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Rising Star
Has anyone ever done this or heard of this being done?? Should be possable to take an MAOI, than dose yourself as you would with aya, only use, I dunno how many mg, maybe 50mg oral of 5MeO crystaline.
Maybe that is too much, I thought that when doing an oral dose, more was needed? But would 5MeO translate to a "Huasca"?
Start with 2-5mg.I've heard nothing but bad things about this, I would recommend against it.Actually sent a few people to the hospital at 5mg. :?
Psilocybin-Are you talking about 5g orally with an MAOI? Vaporizing meo calls for 5 to 10mg. It seems an oral dose would call for more? My freind vaporized a high dose of MeO and before he could think of the hospital he thought he was dead, his freind asked if he needed an ambulance about 1 minute after smoking but he thought it was a little late for a question like that seeing how he was already dead, before an ambulance couldve arrived he was back on his feet looking closley at a cantalope rind.
I still can't put my finger on where I heard it, but I too have heard thet 5MEO is a bad idea with an MAOI. Probably something to do with that "methoxy" bit. MAOI's and things that start with "meth" aren't recommended.
Yes I agree with the rest, that this is a quite possibly a dangerous combo: Here's an excerpt of a trip from a guy who tried such a combo: Within five minutes of taking it, I was feeling something. I had an empty stomach, so it didn't surprise me. I felt the same uncomfortable feeling in my head that I felt when smoking and snorting it, the exact feeling I was hoping to avoid by taking it orally. Why I thought it wouldn't be there orally I'm not sure, but it made sense at the time. That kind of irked me, but I figured that if I was already feeling that at five minutes, there would be no doubt that I was going to break through, which is what I wanted. Ten minutes after taking the capsule, I was feeling pretty sick and tripping pretty hard. I was in a very strange headspace, one I've never been in before. I was perfectly normal, but yet I was absolutely, totally gone. I knew there would be no way for me to walk home. I decided to go and lay down somewhere. I was at a park, so I went to a nearby uninhabited and abandoned school and hid behind some bushes and laid down. At that point, perhaps fifteen minutes after taking the 5-MeO-DMT, I was tripping harder than I'd ever tripped in my life, and I knew that I had a long way to go. I tried unsuccessfully to make myself vomit. I knew that I had to get the stuff out of me, but it wasn't happening. My visual field was totally altered, colors were vibrant beyond belief, the patterns were so intense that they weren't even there anymore, everything was made out of fractals. I started to claw at the ground, but I wasn't sure why. I had to do it, it was voluntary, yet I couldn't control it, I couldn't stop it, but I was in control of it. I clawed so hard at the ground that I actually took about an inch and a half of dirt off of an area about a square foot in size. At that point, my memory stops. The next place it picks up, I'm in a different place, still hiding in bushes, having sex. At least, I thought I was having sex, but I wasn't really. I remember thinking 'Wow, I've been waiting all my life for this and it's finally happening! It's pretty awesome, no doubt, but it's not as big a deal as I've worked it up to be.' It felt fantastic. Again, my memory stops. I woke up in a hospital bed the next day with an IV in my arm, absolutely covered in scratches and scrapes that had very painfully scabbed over, and my parents by my side. I had no idea how the scratches got there. While I was laying in the bed, It felt like I was dreaming some very strange dreams. I remembered talking to one of my fellow psychonauts, a friend of mine who'd only tripped with me once, on 2C-T-2. He was talking to me, but I wasn't saying anything back. 'Hey man, what's up. ... Are you tripping? ... How much did you take? ... Are you going to be alright?' That's all I remembered of the dream. It was very peculiar. After talking to my parents a bit, they told me that it was in fact him that found me and called 911. The strange dream memory actually happened! I was astounded by that realization, as it seemed totally unreal. My friend thought I was on 2C-I, as it was what I usually had around and shared, and told that to the policeman who arrived before the ambulance. I found out that they had been unable to restrain me at my local hospital, so they rushed me to a much larger hospital in the cities. They said they gave me massive doses of antipsychotic medication, but 'they didn't have much effect.' Failing that, they gave me high doses of sedatives to put me to sleep, and that made me incredibly groggy. After talking to my parents and finding all this out, I went back to sleep. After another night in the hospital, for a total of two nights spent there, they released me. That night, I slept very poorly. I kept waking up, and when I woke up, I had a very strange flashback of a memory. It was of me, sitting on a stairstep or bench or something, the friend who had called 911 by my side, and me facing a policeman. I tried to get up, but he said, 'Sit down now, sit down,' and then said something into his radio. That's all I remembered. I have no doubt that it actually happened. Over these last eleven days, I've had very strange flashbacks in which the visuals will come back, sometimes stronger than others. The length of the flashbacks is totally random. They also seem to be brought on by both caffeine and nicotine, although in the last three or four days this effect seems to have disappeared. Also, whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, which happens fairly frequently, I am tripping, sometimes quite hard. In the pitch black of my room, and with my eyes closed, I see swirling, flashing colors, and sometimes experience a very vivid effect like reliving a memory, except the memory never happened. This too seems to have faded in the last three or four days, but it's still definitely there.
