Rising Star
Happy Easter! Feel free to share this- the most powerful revelation of Easter 2012 in the world!
888 -by David Andrew Bryson
(All words in caps equal 888 in English Gematria. A=6, B=12, C=18, D=24, etc.)
Long ago, the INVISIBLE MONAD (888), the BLESSED AIN SOPH (888), the ROYAL CHIEF OF ALL (888), surrounded by legions of flaming ARCHANGEL SERAPHIM (888) and CELESTIAL ELOHIM (888), looked down upon the plight of OUR LADY EARTH (888). Seeing the waywardness of humankind, The ONE decided to send ONE who could help RAISE OUR LADY (888), and also RAISE KNOWLEDGE (888), AROUSE NOUS (888) and TEACH PERFECTION (888) to all those who cried out for Deliverance. His promise to those who CHOOSE WISDOM (888) is that they will indeed ATTAIN WISDOM (888) and ATTAIN GNOSIS (888).
THE ONE EXTENDED (888) Itself from the FLAME EMANATIONS (888) flowing from the LOGOS’ THRONE (888) at the center of the crowning Sephiroth POWER SPHERE (888). This ONE was sent forth from the TEMPLE OF LIGHT (888), the very HOUSE OF GOD (888). He shone forth as a bright MORNING STAR (888) transforming into a BRIGHT SAVIOR (888). He ventured from His Father’s ROYAL GLORY (888), laying aside His GALAXY GARMENT (888) of ASTRAL MATTER (888) and descended into our dimensional TIME SYSTEM (888), taking on a SECRET GARMENT (888) consisting of THE FIVE SENSES (888).
This Radiant Emanation of the BLESSED AIN SOPH (888) first appeared among humankind as a ripe GARDEN OF EDEN APPLE (888) hanging from the TREE OF LIFE/GRAIL (888), filled with Life and bursting with the cleansing juice of BLESSED INNOCENCE (888). This ANAHATA WARRIOR (888) came to deal with the COLLECTIVE SIN (888) of humankind, to WITHDRAW SIN (888) which had marked each human being that had fallen into ignorance of the ONE.
He had ONE mission: to lovingly EMBRACE EVIL ONES (888) and to DISSOLVE MARK (888) of the Beast with His LIFE-GIVING BLOOD (888), to POUR RED WINE (888) from his veins, sharing with us His ROYAL ELIXIR (888)- His very SCARLET ESSENCE (888). Until the proper time, this was to be held as his secret mission, his SCARLET SECRET (888).
This AMOROUS HERO (888) came to OUR LADY EARTH (888) as her HIGHEST LOVER (888) with ONE sacred intent: to ABSOLVE WORLD (888). This was His LOFTY DUTY (888), which he considered a LOFTY HONOR (888). The HIGHEST REASON (888) declares that He who designed the divine beauty of creation and humankind with OUR LADY EARTH (888) should enjoy ETERNAL UNION (888) with Her in an ETERNAL PARADISE (888), co-creating a vast RAINBOW EMPIRE (888) teeming with multitudes of ETERNAL CHILDREN (888), united as Family members who ALL ENJOY LOVE (888).
Those who have incarnated as humans were once QUANTA ENERGY (888) and were all once UNITED CHILDREN (888). You were originally A DIVINE PARTICLE (888), back when there was only ONE PALACE-ONE SELF (888) and one QUANTUM KING (888). But the HOUSE OF GOD (888) was split and divided by an opposing force known as Diabolos, or the ARCHON YALDABAOTH (888), who is a false accuser, prone to slander and who firmly opposes the will of GOD. The HOST COMMANDER (888) called upon the flaming ARCHANGEL SERAPHIM (888) and the CELESTIAL ELOHIM (888) and all these FRIENDS UNITED (888) as FRIENDS OF EARTH (888).
