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75mg of Naturally Extracted Mescaline

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Cloud Whisperer
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OG Pioneer
75mg of Naturally Extracted Mescaline

I had 75mg of naturally extracted mescaline for this journey and I was not expecting a cactus experience. I was only expecting a small medicinal experience. After about 2 hours the mescaline started to come into effect and I felt very euphoric and started to beam with smiles. As the mescaline started to take affect I needed to go lie down in my warm and snugly bed. (It was almost as if I was retreating to my cave.)

An epiphany came to me, the more that you let go the more beauty you are shown by an entheogen especially with spice. The ability to be able to come back on spice is determined by your level of attachment; if your attachment is high you have no chance of not coming back but if you have the ability to detach completely you may just float away with your consciousness into the experience. Attachment and ignorance are the two states of mind that keep us grounded in our state of existence and as soon as we obliterate these two states of mind our consciousness is expelled. I had many visions during the course of the experience.

Here are two visions that I experienced during my journey...

1st Vision

I was a gremlin/goblin creature that was immersed in this hole in the ground I could smell the dark damp leaf litter which was surrounding me and i could hear earth worms digging and moving in the soil around me. The feeling of being warmly encapsulated in a secret burrow comforted me immensely. I ended up meditating within this vision as this creature with great contentment for quite some time.

2nd Vision

I was transported into this strange world of a higher civilization, where I could see this massive gold bridge that was made out of a long huge gold slab as its base and this base was supported with large pure solid gold pillars which kept this gold bridge base suspended high in the air. This gold bridge lead to this daunting temple which was also made from pure gold it seemed to take up a huge chunk of the tangerine sky. People of this higher civilization kept going back and forth obsessively transport gold into this temple. It all seemed like something I definitely didn't want to be part of. So it eventually started to fade completely away over time.

The cactus experience lasted for about 10 hours or so and it could of still have been affecting me during my sleep but even while I was falling asleep I could feel the effects of the cactus notably and this was 10 hours after ingestion.

I know for future if I want to have a medicinal dose of naturally extracted cactus I should take about 30mg. If I take 75mg I have a full mescaline experience. It was not my strongest cactus experience but I would say about 6 or 7 out of 10 to give a good idea of the level of the strength of the experience. My other cactus experiences have been with cactus tea and were much more than 10 out of 10 strength gauge wise.

Much Peace and Respect
it was hcl but it was taken from acetate using 69rons tek.
swim consumed 75mg at the same time and was suprized by how strong it was - swims had this dose 2 times b4 but never was it this potent.
swim was considering taking 3 datura seeds but decided against it - luckily - this was just meant to be a mood elevator :)
hehe - very nice experience report sweetie.
at one stage swim felt like he was in a desert with pyramids made of silver - swim was laying on his back with his eyes closed and in the vision he was looking from below at a amazonian cubensis gills noting the blue and gold reflection of the sky and sand on the silver shiny pyramids.
sounds perfect.... SWIM is very much looking forward to his first experience, but was still unsure on dosage, there seems to be a lot of varied thoughts on what is a psychedelic dose, with some people saying they need up to 400 for any effect.

Is sleep easily achieved 10 hours later?
Aegle said:
Swim took the extract two hours after swims partner and so this created an interesting dynamic swim was always two hours behind swims moo moo. As the mescaline started to take affect swim need to go lie down in swims warm and snugglie bed. ( almost as if swim was retreating to their cave )
Was any shagging tested in that snugglie `cave`

it`s that thing about aphrodisiac effects of mescal hit:) or miss:( ???
kemist said:
Aegle said:
Swim took the extract two hours after swims partner and so this created an interesting dynamic swim was always two hours behind swims moo moo. As the mescaline started to take affect swim need to go lie down in swims warm and snugglie bed. ( almost as if swim was retreating to their cave )
Was any shagging tested in that snugglie `cave`

it`s that thing about aphrodisiac effects of mescal hit:) or miss:( ???

This is a bit of a personal question to ask, I prefer to keep this part of my life as my own little secret and it is something I would never just openly talk about. :oops:

Much Peace
dosent it take like .35 g of mesc or alks to produce a medium level experience. thats sulfate right, so acetate is much more potent i take it?
im not a chemist, just a cactusser. Achuma is a personal favorite, especially with datura inoxia ( its very euphoric, try it! im on my second day straight)
suicybe said:
dosent it take like .35 g of mesc or alks to produce a medium level experience. thats sulfate right, so acetate is much more potent i take it?
im not a chemist, just a cactusser. Achuma is a personal favorite, especially with datura inoxia ( its very euphoric, try it! im on my second day straight)

Suicybe I took hcl not acetate, I know 75mg is a very small amount but I am incredibly sensitive to entheogens it seems.

