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500mg of Oral DMT = Intense Journey.

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Rising Star
Check this out, found this cool write up of a guy from Oz who took 500mg of DMT in liquid form. Sounded like a bit too much! :shock: I decided to simply throw them all in the deep end, trusting in their ability to swim, giving them dosages unheard in traditional terms, between 250 to 400 mg of DMT, when a dosage traditionally prepared for most people is generally considered to be from 40 to 100mg. I should note, one doesn't just whack out these measurements because of mere whim! Anyone who is watching me do this will see I am very carefully choosing the amounts, tuning into the person who is taking this. I have often used a pendulum for determining dosages, but now just do it intuitively. I myself did 500mg, and took it with pharmaceutical MAO inhibitors, which as I swallowed down, said to the group, "This is what NOT to do!" 500mg appears to be about the upper limit for any constructive utilization of DMT in the brain. I'm not sure that larger amounts beyond 300mg help most people...but each individual is different and responds differently to this substance. I've done 700mg before...way too much I think, but it was right at the time...it changed my life radically, the world entirely collapsed and I wrapped my finger around everything...but really, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, unless they really, really, really, really knew the kind of connections and information they are going to be getting and are prepared to deal with the ramifications of that. This is the real risk here...over processing beyond one's ability to deal with the information, which is part of what happened to me this night. Pharmaceutical MAO inhibitors are interesting and I have experimented quite a bit with them, but would not recommend them to anyone for any continual use. I now much prefer the natural resonance of pure Syrian Rue harmala extract or ayahusaca vine as MAO inhibitors. The natural MAO inhibitors do provide a more grounded basis for the experience, and I feel that especially, ayahuasca vine has many experientially evident healing benefits for human beings. Taking relatively pure DMT dosages allows one to be able to precisely determine dosages as well as take amounts that would be often unfeasible, or very difficult to drink down if just a plain brew was made! Although I probably work with brews of various plants in most of the groups I facilitate. Extracted DMT from plants is however, a schedule 1 substance in most western countries. Many people seem to think I am unaware of this, but it is simply that I refuse to buy into fear and paranoia and maintain that actually talking and writing about this is extremely important right now, if we are to develop anything of a right usage, instead of this often completely superstitious and underground non-network! Tens of millions of people have been killed or sent to Siberia and tortured for transgressions of much more fundamental freedoms, than the right to ingest a substance one's body already secretes! I'm not involved in any missionary or martyr trip, just working with this substance without considering myself a criminal! I feel this is quite important right now...DMT is a wonderful tool and has much potential to evolve our species...as it is doing! I refuse to believe there is any breach or error occurring here! That this compound is deemed to be a thing we should not, deemed by blanket laws put against any compounds which cause us to think or amplify our consciousness...does actually make sense in the cultural milieu we live in, and yet from an organic, immediate and human sense, it is a very strange idea that there are laws present that tell us that we can't do this! I'm not sure there is much we can do to have these laws changed right now...as some kind of proof or evidence of widely known benefits do not largely exist yet. The fruits of a really conscious use have not grown yet. Taking DMT is still a very marginal activity and probably will largely remain so for quite some time. DMT just does not fit into the categories of traditional law enforcement, or the usual terms of trading and utilisation of most illegal drugs...and I very much doubt it ever will! Some say I'm naive...but I really believe my research is being condoned under far reaching auspices that would not be perceptible to many! If at some point, this research is challenged by the law, I will embrace that challenge and work with it, and utilize that challenge to clarify communicational intent regarding DMT. Some people seem to think I want to go to jail, it is rather I live in a space of non-resistance and I'd be alright about Jail if that is where life wanted to put me! But really, people go into so much of what I feel is unnecessary fear, paranoia and secrecy which simply contaminates this kind of work. But really, I'm not really self important about all this...it seems that others think about these issues much more than me! What occurred for me in this group was like an amplified version of what occurred for me at the Halloween party...and again I actually do not remember parts of it, which has never happened for me before taking DMT orally. I usually retain a pretty clear recall of most that occurs for me in these spaces... I don't quite feel I can quite do justice in words right now to what I actually experienced that night...and yet I can say that I really, really lost it...much more than I ever thought I could. And I never really have even 'lost it' before! The awareness of "I" extended...and I become connected to a primary archetype, I awoke to a primary connectivity as a certain form of consciousness which I do not believe has realized life conditions in the way that were realized then. I become a conduit for that realization, that shock and trauma, existing within a field largely unfamiliar to my everyday self. The high tech mandala gateway opened...and the shock of that revelation was incredible, and I could not handle the responsibility of bridging the reality which I felt it is my job to do...almost immediately, I felt that I had failed very miserably and it was all very devastating and painful from that point onward. I could compare it to crashing while snow skiing, actually skiing on a mountain you were not prepared to ski and then crashing all the way down, smashing into every rock, bouncing off trees, becoming more and more debilitated and hurt and humiliated, becoming far too familiar with the contours of the mountain in the