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A cool spherical musical instrument

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This dude I went to school with just sent me a link to a spherical instrument he built for exploring improvised music and light. I thought of sharing it with the community, simply because I feel it taps into some themes I discovered while on the spice. Some kind of crazy techno-tactile-synaptic-tech thing. Anyway, if you dig electronics, music, and the exploration of our senses, I think this will tickle your ears:

Visual/Musical Instrument Link
Very intesting :)

Years ago i had an idea for a musical instrument that i wish someone would build.

I got the idea because i used to have to leave the music making on my computer to go to work. When i was on the train everyone is plugged into an ipod or whatever and im sitting there thinking all these people are listening but no one is making music. Just because i'm in a public place i still want to privately make music and get inspiration from the envorinment around me.

The gadget would have consisted of a piece of equipment maybe the size of a mobile fone or something and would have had earphones and 2 periphirals that would have been wore like gloves or sensitive pads on your fingertips. The hard drive main piece of equipment would have like say an android version of cubase or whatever DAW you used on your computer and you controlled the menu by the fingerpads and audio interface ( when i say audio interface i mean the computer talks to you to confirm selections and stuff)

You could be working on a track and if you have to leave you would transfer you track to your device and wherever you are you can continue making the track. Using the fingerpads for rythyms or assign each finger to a particular sound or note. Once you got used to the interface you could be making tracks with ease on the train while everyone else is listening to music :)

Please someone build this! If it gets built i want royalties though :D
yeah, I really like your idea too. It seems like if we can all imagine these things - they should be, and will be products in the next few years. I think it takes the general public a while to catch on to things that endow such creativity, simply because to many, creativity is quite scary!~

Glad it reminded you of your ideas for music gear because thats what it did for me. The collective conscious is full of some advanced musical potentials just waiting to be realized.
pass the music please!
This does look really cool, I might donate some to it but I think I'm going to wait until there's a more finished product =P Definitely going to look back at it from time to time
Welcome to the Nexus!

Would you mind telling us a bit more about yourself, appart from your interest in this spherical instrument?

Whats your experience with psychedelics and extractions? Did you try oral dmt already?
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