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5-MeO-DMT experience thread

Migrated topic.
I have done a Lot of Experiences with 5 Meo DMT. But the first two Times have been the strongest. Both Times i have taken 15mg and since then i never was brave enough to take so much. The Speed the Effects of 5 Meo are taking Place is total frightening. When i heard People saying DMT comes so fast and tried it then for myself, i was wondering, because compared with 5 Meo is DMT really slow. With the 15mg i had the feeling from dying, but the next two Weeks i was in a State of Bliss. Now i dont do 5 Meo often because its so strong, but i do love it.
Really glad you enjoy it.I've been wanting to try it and DMT with MDMA for a while now.I've heard it adds a great deal of clarity to the trip which would be nice.I expect it to dramatically overpower the MDMA of course.
the first time my talking dog tried DMT, it was 5meo. from what he describes he had an unforgettable experience after which he felt fundamentally rewired, just thinking about it gives him the chills. he was very familiar with mushrooms and LSD, tho he preferred mushrooms. after trying shrooms with an MAOI, he became more interested in full blown visionary experiences. he studied and read many authors (the usual roster: mckenna,strassman, alan watts, R.A.W.,daniel pinchbeck,jim dekorne, etc.) accounts of their various experimentations/adventures with psychedelics and began an earnest search for DMT. he even went so far as to grow phalaris and try an extraction using that quantum tantra technique, which ended in a nasty pink foamy emulsion that he didnt know what to do with. eventually, he was lucky enough to collaborate with one of the aforementioned authors on a small project, and it was through that person that he finally got his opportunity to try 5meo. the set and setting were not ideal unfortunately, but in retrospect, he is very happy that he took the chance. there were a few people sitting around in an apartment, around 1pm on a sunday. All of the people there were more like acquaintances, related through work. My dog would not normally do high dose psychedelics in the presence of people he doesnt know well. However, the discussion eventually moved to psychedelics and my dog asked if anyone knew where to find DMT. One person spoke up: "i've got some 5meo DMT in the fridge, want to try it?" "What, here?Now?" my dog replied, and after a moment's thought said: "Fuck it, let's go!" He was nervous doing this in front of 3 other people he barely knew, one of whom he had only been a fan of up until recently, but he also knew he might not get the chance anytime soon, and is a bit adventurous when it comes to drugs, so thought he could handle it without too much embarassment. After apologizing in advance for any strange behavior he might display, he took off his shoes and sat on the couch. A bit of weed was loaded into a glass pipe, with some whitish powder sprinkled on top of it. A match was held slightly above the bowl, and he took a deep hit, which he held for as long as possible. The effects came on VERY fast, faster than anything he had ever experienced prior to this. Almost as soon as it was in his lungs he noticed his vision softening, everything became more shiny and saturated, like melting glass. Indeeed, he felt his whole being beginning to vibrate like a ball of energy welling up inside. His buddy holding the pipe asked if he wanted to take a second toke. ( he recalled mckenna's nasal voice encouraging people to go further) he knew he didnt have much time, so he quickly assented and took a second even larger toke. As he exhaled, he relaxed back into the couch and felt himself launching, rising, becoming less and less solid, more and more light, ethereal. Accompanying this feeling, was the most intense terror he'd ever felt in his life. He was certain that this was the experience of dying, he was disintegrating at light speed, and nothing could stop it. He felt foolish for being so brave/arrogant and taking the 2nd hit and now he was being shown what dying was like , except that at the time he was sure that he WAS dying. The rocket launch, did however, subside, at which point he felt as though he had "arrived"...er somewhere...and it was VAST, empty and totally complete. He was not experiencing intense visuals (his eyes were closed the entire time), it was more like, folding waves of energy patterns. He can't really explain, words are so imprecise. some ideas that come to mind: suchness, pure being, total stillness, the womb of creation, and all the other things you read about when you thought you were a buddhist. it was...spacious, to say the least. while this was happening, a piece of him did recall that he was in a body, and that body need to do things like breathe in order to survive. he felt his breathing had slowed to an almost imperceptible rate, EVERYTHING had slowed down to a near standstill. this worried part of him, but another part of his awareness knew it was "OK." At this point, as if to signal his return to his body, a flock of birds in a tree outside the window of the apartment began to chirp and sing, a cacaphony reminiscent of a rumi poem, it struck him as hilarious, the timing was comedic, really. like "i'm dead listening to birds chirping". nutty. He experienced the void for a little while longer and then felt him self lowering down, down, down....back into his physical self. when he opened his eyes the tears were already streaming down his face, and he felt the familiar joy-sadness of the universe and also the most profound sense of forgiveness he had EVER felt in his life. he could not even begin to express the level of gratitude he felt towards everything for having been blessed with such a mind expanding experience. he's sure that feeling is familiar to many of you on this forum. he sincerely wishes that anyone who really wanted to experience 5meo could have access to it, because he feels his whole outlook on death, dying, and transformation has been changed. he likes to think he is more comfortable with this aspect of life now. a fair warning though, the level of annihilation he experienced was complete and total, it's not for the faint of heart, but again, many of you here are already aware of that. my dog has since been lucky enough to try NN-DMT, which was as wondrous, but very different from, 5meo. this site is awesome, and am really grateful to all the contributors for consolidating so much info in one place. safe travels!
Thank you for a good report. Maybe you can write something about your dog's experience with N,N-DMT? on the experience thread. Tell us more about how it compares. :)
Cheers for the report good read, id also like to hear what you think about the differences between 5-meo and nn-dmt because swim was conidering purchasing some from the net, though he has just extracted some more nn-dmt and generally from what ive read people seem to prefer the nn-dmt.
thanks y'all, i will write more about the comparison between nn and 5meo soon for sure. umm, my dog says he didnt know you can buy 5meo on the net. will you private message some more info? cheers habib
[quote:73043c69e0="habib"]the first time my talking dog tried DMT, it was 5meo.[/quote:73043c69e0] DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are really nothing a like if you ask me.One grouping makes a hell of a change in effect.Just look at the differences in dose, 5-MeO-DMT 8mg-20mg where as with DMT 25mg-80mg is needed.I really don't find 5-MeO-DMT visual where as I find DMT to be [b:73043c69e0]extremely[/b:73043c69e0] visual.5-MeO is stronger also, when smoked together the 5-MeO overpowers the DMT.
Interresting read. [quote:2ec75d9746]Meo was mixed with N,n and Juramamine[/quote:2ec75d9746] Does the three compounds were mixed, ot does SWIY assume that all thoses were in a plant extract ?
[quote:6a7178c41f]Then shot out what he always refers to as the bottom but hes not sure what it was the bottom of, just in the direction that his feet once were. As soon as all that was him shot out the "bottom" it curled up to each side and dispersed till it was no more[/quote:6a7178c41f] Sounds like you might've crapped your pants. Did you check your drawers? I once sharted my eternal soul into a pair a boxer-briefs. Took a heck of a lot of bleach to get it out too.
Interresting indeed. But I still wonder how your friend extracted the Juramamine which I thought was pretty unknown. Or are you speaking about the 'jungle DMT' (whatever it is) ?
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