Here are some interesting DMT narratives some guy had: He said they all pertain to 50-100mg smoked DMT despite using the term ayahuasca loosely. Holy Guardian Angel: DMT 1: I have recently begun a spiritual path involving the use of the sacred plant ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is a hallucinogenic vine, originally from South America, containing dimethyltryptamine, DMT. DMT is one of the most powerful hallucinogens known to man. DMT, like other hallucinogens, is thought to act at the serotonin receptor, which it does. But this does not explain the effects of hallucinogens in full. For example, recent studies show that LSD when attached to the serotonin receptor does not behave the same intra-cellularly, when attached, that serotonin does. Therefore, it can be pretty much said that the way these drugs work in the brain remains a mystery, except to say that they significantly alter brain chemistry to make ecstatic states highly possible. DMT is considered to be the prototype of the tryptamines, which are the defining genus of the pure hallucinogens. DMT is found in virtually every type of living creature. All manner of flowering plants, grasses, sea life, reptiles, coral, fungi, and a remaining plethora of species, have members that contain significantly large amounts of DMT. DMT is said to be virtually everywhere, certainly in every highly structured organism. Our brains, in fact, are flooded with DMT. The irony of this is that since DMT is a Schedule I substance in the US, this should imply that our brains, being in possession of significant amounts of DMT, a Schedule I substance, are de facto illegal to possess or use according to the US government, which is not a surprise. My work with DMT may be divided so far into three stages. Stage I: The first use of it precipitated the vision of a goddess. I’ve had goddess visions on numerous hallucinogens before, initially marijuana, then LSD, ketamine, salvia divinorum and psilocybin mushrooms. The view of a pan-gaian goddess emanating all life in psychedelic glory is actually a fairly common trip report. No doubt, this is responsible for the heavy presence of the female life-giving archetype in early mythology. It is also telling that the Christians, though they tried to impose a patriarchal ideology on people of the world, found it necessary to include Mary as the divine mother archetype, so as to satisfy the longing and necessity for the goddess. Myself, I have seen most ecstatic states as unified in a female figure. This was no different except for being more intense, and more filled with the sensation, as is commonly reported with DMT, of being in the presence of a true being. Stage II: The second stage was a surprising one. I again saw the same female deity, but this time I began to interact, not just linguistically and visually, but moreover had tactile hallucinations in the form of feeling touch upon my skin and feeling interaction, culminating to the point of actual intercourse. It was seeming like the pulsing motion was the writhing of a female engaged in the act of copulation. It was very satisfying and rewarding to be embraced by the universal in this way. It was the visual representation of yoga, or at least the suggestion that this was a truly yogic path of tantric union. Stage III: The third stage was very interesting. Phase III was interesting because of its cinematic movement in three parts. Act I was focused on enjoying the mindspace. I immediately fell into the psychedelic mind-space with cartoon dancing, curvilinear lines, fractal, resonating, recursive patterns. All this is common with any hallucinogen, but multiplied by several factors with DMT. I experienced the onset of this mind-state with a great “Aha!” I had a moment of self-discovery, wherein I realized that I so like this mind-state, that I pursue it - often. I find it intrinsically rewarding to be in this special mind-state, this cartoonish landscape of my own mental creation. I often point out to people who need experience and guidance with tripping that the way to view the trip is as a show projected on the back of your eyelids, projected by yourself. It is important to maintain an internal monologue and a narrative about what you’re seeing and why you are seeing it, to prevent a loss of ego and subsequent psychosis. Act II was focused on beginning to understand that this mind-space was a projection, and it was the same being I felt I had interacted with earlier. I began then conversing with this projection, which is so often experienced in the DMT realm as a being. In conversing with the being, I asked why it presented itself as a woman. It answered rather coyly that it was because that was the way I liked it. I began to realize that what this really meant was that I was the one seeing certain curves, certain lines, certain writhing motions as necessarily feminine. These were actually simply lines, curves, and colors, and that the interpretation of them was entirely up to me. I began to see that what I had seen as sexuality was nothing more than a series of lines and a sort of protuberance that was pulsing energy. It could be seen as a mouth, a