process! With this level of DMT in the brain, one is very much connected as consciousness and there is only consciousness as the intelligence it is. And then I am that, not above, or away, but absolutely here... My work, if one could call it that, has been to in some sense, navigate that form of connected consciousness through a human form in that vastly extenuated state, and what a rickety, rocky adventure this has been! And so earlier on, when I'm actually facilitating the group's process, I'm cracking lots of jokes, holding the group together quite well and allowing the transparency to be. I say that in all likelihood someone here is going to 'lose it' and no matter what they do or say, it will likely be good for them, and they will be reborn in the morning! Let us try to help them and minimize any impact they may have on others! I have never said this before openly actually, and little did I think that person would be me! Losing it has only happened to one person I have done a group with...who is actually a friend of mine...he screamed and shook and seemed to be expelling some kind of blockage from deep within his system...and he was very much changed in the morning. Apart from that, out of hundreds of people, there has never been anyone who has got into real trouble! As it comes on for everyone, my voice and what I am saying in the state, begins to guide or provide a non contextual means for people to realize and align with what is present...I realize this is happening, but it is not something that I necessarily decide. People have often appeared to resent me for not openly leading or guiding a group, but really I don't believe in the 'other' in this space, consciousness is moving and I address and work with consciousness. What occurred then was a meeting with a level of non-physical beings who appear to assess my consciousness...they appear like a complex 4th dimensional abstract painting of which I am creating with them. I appear to fail their 'test', which I am not too convinced as to the validity of! Often there is a lot of intensity involved around certain realms of being...and this one was no exception...frankly, I couldn't see it, or what was so important about these beings. Obviously most people do not even know of the possibility of other beings living in other dimensions intertwined with ours. Ignorance is too harsh a judgment as it takes time and concentration to even make contact with these beings...some people believe they meet beings of some significance while on DMT or mushrooms, but these beings may only be specific types with a very limited intent and focus. To me, these infinitely variented beings and the different realms are entirely just the way it is...and those who have not experienced such things just do not have the reference points to even begin to be able to understand. Beings in other dimensions are very well connected...as part of an overall plenum of total consciousness of creation we could perhaps feebly describe as god. If anything, they have communicated to me a sense of how they are being, which imply far-reaching possibilities of our being and what it is to live beyond the physical realm. In comparison, the reports of people's meeting with three dimensional aliens can sometimes seem really quite tame somehow. As I come down from their realm, I am questioned, provoked by various forces...some quite dark and scary. Then there were times when I felt attacked by focuses that were so fast, I was barely even able to register them...and I was brought, somehow forced into a space which I could not do enough to resist and try and get out of! It's like I was brought to REALLY hit the wall...brought to a tighter level of rule or law, and then I did not even attempt to become aligned to it...what I was exposed to as that, I was not able to handle. I could not handle it in any way that I knew. I could not deal with the level of responsibility of the consciousness which I was exposed to. And I guess the difficult thing is translating a total sense of identification into a human form which is not used to that level of complete identification of place and purpose. I was brought to recognise the total masochism of man, the torture, the pain, the laziness, the repression, the cop out - in some sense, shown the results of a certain failure to come through or arise as the complete consciousness I was becoming identified with. So I became a crucible of creation for this play or apparent emergence to these forces, and experienced myself as a focal point of this creation...awakening to a level I did not think my human form was presently possible of awakening to...into the raw pain and what appeared as the human failure of this creation - not the transcendental other - but only this, the human condition as self! And there was little light there...it was a very dark place, it was like hell. I screamed and fell into some kind of desperateness and circuit of absolutely hopelessness. I was stuck there for an eternity that it presently is and it was terrible and very traumatic. There was only this quagmire, this lostness, this foolishness of which I could not see past...and even in this foolishness, terrified that maybe, just maybe I should be able to do something about this...and I couldn't...there was nothing I could do that I coud see. Every distortion, every confusion, every error and sin came up from deep within me, exorcised and screamed out in blinding core pain. Strangely enough, I know I have hit something important when I reach places like this...every time, it is the strongest place I can ever imagine going into. I have been there a few times, and each time it gets stronger, more amplified...I can only cringe and wonder what I have really signed up for sometimes! This time, I have never reached such a deep place of pure negativity, which was only a not giving, a dispassion, an unwillingness to give or be...a laziness or copping out of the inherent demand of that beingness. There was a lot of self-judgment about this, but I realize now, there is no error necessarily ever. I simply could do not anything else...at some point I resigned into the eternal pain and torture of failure, and as if this was my final words to everything as I was dissolving into the seething morass of density, I screamed, in a voice that it was said later, must have been heard in brisbane, "I love you and that is all there is!" and then completely blacked out... Some time later I awoke short-circuiting through these strange loops...like one's mind is a plane going in a tailspin, and was able to pull myself out an hour or two later.
