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5-OH-DMT (Bufotenine): Effects Poll

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Please vote on the effects you’ve experience from the largest freebase bufotenine dose you’ve smoked.

Because of the limitations of the polling system, please vote on the dose used to reach your experience in the sister thread:

5-OH-DMT (Bufotenine): Dose Poll

OEV stands for Open Eye Visuals.
CEV stands for Closed Eye Visuals.
Sounds include voices, maybe music, etc. This is normally not perceived as real, but imaginary sounds heard in the mind.
The most SWIM has smoked in one shot is 30 mg. That level is a completely immersive experience with the eyes close. At that dose it starts with a strong tingling sensation in the back of the head after about 1 minute. It feels like prickling and then spreads throughout the body in the next 2-3 minutes. At that point visual effects are starting and tingling is felt in the eyes and rest of the body.

At about 5 minutes he hears strong auditory hallucinations, usually music (often native drums playing), signing (often the voices of natives signing), and voices. With the eyes closed fantastic scenery is seen with a movie-like quality to it. The visions are strong and very clear but easily vanish when the eyes are opened. The visions occur when you’re relaxed and are similar to ayahuasca visions, and totally unlike DMT visions. With the eyes opened the room is flickering and pulsating and all sorts of objects are seen spinning around the room. The objects seen are like outlines usually, superimposed over reality but are sometimes full objects and very colorful. Often the room is changing colors violently. If you blink your eyes the whole room is seen repainted with flashes of color. The open eye visuals are not as impressive as the close eye visuals are though. At this dose the close eye visions are complete visions with sounds and everything. The visions are rough and sharp and electric, unlike any other psychedelic visions he’s had.

The visions continue for a good 15 minutes at this dose. After that only patterns are seen as the visual effects subside and give way to a pleasant euphoria that sweeps through the body. At this point the experience is very psilocybin like. The open eye visuals are also very psilocybin like. The rough quality to the visuals are gone.

At 1 hour, the visual effects are greatly diminished. A euphoric psilocybin like effect is felt for another 2 hours until the effects are completely gone.

That’s how the effects are for SWIM. It seems only a small handful of others have had similar experiences.

Throughout the whole trip no mental psychedelic effects are felt. There’s a slight stoning effect during the peak, that’s about it. The trip is mostly a relaxed trip. There’s slight stimulation felt at the onset for about 3 minutes, but that’s it.

At 10 mg, SWIM can also have visions, but they are not as strong. Sounds are not always heard at that dose, and the overall experience lasts about 2 hours usually and not 3.
I've gotta say I am very interested in bufotenine now...before I encountered these boards I had read/heard that it was basically nasty stuff, best avoided, that caused short term anxiety, 'suffocation' like effects and a nasty prickling feeling...however I now believe this to be untrue...very interesting..
Do you have experience with 5-MEO-DMT? if so, how would you compare the two? I am also very interested in Bufotenine now. How does SWIY go about getting it?
SWIM has Freebased 30mg. There were mild OEV and CEV. The CEV were of a very suggestive day-dreamy nature. Not nearly as vivid, complex, or clear as visuals from DMT. They were sort of dream-like but not clear like a dream. As 69ron SWIY said they are of a more visionary nature. Sometimes there are more clear visuals like swirling patterns or blob like objects of a single color. DMT gives complex morphing fields and entities with strong definition which are completely absent on Bufotenine. OEV were also significant but mild compared to DMT or psilocin. There were multi-colored swirling patterns or blob objects floating through the air but nothing complex and meaningful. Still B is a very interesting and unique entheogen. The day-dream nature is fascinating and enjoyable and SWIM has found it can be directed to a degree. This is certainly a unique compound among SWIMs experiences.

The body effects are very relaxing and slightly euphoric. SWIM has fallen asleep and had strange dreams...!!
5-MeO is very powerful. It mainly effects the somatosensory domain. It feels almost like psychedelic nitrous oxide. Your body feels like it is numb but at the same time morphing and drifting... very strange. Powerful mental effects very psychedelic but virtually no visuals. No significant ones anyway some mild distortion and very faint swirly patterns. It should not be underestimated it is one of the strongest psychedelics around. The effects on thoughts are powerful and some strange thoughts and confusion can arise.
Great reports and info 69ron and bufoman! SWIY has convinced SWIM that it's time to extract some Bufotenine freebase! :) Never had the opportunity, so unfortunately I can't add any value to the poll.
It seems that the level of visionary effects varies from person to person. With SWIM and SpasticSpaz (see here) both experiencing strong visual and auditory effects and Jorkest and Bufoman experiencing only mild visual effects and no auditory effects.

I'm curious about this because SWIM has had some of the most amazing visual journeys of his life on bufotenine. And for SWIM it's the only psychedelic that produces strong auditory effects. SWIM has tried all the popular psychedelics (DMT, LSD, LSA, mescaline, ayahuasca, psilocybin, amanita, 5-MeO-DMT, etc.) and for him bufotenine is the number 1 in its ability to produce a shamanic visionary state complete with strong closed eye hallucinations and sounds.

