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5meo vs. nn: compare and contrast

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Esteemed member
OG Pioneer
Hi everyone,

I've been trying to make sense of an intense 72 hours that first involved homeopathic doses of non-psychedelic drugs, and eventually random intense trips without the ingestion of anything at all. There was a huge range of effects and symptoms. (Thanks to those who sat in with me in physiologically unfounded moments of panic!)

One thing that I am curious about, is: what are the differences between nn-dmt and 5-meo? Can you please tell me everything? Please compare 5meo to nn in every way possible: chemically, technically, experientially, dosage, effects, for smoking and oral. Are there any physiological risks with 5meo, or just psychological?

HMMMM... thanks!!! :) Much love!!
cardiovascular effects of 5-MeO are more intense
5-MeO is less visual
you need a significantly lower dosage than with N,N
5-MeO has exactly the same structure as N,N DMT except for having an additional MeO group at 5 position
5-MeO is legal in the US
It appears to be active when ingested orally (at high doses)
I like N,N better.
From Dr_Sisters limited (2X each) exposure to both molecules she would say that the patterns you see while lifting off w/ NN-DMT are felt rather than seen on 5-MeO, it can be like a full body orgasm, then she was propelled into a profound ego-less understanding of the universe where everything all of a sudden made perfect sense.

With 5-MeO technique is not as important as an active dose is a small fraction of what is required with NN-DMT. 12mgs insufflated gave your Sister a breakthrough. Insufflating it, Dr_Sister had time (1-2 minutes) to walk to another room get comfortable and wait for lift off. The peak lasted 10-15 minutes, but you don't want to move for closer to an hour. It takes that long to come to terms with the newly found wisdom. She experienced some tremors while re engaging with the ego. With 5-MeO-DMT.HCl there is no nasal burn whatsoever, nor was there any drip.

One thought Dr_Sister had was to split the dose into two lines ,one for each nostril, to ensure more uniform faster absorption through the nasal membranes. Sister has no plans to attempt smoking 5-Meo as insufflating delivers.

Another difference Dr_Sister noted was that while smoking 20mgs of NN-DMT perspiration poured off her in a steady stream. While on 12mgs 5_Meo insufflated she felt chilled afterwards, but no spike in temperature during the trip.
With lower doses of 5-MeO, everything begins vibrating and has a soft white glow, like a white firefly or aurora borealis. As it gets higher, the vibrating glow takes on prominence and, similar to what Dr_Sister reports, the transition fractals feel more than see. At breakthrough, I never "saw" anything, except for boundless soft white, if even that. It seemed like all connection with this life was swept away and some final merging was occurring. Unlike with NN, it never felt like another willful intelligence was involved - just ever present light.

Edit: most noticeable, each time I would return, it would feel like my body was struggling to pull itself back to life - a huge, deep breath and sense of humble thankfulness in every cell.
I had a seizure the first time I smoked it. Slamming my head against the wall for a solid five-minutes, I was told afterwards. They tried putting a pillow between us, but it didn't appear to help much.
It was definitely an overdose, approximately 40mgs were loaded, though I'm sure that I did not get it all in.

Edit: Approximately as we were using a .01g scale. The pipe was an oil burner.
Woa dude that's crazy! Around 15mg blew me away...wouldn't really have wanted or needed any more than that.

But in my experience of the two, 5-Meo is definitely more potent (be careful when dosing!), less visual, has a much more powerful, heavier feeling of intoxication than DMT, and just has a distinctly different feel and character to DMT that is hard to describe in words. I found it to be an incredibly cosmic, light, oneness, orgasmic/blissful experience beyond anything I've experienced on DMT, but I may be in a minority here. Harder on the body, racing pulse, blood pressure, nausea. Have only tried it the once pure, smoked...have some at home I'm going to prepare a herbal smoking mix with when I get back from uni.
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