Hey Syz, Your avatar looks wack man, like some evil alien mojo shit! And your trip report doesn't sound positive at all in my opinion. Chick screaming about demonic beings and vampiric sexual energy is not good dude. I know you tried to put a positive spin on it but is sounds rather like bad shit.
Imo even if its disturbing or terrifying it doesnt automaticly make it a bad trip. What the outcome is determines that and it seems she rose to the challenge of exorcising those private demons. That imo makes it a good trip. Tripping can be a personal challenge especially on dmt.
I agree DreaMTripper, as you said she did excorcise her demons, might not have been nice at the time but I bet a great weight was lifted from her. Some of the scariest/harrowing experiences can turn out to be the most beneficial to you.
... ok speaking of information overload..! but that (mediocre) medical artist might have access to a few different and even deformed fetuses to draw, if they were based on medical specimens at all, and not his/her imagination. How long were these 'intense' trips ... ? 4 - 6 hours ..? And were there any sleepy after effects..? Pharmahuasca is not at all like smoking dmt, and it can become a 'overdosed' feeling, even at lower doses of MAOI and dmt I see that the 'symptom' of opened-floodgates, of having short-circuited all the battery terminals with a molecular-crowbar, is familar to a few of us then, when on high doses of pharmahuasca. The feeling of 'overdose' or too much can have degrees too - what is a threshold to aim for..? We should talk about this a lot more, especially to get MAOI levels right. Let's always mention dosages too, as the threshold into the imagination-soup is likely based on body-weight. The trick is knowing doseage and how to navigate - overdosing MAOIs could make it unbearably long, but 500 mg dmt .. Jeebus !.... Stick to lower than 0.7 mg dmt per kg-of-body-weight, I say ! Pharmahuasca experiences seem to always include 'knowing' when and how to puke, it's like getting 'sea-sick' from all the imagery, so you just surrender to purge and clear your vision again, to keep going. I'm not sure if it's the dmt or the MAOIs that makeup more of the "all-neurons-are-short-circuited" effect, but it seems to happen at all levels of your mental landscape with 150 mg dmt / 3.5 g rue-seed-extract, for a 150 lb male. At this level of MAOI and dmt, sensory input is so loosened you have intense synesthesia, with things like 1000 memories for sweet occuring when a taste bud get's stimulated by drop of cold water... all at once .. ! whoa ! .. better be into sweeeeet for digging that !... Debiliating synesthesia - you want to lie down to watch to all you can hear and taste... a rain drop echoes like mad, and a train going by in the distance is a tornado of images. At this dose of MAOI/dmt, memory 'inputs' are also incoming like 'crazy' ... better be ready to watch anything and everything morph and blorph in OEV and CEV; all-you-can want to see memory-buffet ! Tape-loops of tapeloops, of feelings .. are quite a trap. This is the only really 'bad' part to trip too much in .. Use sensory input to disrupt these - have a warm bath or change the music, turn ON a light ... But at 500 mg dmt ... I can't say what might work to undo a negative-tape loop of emotions. Do feelings get made by a visualization... so can one just visualize them away...? Although one can switch between them to keep from going too 'deep' ... CEV's are where sick-things, and demons can have been conjured by any thought, or had someone said 'demon' you could imagine 1000 ! .. 'elephants' too ... 10,000 stampeding tentacled beasts !~ the floodgates of imagination are opened ! Open eye visuals can bring you back to your body - sensory input floats you out. .. but I'm still hungry for some soup .. and to go swim in it !
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