and went outside and dropped to my knees on the lawn and cried as I thanked the universe for being what it is.

I want to be clear, this was not just a 'break through' experience. I've had a ton of break-throughs, but this was different. For all the times I've smoked changa, DMT, and done ayahuasca, I've only had about 3 experiences similar to this...and this particular one took the cake.

The thing was, I'm pretty sure this experience 'activated' by third eye. For weeks afterwards the spot on my forehead above my eyes was tingling 24/7. I found I had an enhanced ability to 'see' the cause-and-effect of actions. My imagination felt like it had taken steroids...fully fleshed out ideas and concepts would suddenly appear in my mind and leave just as quickly. My intuition was dramatically heightened...I knew what people were going to ask me before they opened their mouths. I could sense I would be contacted by a specific person 5 minutes before my phone rang.

There were downsides though. Every night for 2 weeks I felt like I was 'attacked' every night in my sleep....I'd sleep 10 hours and wake up feeling exhausted. A few times at night I'd wake up and see 'ghosts' or 'spirits' standing beside my bed, trying to burrow into my spine. When I would close my eyes to go to sleep, a rainbow tunnel would appear in my minds eye and turn into crystal clear images of people or places....it was cool, but it made it very difficult to fall asleep. I was exhausted and slightly freaked out all the time by these new developments.

Trying to figure out what was going on lead me to yoga, which I now practice everyday. I believe I did indeed activate my anje chakra, and it's still on to this day...I'm working on opening up my other chakras to eventually induce a kundalini awakening, but that's apropos of nothing.

My question is....has this ever happened to anyone else? Has anyone else activated their third eye from changa or DMT? I'd like to know if it's possible to 'deactivate' this chakra, or if anyone else had similiarly negative first experiences after it happened.

Love and light all!
I do feel after the past numbers of trips and journeys my psychic feelings have gotten more sensitive, but not a full blown 3rd eye opening like you. I believe in India they call it shaktipa. It might gradually lessen over time, but the stories I heard were somewhat different than yours. So only you'll be able to know eventually. Keep us posted!

Or, I read there's also another path where you can go into certain yoga and/or Tibetan Buddhism/yoga practices that you essentially don't go into sleep even while lying on the bed every night. What I've read and heard from one person who does that, is that you will not feel exhausted or tired if you're able to practice this correctly. I tried couple times but was not able to or practiced enough to reach that point.
From my study of kriya texts, they do talk about how activating certain chakras corresponds with increased energy and a decreased need to sleep. It's kind of like if you can get all the functions of the different parts of your endocrine system in balance, the ones that function more during sleep don't require sleep to accomplish what they're supposed to do, so you don't need to sleep as much. However I think to hit that point people sort of need to have discovered a way to be in a constant state of meditation....fully actualizing 'inaction in action' as Krishna describes in the Bhagavad gita.

I just googled Shaktipa....very interesting. Satyananda talks about how the quickest way to a kundalini is through a tantra master activating it for you...I don't have a guru; wish I did. I've been telling this story and asking if anyone has had any similar experiences all over the internet for a while now, but haven't encountered anyone that's experienced a similar thing..not via changa anyway. They also say 'the guru is inside you', though, so I guess I'll just keep trial-and-error freestyling it down this path and see what happens. Everytime I consume some entheogens it makes the anja 'flare up' for a few days, and that can honestly be kind of annoying. It's made me more cautious/selective about when I decide to visit changa world.

Thank you so much for the reply and thank you for informing me about Shaktipa! Very helpful

<3 <3 <3
These are good pointers you've made about the kriya texts. Yeah it'd probably be better to be in a constant meditative state and then practice yoga nidra...