What SWIM likes the most is the almost total lack of any mental effects at all. There’s a slight stoning effect, that’s it.

For SWIM only mescaline and ayahuasca are somewhat on par with bufotenine in terms of being able to produce true visionary experiences. The problem with mescaline and ayahuasca is that along with the visions you also get quite a lot of mental effects and that’s not always something SWIM desires.
PsilocybeChild said:
Do you have experience with 5-MEO-DMT? if so, how would you compare the two? I am also very interested in Bufotenine now. How does SWIY go about getting it?

Yes, SWIM has lots of experience with 5-MeO-DMT. It’s very nice when taken sublingually in small doses. For 5-MeO-DMT, he no longer extracts it because he can get Virola resin now which is quite effective sublingually as is, with 250 mg of resin producing a light and very pleasant 5-MeO-DMT trip.

For SWIM, 5-MeO-DMT is the total complete opposite of bufotenine (5-OH-DMT). He can experience extreme visual effects and amazing visions from bufotenine, with almost no mental psychedelic effects at all. 5-MeO-DMT is the opposite. 5-MeO-DMT almost completely lacks visual effects, but has extremely potent mental psychedelic effects, more so than LSD. It’s the most powerful mental psychedelic there is. For SWIM 5-MeO-DMT produces some very minor swirly visual effects, sort of like the way Jorkest describes his visuals from bufotenine.

Both 5-MeO-DMT (methoxybufotenin) and 5-OH-DMT (bufotenine) seem to vary a lot in effects and potency from person to person as you can see from this poll. For some, bufotenine is extremely visual, for others its not. The same with 5-MeO-DMT. Some people get fantastic visuals from it, but most do not.

With only a small number of users actually having tried bufotenine, it’s really hard to paint a good picture of it. More people have tried 5-MeO-DMT than bufotenine. Even so, the effects people get from 5-MeO-DMT seem to vary dramatically. But for most, it’s not very visual, and mostly a mental trip. And for most, bufotenine is the opposite. Even for people who don’t get strong visuals from bufotenine, the visuals they get from it are usually stronger than the visuals of 5-MeO-DMT, and they almost never report strong mental effects from bufotenine.

Keep in mind that 5-MeO-DMT dosage varies A LOT from person to person and while 250 mg of Virola resin is enough for a light 5-MeO-DMT trip for SWIM, it's a very heavy trip for some people, and for others 250 mg does NOTHING at all, and that's from the exact same batch of resin.
its really strange because a few times SWIM has gotten 'decent' visuals from bufotenine...other times...barely anything...he gets all the pre-effect effects..such as tingling and vasoconstriction(which he now finds rather enjoyable)..he also gets the wonderful and strange euphoria that comes along with it..with barely any 'tripped out' mind effects...but he also gets VERY VERY sedated...the first time he smoked some he passed out for 2 hours and his brother and friend couldnt wake him up..but when he woke up he felt energized and refreshed...

when he snorted 50mg...he puked pretty good...and then passed out again...but other times hes smoked it and stayed awake..but he was very very sedated like i said...tranquilized is a better description..

sublingual is awesome with datura S. seeds(3)...it was extremely euphoric..and no nausea(datura)...AND he was able to just climb into bed and fall asleep instantly..

he KNOWS he will find the visual side to this substance..he can tell its there..DMT alongside bufotenine sort of unlock the visual effects of bufotenine but he needs to do more 'research' into this combo..he also is going to try and purify it more with some xylene..and then collect the precips and then put in acetone to break out any xylene in the crystal matrix...
For me 5-MeO-DMT has very little visual effects with eyes open. With closed eyes i can have visual experiences that can be simmilar to those of DMT, though:seeing things as if they're actually happening, although this are usually short flashes.

I have some yopo laying around, but i never got the time yet to properly extract them.
SWIM finally got strong CEVs from smoking bufo :)
He smoked much more than what he previously tried (eye ball around 30 mg). His extract was previously tested at lower dose to see if bad effects would come. It was quite clean so he went to a higher dose (with a bit of harmine) and enjoyed it a lot. Mild but quite fun OEVs, pictures were sliced in planes slowly moving independantly. And CEVs were almost as strong as during a serious DMT session but... different. Like if drawned by a different artist. The experience lasted longer than with DMT (maybe helped by the harmine) which was enjoyable.
One side effect : a slight head pressure for several minutes but as Ron said, not stronger than with lower doses (which is in fact quite curious)
Again as pointed by Ron, no mind fuck at all, maybe the opposite, a clear mind...
However SWIM enjoy a bit of mind fuck so he guess that a blend of 30% DMT/70 bufo can do a good job ;)
The CEVs can be as strong as DMT for SWIM too, and as you say, they are of a very different character. They look nothing like DMT visuals.

