Rising Star
So. A while ago I was given some hash oil to put into my smok tech ego dct v2. And how I did it was putting 5-7 drops directly on the cotton. This kept me quite roasted multiple times a day for a bout a week. Now I was wondering if I could get 100mg of spice. Put it directly onto the cotton. And bring a lighter above it starting far away and bringing it closer till it starts to melt and keeping it at that distance moving it ever so slightly closer till its all melted. And then put my mouth piece back on and just ripping it holding the vapor in for 10 seconds each hit. Would this lead to a break through? I'll be testing this either way but I was hoping to get a few answers beforehand. And I know this topic has been discussed but the threads have to do with dissolving th spice Ito the e liquid. This does not help as I'm planning on melting it directly into the cotton