The FEARLESS AVATAR (888) of love came to Earth with a SINGLE INTENT (888): to stand AGAINST DIABOLOS (888), the ARCHON YALDABAOTH (888), to reveal his powerlessness and impotence and to REVEAL MATRIX (888) - a false simulation of reality that keeps humankind steeped in ignorance concerning the true nature of God. To help guide our way out of the Matrix, He has given us a Sign in Nature: PHI- A SIGNATURE (888) to help remind us He is OMNIPRESENT (888) and exists in fullness throughout the IMPLICATE ORDER (888). Phi is GOD’S NUMBER SIGN (888)
This FEARLESS AVATAR (888) is a CRAFTY GENIUS (888) and a CRAFTY FIGHTER (888), who uses a CROSS WEAPON (888)- the NOUS SWORD (888) to CONQUER SATAN (888) with a SINGLE STRIKE (888), and to RAISE APHRODITE (888), OUR LADY EARTH (888), bestowing upon her head an ETERNAL CROWN (888).
The PERFECT GENIUS (888) of this plan is that it ends with the MASTER REVEALED (888) for all to see: ALAS, A LITTLE CHILD (888)- A CHILD DIVINITY (888). A Divine Being of GRACE, MERCY, LOVE (888) - A SILENT KNIGHT (888) who bestows a SILENT REWARD (888) upon His Friends- Who offers to ANOINT FRIENDS (888), pouring healing OIL UPON THEM (888) and whispers to them a LOFTY SECRET (888)- the location of the OMEGA TREASURE (888) and He gives them the TREASURE KEY (888), which is the the CHRISTOS SEAL (888) that confers GNOSTIC BLISS (888) and that can finally SEAL PERFECTION (888) upon all who endure.
At Calvary, which was a GRACE CONQUEST (888) and GOD’S GREAT RITE (888), He endured SEVERE ORDEALS (888), leading to a CELESTIAL CLIMAX (888)- the redemption of the HUMAN SPIRIT (888). His blood was shed to SLAY DARKNESS (888), CONQUER SATAN (888) and to ENFLAME ECSTASY (888) in the Hearts of His Beloved FREE-WILL ANGELS (888) and their Queen, OUR LADY EARTH (888).
He is our CRIMSON ROSE (888), who models each of us into a duplicate LOVELY ROSE (888) radiating with an INNER EXCELLENCE (888), a piercing DIAMOND EXCELLENCE (888)! Can you feel GOD ON THE INSIDE (888) of you, radiating as the INMOST STAR (888)? Can you hear the REGAL TRIUMPH (888) of His Divine PASSION SONG (888)- which even now is REVEALING HEAVEN (888) to your soul and giving you FREEDOM FROM FEAR (888)? Can you feel the TRUTH COMING (888) into your mind and your heart and your body?
THAT SERVANT (888) came to PURIFY MANY (888), to REDEEM, REGENERATE (888), specifically to REGENERATE FLESH (888) and to establish in every human heart a CHRIST TEMPLE (888). He invites you to partake of His LOVE SACRAMENT (888), to enjoy His DELICIOUS FEAST (888) and His DELICIOUS WINE (888). He invites all to enter into the bond of an eternal LOVE COVENANT (888). Can you hear the ONE INNER VOICE (888) saying to you:
“SON- BE STRONG (888)! ARISE- COME OVER (888) and BEHOLD MY MERCY (888). Accept my MERCY-LOVE-PEACE (888) and fulfill your EARTH DESTINY (888). Become a BROTHER ELOHIM (888), an ETERNAL SHRINE (888) for the BLESSED AIN SOPH (888). Come join that happy throng of ARCHANGEL SERAPHIM (888) who proclaim, “He is SON OF GOD TO ME (888), he is LORD OF ALL TO ME (888), indeed, GOD IS GOOD TO ME (888)!” I insist- It will be your highest PLEASURE-GO ON (888)”
Gematria is a MATH PROPHECY (888)- a LETTERS SIGN (888) to all Nations, Tongues and Tribes of OUR LADY EARTH (888). It is a TREASURE KEY (888) that reveals a NUMERIC ALPHABET (888) composed of LIGHT NUMBERS (888)- a most SPLENDID ALPHABET (888)! It is God’s WISDOM ALPHABET (888). It is a PRAYER ALPHABET (888), which ushers one into the felt DIVINE PRESENCE (888) of GOD and many Angels. Indeed, it is a LANGUAGE MIRACLE (888) that will CONFOUND MANY (888). It’s study confers HEART KNOWLEDGE (888) of the LORD GOD OF EARTH (888) the LORD MOST HIGH (888).