As about the Kundalini, there's this Gopi Krishna whom wrote several books describing his experience achieving some sort of Kundalini awakening through a type of meditation he practiced. Though it seems this caused shock to his body (probably not fully prepared) as in his case and he became extremely sensitive to foods and stuffs. Might worthwhile to look into.
So I’ve been absent from the nexus for a while and had this urge to get on. I was going to search for a related experience but was just reading around first since I didn’t know what to even type, so this was the first post I clicked on, when I got to the end, where you started talking about dreams and such I almost shit myself because that was LITERALLY what I was looking for...as of late I’ve been having similar experiences. I’m going to elaborate a little just to see if it is as similar as I believe, bare with me.
So I have actually just got into Changa(not new to dmt tho)and that’s kinda when these “abilities” started to ramp up, like knowing what time it is, knowing who’s going to call, thinking of a person right before they enter the room(all the time at work) and my friends seem to always pick up what I’m about to say as I’m thinking it as if I’m planting the thought, which happens occasionally for simps but it gets to be weird when it happens everyday lol but I call these the basic “psych abilities”.But the thing I’ve had trouble relating to people on is the “before dream state”, what happens for me is before I fall asleep I enter a very hypnotic state where I can make/see movies or events playing on my elids and I can sometime manipulate them or just watch, I know it sounds weird but if ya know you know. I can also occasionally see the room with my eyes closed or think I’m awake doing something(most of the time using my phone or writing) only to open my eyes and realize I’m just laying there with nothing in my hands. I also enter a similar state when I wake up, for a few minutes I think I’m still in the reality in which I was dreaming of and start to plan my life around it, until I wake up fully and I realize it was a dream and forget almost instantly.

Sorry for the text wall but I hope someone can relate, or add a new perspective. at the moment Im skeptical on weather these are “psychic abilities” or just Coincidences, but no matter what weird. Anyways thanks for reading and Hare Krishna ❤️
Very cool man! These types of experiences can be difficult to navigate because we've been conditioned/programmed to believe 'paranormal' stuff isn't real. I came across a meme the other day that sort of speaks to this:

Psychic abilities are 100% real. Look into the work of Dean Radin...there have been hundreds of replicated scientific experiments that verify the existence of this latent human potential. I don't believe in coincidences....as you get farther down this path you'll realize synchronicities are the universe's way of communicating with you. Trust your intuition, if an object or symbol or idea keeps popping up, try to interrogate what it means or what the universe is trying to communicate to you.

Re: falling asleep. I've regularly had lucid dreams my whole life, but a more recent thing since all this happened is when I go to sleep, the tunnel becomes a crystal clear image of some place....a living room, a desert, a boardroom, whatever. Sometimes there are people I've never seen before in these places, sometimes they're empty. I've read that remote-viewing (where you're able to 'see' an actual place in your minds eye) occurs right before sleep, perhaps in that hypnagogic state you mentioned....maybe that's what's going on (although I've never been able to interact or manipulate any of these scene's I'm witnessing). I definitely think these entheogens 'empower' a certain part of us that we're never even taught exists. I regularly smoke weed and it dulls these experiences...when I take a break it all comes back so hard it's almost overwhelming.
sbios said:
These are good pointers you've made about the kriya texts. Yeah it'd probably be better to be in a constant meditative state and then practice yoga nidra...

As about the Kundalini, there's this Gopi Krishna whom wrote several books describing his experience achieving some sort of Kundalini awakening through a type of meditation he practiced. Though it seems this caused shock to his body (probably not fully prepared) as in his case and he became extremely sensitive to foods and stuffs. Might worthwhile to look into.

Just ordered 'Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man' from Gopi. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I've been trying to learn as much as I can about it....all my knowledge comes from Kriya stuff but I know there's a huge Tantra scene out there, so looking forward to reading.

There's plenty of horror stories to scare you off from attempting the kundz, but I figure if it's a thing that we can naturally do, we're probably meant to do it. I'm dedicated to pulling off the Khechari Mudra....I think that's the way to Buddah your way out of this reality.

If you want to go down a crazy rabbit-hole, read the entirety of this thread:

Again, thanks so much for the Gopi rec. I'm looking forward to learning more.

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