What Garulfo’s SWIY got at 30 mg, SWIM gets at 10 mg.

SWIM found that tolerance to the visual effect of bufotenine exists between bufotenine and most other psychedelics. SWIM doesn’t experience good visual effects if he uses bufotenine more than 1 time in a day, or more than 2 days in a row. For best effects, he waits 2 days before doing it again. He’s found that mescaline, LSA, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT all show cross tolerance with it and will greatly reduce the visuals if they were had recently.

Diet may be the reason some people don’t get good visual effects from bufotenine.

Certain things reduce the visual effects of bufotenine. SWIM found that Ginkgo biloba and ginger taken together with it greatly decreases the visual effects, but also adds an expanded mental dimension to the experience that’s very hard to describe. It also increases the euphoria. With this combination, SWIM only gets squiggly line visuals from bufotenine, and no true CEVs.

Ginkgo biloba and ginger are vasodilators and taken together they greatly reduce the visual effects of bufotenine (but enhance other effects of it). Why they reduce the visual effects is not known, but I believe it’s related to their vasodilation effects in certain areas of the brain and/or body. I’m curious what other things will reduce the visual effects. For some people theobromine reduces the visual effects of smoked DMT. So chocolate (which contains theobromine) may also reduce the visual effects of bufotenine.

I think reduced visual effects are related to vasodilation of a specific region or regions in the body and/or brain. Not all vasodilators dilate the same areas. The one vasodilator that I know of that increases the visual effects of other psychedelics (especially LSA) is Yohimbe.
I think SWIM must be immune to bufo. He decided to try it again at a higher dosage (23 mg) after first attempt with 10 mg. He just gets a weird feeling throughout his entire body, which he wouldn't call pleasant at all. There don't seem to be any visuals, neither OEV nor CEV. However, things look kind of interesting, like it is the first time he's seen them, not that they are different in any way though.

He has to smoke it a little slowly, over about 5 minutes or so, because body sensation becomes a little overwhelming. Other than that, he just feels a little stony. The entire experience also only seems to last about 15 - 20 minutes. Is there like a reverse tolerance to this stuff or something?

I'm guessing the body feeling has something to do with the vasoconstriction, but it's keeping him from trying any higher dosage. Anyone know of a good herbal vasodialator that someone could take beforehand to help with this?
Niacin (vitamin B3) is a very potent and safe vasodilator. It works for LSA as well.

I put together a list of vasodilators here:

LSA and bufotenine: potent vasoconstrictors (LSD and many others are also vasoconstrictors)

If you’ve done any other psychedelic drugs recently, the strong visual effects of bufotenine can be completely absent from the experience. It does not mix well with most other psychedelics. Nearly all other psychedelics except the harmala alkaloids and marijuana will greatly diminish the visual effects of bufotenine. At least that has been SWIM’s experience.

Before using bufotenine, if you want decent visual effects, do not use any psychedelic drugs for at least 3 days. Most drugs interfere with the visuals, especially LSA, LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. Tolerance to the visual effects of bufotenine will be evident if you use it more than once every 3 days. So don’t try 10 mg, and then try 30 mg on the same day. It doesn’t work well like that. Wait for 3 days and then try again.

Think of bufotenine like LSD. If you take LSD everyday, it doesn’t work. The same is true for the visual effects of bufotenine. They will be completely lost if you do it everyday. At least that has been SWIM’s experience.

It’s possible that tobacco and alcohol may also diminish the visual effects. SWIM doesn’t smoke or drink. The only drug SWIM uses daily is coffee. Before using bufotenine he doesn’t use any other drugs except coffee for 3 days. He gets the best effects that way. If he’s done mescaline, LSA, etc., then he waits 3 days before using bufotenine, otherwise it doesn’t work.
that is very interesting 69ron...perhaps thats why SWIM doesnt get GREAT visual effects from it..he drinks fairly regularly and when he gets in the middle of a trip mood he usually takes something every one or two days for a week..so its very very possible the reason SWIM doesnt get the visuals is because of the cross tolerance..
Niacin, eh? I used to take that and remember getting very flushed from it. That would make sense that it's a vasodialator.

Still, the things that you mentioned shouldn't have been a factor here. SWIM's 10 mg dose was weeks before the 23 mg from yesterday, and he also hadn't had any other psychedelics or alcohol for awhile. I hopefully niacin and higher dosages may be his answer. Thanks!
Tribal, bufotenine occurs naturally in the brains of everyone. Some people have many times more than other people, so much that it's found in their urine. If your brain is naturally high in bufotenine you'd likely have a very high natural tolerance to it. Bufotenine tolerance lasts at least 2 days so if you have it in your brain all the time in high doses, you’d be pretty much immune to the visual effects of it.

Maybe SWIM’s brain is deficient in bufotenine and that’s why he gets amazing visual effects from it?
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