The MATH INFINITY (888) of GEMATRIA:CODE OF GOD (888) can be explored using the Hebrew and Greek Alphabets, but amazingly, we can now ADD ENGLISH ALPHABET(888) into the equation. Gematria is simple enough for a child to understand, using simple addition to teach us how to SPELL SAVIOR (888). It is a kind of WISDOM MUSIC (888) for the seeking soul. This NUMERIC ALPHABET (888) generates living, DYNAMIC WORDS (888). This is a very LOFTY SECRET (888). It is GOLD-PURE JOY (888). It is A MESSAGE FROM GOD (888)!
All that read these words are invited to become NUMBER SCRIBES (888). Seek for yourself the hidden GEMATRIA JEWELS (888). Gematria is the CELESTIAL AMRITA (888) that bestows INFINITE RICHES (888). Through ESOTERIC EYES (888) one can see that Gematria is a Divine MONEY VAULT (888). Join the widening Circle of NUMBER POETS (888) and NUMBER YOGIS (888) and enjoy true riches! CREATE DESTINY (888) using the power of HEALING NUMBERS (888). If you so choose, make your own discoveries public, or even MASS KNOWLEDGE (888). (SEE “ANGEL PALMONI” (888))
He is THREE NUMBERS (888), TRIPLE EIGHTS (888), A EIGHT EIGHT EIGHT (888) THE TRINITY (888) - He is revealed by three WISE NUMBERS (888). Gematria is A MYSTIC CIPHER (888) that reveals the name of the man of GOD’S NUMBERING (888).
Know this- HE IS ETERNAL LIFE (888) and THE GEMATRIA KING (888).
Who is 888? Be very careful. This is A HOLY TRUTH (888). It is the GODHEAD EVOCATION (888), the GOD INVOCATION (888) the GODHEAD “GRAND WORD” (888), The SELF, TRUE SELF (888). He is GOD IN MAN’S FORM (888) and is even in your own HIDDEN SUBSTANCE (888)! He is the MAGIC WATCHWORD (888) on THE SECRET PATH (888). Maintain the SECRET- “ALL IS ALL” (888)! Maintain the OATH- KEEP SILENCE (888)!
There is ONE GIVER OF LIFE (888) flowing in PERPETUAL GRACE (888)
~ AUM- ALL IS HOLY (888)
888 -by David Andrew Bryson
(All words in caps equal 888 in English Gematria. A=6, B=12, C=18, D=24, etc.)
Long ago, the INVISIBLE MONAD (888), the BLESSED AIN SOPH (888), the ROYAL CHIEF OF ALL (888), surrounded by legions of flaming ARCHANGEL SERAPHIM (888) and CELESTIAL ELOHIM (888), looked down upon the plight of OUR LADY EARTH (888). Seeing the waywardness of humankind, The ONE decided to send ONE who could help RAISE OUR LADY (888), and also RAISE KNOWLEDGE (888), AROUSE NOUS (888) and TEACH PERFECTION (888) to all those who cried out for Deliverance. His promise to those who CHOOSE WISDOM (888) is that they will indeed ATTAIN WISDOM (888) and ATTAIN GNOSIS (888).
THE ONE EXTENDED (888) Itself from the FLAME EMANATIONS (888) flowing from the LOGOS’ THRONE (888) at the center of the crowning Sephiroth POWER SPHERE (888). This ONE was sent forth from the TEMPLE OF LIGHT (888), the very HOUSE OF GOD (888). He shone forth as a bright MORNING STAR (888) transforming into a BRIGHT SAVIOR (888). He ventured from His Father’s ROYAL GLORY (888), laying aside His GALAXY GARMENT (888) of ASTRAL MATTER (888) and descended into our dimensional TIME SYSTEM (888), taking on a SECRET GARMENT (888) consisting of THE FIVE SENSES (888).
This Radiant Emanation of the BLESSED AIN SOPH (888) first appeared among humankind as a ripe GARDEN OF EDEN APPLE (888) hanging from the TREE OF LIFE/GRAIL (888), filled with Life and bursting with the cleansing juice of BLESSED INNOCENCE (888). This ANAHATA WARRIOR (888) came to deal with the COLLECTIVE SIN (888) of humankind, to WITHDRAW SIN (888) which had marked each human being that had fallen into ignorance of the ONE.