I've never tried 5meo,and that trip report sounds like pretty scary shit man.I guess those that plan on trying an MAOI mix with phallaris should be extremely careful about dosage.Better yet stick with mimosa or chacruna as they have no 5meo.Recently received some caapi vine and a bagfull of psychotria viridis leaves.let you guys know how it turns out when I walk that path.
Another problem with oral dosing phalaris is grammine, so I hear. One has heard that chaliponga has a fair bit of 5MEO in it and is anxious to compare it to chacruna just recieved. And MHRB may be lacking in 5MEO, but the red spice is still in everybody's acid extractions. Old Bog knows what that's doing.
Well I wonder if this guy in the trip report took pure 5meo or if its source was plant matter, and if pure, how much, and how much maoi, and no it dosn't sound like a party or somthing to go dosing people with at a rainbow gathering, but this hospital buisness, I beleive was probably unnecissary. The paramedics when finding this tripper with his freind who called 911 and some fuckin' cop are not going to leave him there, there going to take him to ER, from ER to intensive care because the symptoms of drug OD are very similar to a 5meo "high", and even his freind didn't know what to tell them he took. So they erect an emergency around him pump charcoal in and out of his stomqach and give him an IV with electrolytes. I'll end this point by siting an example. My freind has foundhimself hospitalized with an IV because he drank too much GHB, passed out, and no one around new what he was on or what was going on, it may've looked like a seizure or a heroin od, so he wakes up in a hospital feeling fine with IV of electrolytes finding himself explaining to a very interested doctor about the overdosing effects of GHB with dopamine damning and fludding. The Dr never heard of G and wouldn't know OD symtoms. If this guy was in a safer place he could've saved himself from trauma and layed down and let it pass with time. It sounds like he's a teenager taking 5MeO on a walk home!???! LOL! I wouldn't advise trying to change a fucking light bulb in that state.
This hospital mistakes are the one big reason I've got a paper next to the couch I take my journey on with an exact dosage of what I took and at what time. I did this because once I had my eyes checked and they used some droplets to paralyse my pupils. This takes about half an hour to kick in so they say go do some shopping and then come back in half an hour (you can see perfectly with paralysed pupils, you just need some sunglasses). They also gave me a note that stated that my pupils were paralysed, at what time and with what medicine. I had to keep these note with me because if I was in an accident and would loose consciousness they would probably think I had severe brain-trauma which calls for lifting the top of your skull to save you from your brains sufficating themselfs. ;) So, I always write down how much rue I took and how much DMT and at what time.
Exactlly, if for some reason you find yourself unconscious,(or rather, if some one else finds you unconscious), or incoherently out of it, the Dr.'s,nurses, paramedics, and everyone else involved will process your body in ignorance of what they are actually doing. A bad trip is generally the worst thing to expect when taking a psychedelic, and being coldly processed by a bunch of uniforms can make a traumatic experience worse if you dont really know whats happening yourself. These folks will slap you with a bill of several thousand dollars, make you think you were lucky to have ended up in their care, when actually, it's probablly the worst thing that could've happened to your set and setting. And how do I get rid of this stupid signiture without just changing it or clicking on that box. I havn't smoked pot in a while, I thought it was funny when I was sucsefully keeping myself stoned all the time but it's been a couple of weeks since I smoked...
[quote:4b94c805b9="blacksheep"]And how do I get rid of this stupid signiture without just changing it or clicking on that box. I havn't smoked pot in a while, I thought it was funny when I was sucsefully keeping myself stoned all the time but it's been a couple of weeks since I smoked...[/quote:4b94c805b9] Go to 'Profile' (top right of page) and set 'Always attach my signature' to no. And ending up in a hospital while trippin on DMT is not a thing I'll look forward to. :twisted:
[quote:749c8ac530="blacksheep"]Psilocybin-Are you talking about 5g orally with an MAOI? Vaporizing meo calls for 5 to 10mg. It seems an oral dose would call for more?[/quote:749c8ac530] yes orally 2-5mg is documented to be very active.I wouldn't touch it but it's really up to you.
I've heard of experienced psychedelic users ending up in the ER from 5mg of 5-MeO-DMT and and a gram or so of rue.I'm not saying you shouldn't do it just letting you know what I've read.
I have tried Rue with 5 Meo DMT two Times. The first Time with 6g Rue and 10mg Meo. In this Night i have gone through the hole Process of my Birth. This was till i tried the second Time, the most painful Experience ever. The second Time i thought i be smart and made two 4mg Portions of 5 Meo. After i didn´t feel much from the first i decided to take the second, but just a few minutes later i felt it so strong coming that i thought "Fuck i made a Mistake". This Night was the pure Hell, on some Point i saw me ending in Hospital. But i survived and came back. But stopped taking everything for about 2 Years. Although this Experiences have been the strongest Nightmare of my Life, those two also have been the Beginning of great healing in my Life. So i´m glad i made it but also would never take so much again. Maybe just 2-5mg. A close Friend of mine, have taken 20mg with Rue and he ended in the Hospital where the Doctors where fighting for his Life. So this is really to be taken serious. Dont play around with 5 Meo and Maoi , if you decide to do, start really slow.
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