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A couple quick questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Ive seen people saying use OJ, but have seen a certain member say to use water when using fumarate....
But lets say you only had freebase and wanted to experience pharma, is water the better option? Does the orange juice somehow help the brew?

Also, say you want to get a stronger trip during the middle of said trip, would I need another full on 200mg harmala dose?
lonewolf123 said:
Also, say you want to get a stronger trip during the middle of said trip, would I need another full on 200mg harmala dose?

NO WAY Bro ! 400mg of harmalas would make you unnecessairly sick. Just dose more tryptamines only, if you not having enough fun.
200 mg of pure harmalas it`s plenty and it should last about 8 hours
OJ is perfect for freebase because it converts it to a more stomach friendly medium.

When I do a round 2 with pharma, I usually redose the same amount of DMT and only about 33% harmala. My first harmala dose is usually 150 so thats a total of 200. 250 in one go messes me up more than 150mg harmala and 50mg DMt combined.
So swim took 191 mg CC and 71 mg spice an hour ago and just took another 20 mg spice and isnt really experiencing much. He says hes definately feeling very very chill, light light CEV.
Not sure which to take more of,... maybe both?

T - 90: 50 CC 27 spice

T - 100: nothing
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