He had ONE mission: to lovingly EMBRACE EVIL ONES (888) and to DISSOLVE MARK (888) of the Beast with His LIFE-GIVING BLOOD (888), to POUR RED WINE (888) from his veins, sharing with us His ROYAL ELIXIR (888)- His very SCARLET ESSENCE (888). Until the proper time, this was to be held as his secret mission, his SCARLET SECRET (888).
This AMOROUS HERO (888) came to OUR LADY EARTH (888) as her HIGHEST LOVER (888) with ONE sacred intent: to ABSOLVE WORLD (888). This was His LOFTY DUTY (888), which he considered a LOFTY HONOR (888). The HIGHEST REASON (888) declares that He who designed the divine beauty of creation and humankind with OUR LADY EARTH (888) should enjoy ETERNAL UNION (888) with Her in an ETERNAL PARADISE (888), co-creating a vast RAINBOW EMPIRE (888) teeming with multitudes of ETERNAL CHILDREN (888), united as Family members who ALL ENJOY LOVE (888).
Those who have incarnated as humans were once QUANTA ENERGY (888) and were all once UNITED CHILDREN (888). You were originally A DIVINE PARTICLE (888), back when there was only ONE PALACE-ONE SELF (888) and one QUANTUM KING (888). But the HOUSE OF GOD (888) was split and divided by an opposing force known as Diabolos, or the ARCHON YALDABAOTH (888), who is a false accuser, prone to slander and who firmly opposes the will of GOD. The HOST COMMANDER (888) called upon the flaming ARCHANGEL SERAPHIM (888) and the CELESTIAL ELOHIM (888) and all these FRIENDS UNITED (888) as FRIENDS OF EARTH (888).
The FEARLESS AVATAR (888) of love came to Earth with a SINGLE INTENT (888): to stand AGAINST DIABOLOS (888), the ARCHON YALDABAOTH (888), to reveal his powerlessness and impotence and to REVEAL MATRIX (888) - a false simulation of reality that keeps humankind steeped in ignorance concerning the true nature of God. To help guide our way out of the Matrix, He has given us a Sign in Nature: PHI- A SIGNATURE (888) to help remind us He is OMNIPRESENT (888) and exists in fullness throughout the IMPLICATE ORDER (888). Phi is GOD’S NUMBER SIGN (888)
This FEARLESS AVATAR (888) is a CRAFTY GENIUS (888) and a CRAFTY FIGHTER (888), who uses a CROSS WEAPON (888)- the NOUS SWORD (888) to CONQUER SATAN (888) with a SINGLE STRIKE (888), and to RAISE APHRODITE (888), OUR LADY EARTH (888), bestowing upon her head an ETERNAL CROWN (888).
The PERFECT GENIUS (888) of this plan is that it ends with the MASTER REVEALED (888) for all to see: ALAS, A LITTLE CHILD (888)- A CHILD DIVINITY (888). A Divine Being of GRACE, MERCY, LOVE (888) - A SILENT KNIGHT (888) who bestows a SILENT REWARD (888) upon His Friends- Who offers to ANOINT FRIENDS (888), pouring healing OIL UPON THEM (888) and whispers to them a LOFTY SECRET (888)- the location of the OMEGA TREASURE (888) and He gives them the TREASURE KEY (888), which is the the CHRISTOS SEAL (888) that confers GNOSTIC BLISS (888) and that can finally SEAL PERFECTION (888) upon all who endure.
At Calvary, which was a GRACE CONQUEST (888) and GOD’S GREAT RITE (888), He endured SEVERE ORDEALS (888), leading to a CELESTIAL CLIMAX (888)- the redemption of the HUMAN SPIRIT (888). His blood was shed to SLAY DARKNESS (888), CONQUER SATAN (888) and to ENFLAME ECSTASY (888) in the Hearts of His Beloved FREE-WILL ANGELS (888) and their Queen, OUR LADY EARTH (888).
He is our CRIMSON ROSE (888), who models each of us into a duplicate LOVELY ROSE (888) radiating with an INNER EXCELLENCE (888), a piercing DIAMOND EXCELLENCE (888)! Can you feel GOD ON THE INSIDE (888) of you, radiating as the INMOST STAR (888)? Can you hear the REGAL TRIUMPH (888) of His Divine PASSION SONG (888)- which even now is REVEALING HEAVEN (888) to your soul and giving you FREEDOM FROM FEAR (888)? Can you feel the TRUTH COMING (888) into your mind and your heart and your body?