Achuma I would love to journey with in the future that's for sure, Phlux and I have 2 small normal achuma, 2 type B achuma monstrose, 1 type A achuma monstrose and one long spined achuma (spines like toothpicks on adult cacti). Apparently the experience varies greatly to T. Peruvianus or San Pedro could you explain in which way the experience varies it would be much appreciated. :d

Much Peace
suicybe said:
dosent it take like .35 g of mesc or alks to produce a medium level experience. thats sulfate right, so acetate is much more potent i take it?
im not a chemist, just a cactusser. Achuma is a personal favorite, especially with datura inoxia ( its very euphoric, try it! im on my second day straight)

Suicybe, the acetate and HCl are more potent than the sulfate because they weigh less, but the difference is small. That’s not what’s accounting for it.

Mescaline has a molecular weight of 211.25758
Mescaline HCl has a molecular weight of 247.71852
Mescaline sulfate has a molecular weight of 309.33606
Mescaline acetate has a molecular weight of 271.30954

So 100 mg mescaline HCl = 109 mg mescaline acetate = 124 mg mescaline sulfate

The reason he’s getting effects from 75 mg of mescaline acetate is because the doses needed vary a lot from person to person. SWIM gets mild psychedelic effects from 75 mg, but needs about 150 mg for true psychedelic effects. Many people need 200-300 mg. It all depends on your body.

How would you say achuma is different? SWIM has had it a few times, and it is very different. SWIM uses it via extracted alkaloids, and the alkaloids are gram for gram stronger than pure mescaline. The trip is much more dreamy for SWIM, almost mushroom like, but not exactly. It’s hard to describe it. It doesn’t feel much like mescaline until near the end of the trip.

Also, how many Datura inoxia seeds do you use with it?
69ron said:
Low doses of mescaline are SWIM's absolute favorite psychedelic. PURE BLISS:)

Hey I thought it was Bufotenine .... Just messing with you....

The doses of most drugs vary from person to person. There are a variety of pharmacokinetic (Body drug interaction - absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion) and pharmacodynamic (receptor drug interactions) explanations for these differences is response.

SWIM is fascinated by the different alkaloids in the cacti that alter the experience. It is likely some isoquinolines that have MAOI properties although this is speculation Shulgin referred to this effect as cactausca in reference to Ott.
bufoman said:
69ron said:
Low doses of mescaline are SWIM's absolute favorite psychedelic. PURE BLISS:)

Hey I thought it was Bufotenine .... Just messing with you....

That made me smile.

Yeah SWIM has two favorites now. 75 mg of mescaline is now his absolute favorite low dose psychedelic. It’s absolutely magical, especially when taken with coffee and 3 Datura stramonium seeds. Nothing beats that.

Bufotenine is not a good low dose psychedelic. It’s totally uninteresting in low doses. It is however SWIM’s favorite high dose psychedelic because of the lack of mental confusion most other psychedelics cause at high doses.

While on the topic of these two, don't mescaline and bufotenine together! The combination is horrible!

bufoman said:
The doses of most drugs vary from person to person. There are a variety of pharmacokinetic (Body drug interaction - absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion) and pharmacodynamic (receptor drug interactions) explanations for these differences is response.

SWIM is fascinated by the different alkaloids in the cacti that alter the experience. It is likely some isoquinolines that have MAOI properties although this is speculation Shulgin referred to this effect as cactausca in reference to Ott.

SWIM has tried the San Pedro alkaloids with the mescaline removed and they are active on their own, producing a short lived trip that is actually psychedelic, but totally different from mescaline, more inline with harmaline, but much more visual than harmaline. They caused a numbing of the body and a slight sedation. The visual effects are difficult to categorize. They are mild, but unlike anything else SWIM knows.
69ron said:
Yeah SWIM has two favorites now. 75 mg of mescaline is now his absolute favorite low dose psychedelic. It’s absolutely magical, especially when taken with coffee and 3 Datura stramonium seeds. Nothing beats that./quote]

what do the seeds add to the experience?
isiton? said:
69ron said:
Yeah SWIM has two favorites now. 75 mg of mescaline is now his absolute favorite low dose psychedelic. It’s absolutely magical, especially when taken with coffee and 3 Datura stramonium seeds. Nothing beats that.

what do the seeds add to the experience?

This is what 3 Datura stramonium seeds do for 75 mg of mescaline

* Increases mescaline's potency by about 2x
* Increases mescaline's visual effects making them sharper and more colorful
* Blocks mescaline stomach discomfort (if any)
* Increases mescaline's euphoria
* Adds mild psychedelic effects somewhat similar to LSD

That's SWIM's take on it.

With 3 Datura stramonium seeds SWIM can get visual effects from as little as 25 mg of mescaline! It's very impressive what they do to small doses of mescaline. It seems that the larger the mescaline dose, the less of an impact the seeds have on the experience.
sounds wonderful Aegle...all from 75mg...nice

Datura stramonium seeds - where do you get em 69ron? I don't want to buy a shabby variety, but I do love my concoctions
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