vagina, a writhing female, or simply as some sort of hallucinogenic love volcano. The latter is what I settled upon with joy. I see too that I project myself in certain ways to others, perhaps as projecting endless love and energy in a somewhat seductive and sensual way. Then at the end of this act two, with the realization that the internal being or internal temple is none other than myself, I began to notice certain phenomena that led to further awareness. In watching these patterns emerge, I occasionally form a negative thought. This negative thought would result in colorful planes of animated, cartoonish reality being fractured into broken, dull-grey/brown shards of broken mirror falling to the ground in pieces. It was clear that there was a connection between those negative thoughts and the destruction of this treasured mind-space, as this was contrasted with positive thoughts causing the generation of joyful, colorful inhabitants of this mind-space. I began to see the clear connection between the projection I was making and my own thoughts. My satisfaction or dissatisfaction with this projection was entirely under my control, as this projection was entirely under my control. Whereas I began to see in act II the internal temple is a projection, in act III the connection between my thoughts and the enjoyment of this internal temple became obvious. In act III, I began to see that my internal temple and its enjoyment is in fact nothing more than directly related to my self - my projections, my thoughts, and my self-control. Stage IV Again I felt the presence of a female figure. This time, as I tried to impose upon it my conceptions of last time, such as that it was my own mental projection, it was shattered by seeing it radiating everywhere. I began to think of its projection as male or female, and I realized its feminine voice to me, not so much feminine images anymore, was coming from my own head for convenience. Perhaps Jung is right in saying that creative voice for a woman is a man, the animus, and the creative voice for a man is a woman, an anima. Deep inside the unconscious, the repressed self, it would be logical that a male would, in order to fulfill a male identity in society, repress whatever his image of the female self is and put it into the unconscious, so that it becomes in fact the voice of that whole world. I began to see that the entity itself wanted no further impositions of concepts by me as to it being local, everywhere, god or goddess, male or female. I began seeing even the silliness of the hallucinations earlier, which had been pleasant, as being somewhat tiresome and not exactly what this being had in mind. Any imposition of my self, imperfect as it was, was not welcome upon such perfection. It is I who must become perfect to dance with it. I began to sense that what I was facing would be best described as Crowley’s Holy Guardian Angel. He refers to this concept that in self-work one encounters as a guide, a voice speaking back to oneself, that is going to take you by the hand and lead you on your spiritual path. I had already learned that how I think about myself and others and how I interact with myself and others is going to affect the spiritual tone of this path, its chance of success, and the place of its final destination. DMT is not only the spirit molecule because it is everywhere, the skeleton key of consciousness, but furthermore it is the journey, the trip one takes, when you die and the brain is flooded with DMT. Life flashes before your eyes and you face a projection of everything you’ve ever made yourself to be and stand in judgment before your Holy Guardian Angel — the true self you were meant to be. This experience can be painful for some or pleasurable for others depending on the kind of life lived. Playing with DMT is meeting one’s judgment early, being taken on a journey to the gates of the underworld, while one still has a chance to act upon what one sees and to change. The HGA began to show a certain gray, indiscriminate face, straight, indescribable to any detail of it’s beauty, a face better than any backside or writhing motion. I asked, “What is it you want me to do?” I saw the world as it is, a pink-fleshy mandala of chattering teeth and random motions, indescribable fractals of human flesh juxtaposed in fractals of suffering and activity. Even the punctuated frivolity and joy was pointless in its absurdity. The whole fleshy landscape was distracting, twisted and mammothly unnecessary. I began to see that what she wanted was for me, or me and my wife together, to shift the world to meet her gaze, to turn that wheel. I felt the earth move beneath as there was a fierce grinding, the scrape of one tectonic cog against another with brutal resistance. The world changed by turning the wheel from what it is now to what it should be. I felt the tremendous force, and resistance and work involved in that, down to the core of the columns of the earth, but I knew with certainty it had to be done as commanded. The rewards of being in that perfect place, face on to everything, make it clear that it is the place you, me, we, the earth are meant to be in.