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5MeO advice

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
It looks like some 5MeO may be headed my way and, while I have done some research, I thought I would appeal to those of experience here at the nexus. I guess i will be aiming at starting at 3-5mgs at first (which will be tough given my scale is +/- 5mgs...), but was wondering if anyone has used their GVG for this particular tryptamine and if any caveats regarding ROA or for anything else at all could be shared. A little anxious about this one, given its reputation with regards to n,n DMT...

Any advice appreciated.


I know you're asking for advice from experienced users, and I have no experience with it. However, I have read a lot about it here are some points I recall:

Have a sober sitter as it can be physically taxing on the body. I've read several accounts of respiratory failure, seizures and CPR being required.
Perhaps get a more accurate scale as each milligram makes a difference.
20mgs seems to be regarded as an overdose by The Entheogenic Review.
Be aware that this substance can cause a lot more mental difficulties afterwards than N,N.

All a bit negative and I'm sure you've probably read it all before, but if it goes well it sounds incredible. Just be careful. I can't wait to hear how you get on, you're very brave!
Neat 5 Meo has not crossed my path but I think ,JBark, you ideally should get scales with a higher resolution as it were, before assembling your dose.

I recall someone describing the experience, when vaporised, as being akin to putting your head in a psychedelic blender.I know that oft-times the thought and the deed are at variance, but this phrase has me chuckling!:)

Do post your experience report when youve made a smoothie of your cerebrum!!!😉
I've done 5-meo many times. Yes, it works in the GVG, both the salt and the freebase. The freebase is noticeably moar potent than the salt. If you have the freebase, start at 2 mgs, if the salt I recommend 2-5 mgs to start. I had a hardcore OD on 22 mgs of the freebase and haven't been able to do it since.

I suggest a sitter who is experienced with psychedelics, 5-meo if possible. I also suggest a purge bucket. Schedule a LOT moar time than you would for N,N. On my BIG trip I was under for close to an hour and unable to speak for well over an hour after I "woke up." I said weird things under the influence that I did not recall. My sitter/husband was so freaked out he wouldn't repeat them to me.

You get one hit, maaayyybee two. Plan on one. It hits A LOT faster than N,N, A LOT. I take the hit, and before I even set down the pipe, it's hitting me like a physical wall.

I found it difficult to resist - the body load is huge and again the timing. My resistance instantly yielded a rearing up reaction including extreme drooling and nausea. I never actually purged, but the bucket was useful nonetheless. The moment I was able to surrender and lay back, these physical symptoms faded and everything got pleasant, though incredibly intense.

Lower doses lead to a feeling of euphoria, a bit of open eyed distortion, not much behind closed eyes, and a feeling of arousal. Higher doses yielded a yellowish light behind eyes and a full on body/soul orgasm that caused me to gasp and moan according to my sitter.

Higher doses slammed me right into the Yellow-White light and memory wipe and lasted a long time. Sometimes they felt confusing/difficult, othertimes deeply pleasant/spiritual. Every single time there was a lack of visuals especially closed eye, other than the light. Higher open eye doses lead to a kind of distortion that is difficult to describe. I looked at my husband, at my cats, etc, and felt like I could see them in more than 4 dimensions. In fractal space and foward and backwards in time.

Also, with N,N, my eyes close, even if I try to keep them open on decent doses. But on all doses of 5-meo, my eyes would open and close throughout the experience.

I urge precise weighing, proceeding mg by mg and careful preparation. This material taxes my advanced tripping skills like few others.

Peace & Love
Entheojen said:
Have you read Tryptamine Palace? It makes a very compelling case to try it.

In fact it makes the case so compelling that it is what eventually led me to N,N as well.

However, now that I've learned to reach the light with both DMT and shrooms I don't have the same desire to try 5meo that I used to. Although I'm looking forward to trying chaliponga and hearing jbarks trip report when he gets brave enough to give it a shot!
Hey jbark,

Wow, my buddy joedirt was just recommending this book to me! Question: since I cannot stand the idea that a Sonoran dessert toad should loose it's life for my "enlightenment"... is there enough 5-MeO-DMT in Chaliponga for extraction purposes?

I'm no saint (and hardly a seasoned chemist) but I do draw the line at killing other life forms for my own "spiritual" or shamanic needs. I could use some counsel on this issue. I know that I sure wouldn't want to be utilized for a more advanced intelligence's exploration into supraconsciousness, lowly humanoid that I am. Besides, I like amphibians.

Yeah... I feel the soul need to experience this potent Sacred Medicine, as well. Frankly, I exert quite a bit of mindfulness to bypass the visuals and fully merge into the Clear Light of the Void. Don't get me wrong folks, I love fractal patterns and shimmering rainbows of color. Who doesn't, right?

Still, I have been attracted to the emptiness of the Insubstantial Quintessence, since I started on this path. It sounds like this is a fantastic catalyst for immersions within the LIGHT, the gateway into the formlessness of the ungraspable Tao/God/Spirit/Void. That terrifying and loving force which initiates quantum fluctuations and exists within all things, in all places, for all time (or timelessness). :shock:

And yes, Brother jbark, get a more precise scale!!! Or perhaps borrow one from a kindred spirit? Why mess with an OD that will leave you feeling like getting as much distance from 5-MeO-DMT as you can? I think we've all done a little too much magik, from time to time. Or at least more than we ought to have, eh?

Like Terrance insightfully said, if you don't feel like you've done TOO MUCH... you haven't done enough. I for one, never enjoy the sheer terror and gripping NDE or the swirling confusion this generates. I can imagine that this must be especially more so, with such a quick and immediate psychedelic?

I hope I can speak for the group when I say, "Be extremely careful but leave your doubts and reservations at the doorway into the beyond". Find the balance before you lift off and all will be well. You are not alone, as we are one being. I for one, rejoice at your impending voyage, my friend. Do keep us all in touch. OK? 8)

Peace, love & light
Thanks everyone... I won't have access to this for a few weeks probably, and my source is lab-grade :) . Insofar as scales are concerned I have the lil chinese jobby popular on ebay and the nexus. My understanding is that to get one more accurate would mean spending in the upper hundreds or in the thousands of dollars... even 200-400$ models are only accurate to +/- 5mgs. That is certainly out of my budget so I may have to resort to the "measure a higher dose (maybe 40mg?) and divide and subdivide" (into 8 x 5mg @ 40mg starting mass) technique.

Pandora - I will keep in mind the extra time required, and will have a sitter (who is my source for the 5meo and experienced with the substance).

I plan to start very low and work my way up as accurately as possible. :shock:

I have read "Tryptamine Palace" and thoroughly enjoyed it (except the parts where he claims N,N DMT is child's play :shock: )😉

In fact it is this book that gives me hope for this substance. I have never looked for it, but since it has fallen in my proverbial lap, well...

Rising spirit - I don't believe you need to kill the toad to extract the venom... I am not even sure it harms them, if done properly. I think most peoples' objection is the keeping of them in captivity for access to the venom - it is seen as cruel and "unspiritual". My source is from a lab, and thus I believe it to be synthetic... BTW, it has never been proven that there is 5-meo in chali - my understanding is that this belief is based on conjecture and subjective comparison.

I will surely keep you all posted here. I am excited, apprehensive, giddy and terrified. All is as it should be.8)

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