THAT SERVANT (888) came to PURIFY MANY (888), to REDEEM, REGENERATE (888), specifically to REGENERATE FLESH (888) and to establish in every human heart a CHRIST TEMPLE (888). He invites you to partake of His LOVE SACRAMENT (888), to enjoy His DELICIOUS FEAST (888) and His DELICIOUS WINE (888). He invites all to enter into the bond of an eternal LOVE COVENANT (888). Can you hear the ONE INNER VOICE (888) saying to you:
“SON- BE STRONG (888)! ARISE- COME OVER (888) and BEHOLD MY MERCY (888). Accept my MERCY-LOVE-PEACE (888) and fulfill your EARTH DESTINY (888). Become a BROTHER ELOHIM (888), an ETERNAL SHRINE (888) for the BLESSED AIN SOPH (888). Come join that happy throng of ARCHANGEL SERAPHIM (888) who proclaim, “He is SON OF GOD TO ME (888), he is LORD OF ALL TO ME (888), indeed, GOD IS GOOD TO ME (888)!” I insist- It will be your highest PLEASURE-GO ON (888)”
Gematria is a MATH PROPHECY (888)- a LETTERS SIGN (888) to all Nations, Tongues and Tribes of OUR LADY EARTH (888). It is a TREASURE KEY (888) that reveals a NUMERIC ALPHABET (888) composed of LIGHT NUMBERS (888)- a most SPLENDID ALPHABET (888)! It is God’s WISDOM ALPHABET (888). It is a PRAYER ALPHABET (888), which ushers one into the felt DIVINE PRESENCE (888) of GOD and many Angels. Indeed, it is a LANGUAGE MIRACLE (888) that will CONFOUND MANY (888). It’s study confers HEART KNOWLEDGE (888) of the LORD GOD OF EARTH (888) the LORD MOST HIGH (888).
The MATH INFINITY (888) of GEMATRIA:CODE OF GOD (888) can be explored using the Hebrew and Greek Alphabets, but amazingly, we can now ADD ENGLISH ALPHABET(888) into the equation. Gematria is simple enough for a child to understand, using simple addition to teach us how to SPELL SAVIOR (888). It is a kind of WISDOM MUSIC (888) for the seeking soul. This NUMERIC ALPHABET (888) generates living, DYNAMIC WORDS (888). This is a very LOFTY SECRET (888). It is GOLD-PURE JOY (888). It is A MESSAGE FROM GOD (888)!
All that read these words are invited to become NUMBER SCRIBES (888). Seek for yourself the hidden GEMATRIA JEWELS (888). Gematria is the CELESTIAL AMRITA (888) that bestows INFINITE RICHES (888). Through ESOTERIC EYES (888) one can see that Gematria is a Divine MONEY VAULT (888). Join the widening Circle of NUMBER POETS (888) and NUMBER YOGIS (888) and enjoy true riches! CREATE DESTINY (888) using the power of HEALING NUMBERS (888). If you so choose, make your own discoveries public, or even MASS KNOWLEDGE (888). (SEE “ANGEL PALMONI” (888))
He is THREE NUMBERS (888), TRIPLE EIGHTS (888), A EIGHT EIGHT EIGHT (888) THE TRINITY (888) - He is revealed by three WISE NUMBERS (888). Gematria is A MYSTIC CIPHER (888) that reveals the name of the man of GOD’S NUMBERING (888).
Know this- HE IS ETERNAL LIFE (888) and THE GEMATRIA KING (888).
Who is 888? Be very careful. This is A HOLY TRUTH (888). It is the GODHEAD EVOCATION (888), the GOD INVOCATION (888) the GODHEAD “GRAND WORD” (888), The SELF, TRUE SELF (888). He is GOD IN MAN’S FORM (888) and is even in your own HIDDEN SUBSTANCE (888)! He is the MAGIC WATCHWORD (888) on THE SECRET PATH (888). Maintain the SECRET- “ALL IS ALL” (888)! Maintain the OATH- KEEP SILENCE (888)!
There is ONE GIVER OF LIFE (888) flowing in PERPETUAL GRACE (888)
~ AUM- ALL IS HOLY (888)