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A Direct Message from Hyperspace in English

Migrated topic.


Spice Momma
Senior Member
The plan HAD been to eat 2 grams of shrooms then do some DMT today but that did not work out. Set wasn’t right. A customer called with an emergency. I wasn’t feeling it, chickened out, whatever. My next opportunity opens up in about a week.

20 mgs DMT, 8 minutes in trance.

Gorgeous rainbow with dark background start. The body load was a factor - I could really feel my heart racing. Reminded myself it is a short lived effect and worked on letting go.

Soon I saw a wall of stationary entities. The wall was black and the entities looked lined up like figures from The Nutcracker ballet. Just in terms of their build. Their fundamental colors were black but they were also made of many blues, purples and other colors. They were constantly changing within their basic anthropomorphic form.

I thought perhaps I should try to initiate contact since they showed no interest in me. This caused my perspective to move closer. Then it’s like they telepathically informed me they were not interested in any communication at this time and then force directed my attention down between their legs and there I found hyperspatial cats. Oh wow, they were very electronic and fantastically changing and impossible to tear my attention away from.

Eventually this scene opened up into a kind of room that felt very holy or mystical. It was filled with fantastic spinning objects and textures that were dominated by inner lit, polished pinks and yellows.. Eventually I saw language. It is the FIRST time I have ever seen language I can read in hyperspace. I am convinced this was not just a personal message for my ego but a general message from hyperspace to DMT users and others who visit. Therefore I want to share it with you.

The message was simple and is beautiful to take in. I found it to be wonderful and somehow very reassuring. The message from hyerspace to YOU is this:


Wow, I thought. I just bathed in that for awhile.

I honestly don’t remember much more. Many fantastic, detailed and ever changing hallucinations were experienced.

I was stuck on the message. Hyperspace loves you folks. :love: :love: :love:
That is fantastic! Thanks for the report. The last time I was in hyperspace I came back laughing so hard I could not stop. I laughed so hard and so long I made several other people around me laugh as well. ;-)
Yeah we all need that confirmation now and then.
Thank you Pandora and H-space!
Love: "The" antidote.

Mitakuye Oyasin, the hyperspace joke, the cosmic joke, ahhh another epic antidote !!

With those two in the pocket one can sail existence for a while :love:
More trip reports like this please! :)

I once encountered entities who looked all alike and marched like nutcrackers, I was drawn into their world and lived there subjectively for 2 years there performing same activities as them. Don’t as why specifically this time, I couldn’t figure either. at the time my mind was completely blown that only 7 minutes have passed. It was one of the deep ones.
I am sorry I did not write more about the cats. They were mainly blue but also sporting the purples and blacks of their "owners." They were fully 3D, sharply angled and constantly morphing. Kind of electronic looking. Once I saw them (Each guy against the wall had one between his legs) I could not tear my attention away from them.

Think end of his career fully rendered 3 dimensional Louis Wain cats constantly morphing.

I am psychically naked in there. The entities knew exactly how to get my attention off of them. 😁
I can't help but wonder, since it wasn't my experience, :lol: we're they telling you to love yourself, telling you they loved you, or perhaps, a mix of the two.

I need to laugh more... :)

I always enjoy your reports.

One love
I am sure they were telling me to tell all Nexians and DMT users. It was a very clear message they gave me. It was not personal. It was meant to be made public. It was specifically crafted that way - super clear so that a relative idiot (myself - I have been demoted in hyperspace before for not understanding alien math) could pass it on.

Usually the personal messages I get are telepathy and never before have I seen English in there. Still really enjoying the memories.
Pandora said:
I am sure they were telling me to tell all Nexians and DMT users. It was a very clear message they gave me. It was not personal. It was meant to be made public. It was specifically crafted that way - super clear so that a relative idiot (myself - I have been demoted in hyperspace before for not understanding alien math) could pass it on.

Usually the personal messages I get are telepathy and never before have I seen English in there. Still really enjoying the memories.

Really beautiful regardless and thank you for relaying the message to us :love: I was just curious because we all know DMT likes to play games sometimes.

And I find that pretty wild as well that you got explicit English in an experience. For me it's also usually telepathic, and/or totally alien.

One love
Nice :giggle:

However, what if they didn't write "LOVE YOU" as an abbreviation for "WE LOVE YOU". What if they wrote it as an imperative; telling you to love yourself?

...What if there is no difference?
Great question but as stated before all previous entity communications had been with direct entity contact, face to hyperface, a kind of mental download accomplished via body language and telepathy.

This time they (LOL!) sent me a TEXT MESSAGE. Clearly that was meant way more for YOU than for me. Meant for me to transport back out to here to let Nexians and DMT users know that you are being well received.

Since this has happened the spinning marquis in various trips have revealed other words including:


I'm not sure what to make of CAT (I adore cats) and JUMP but the other three happened during a SHE (Synchronized Hyperspace Event) and after I had tried (and failed to get reported results) the low dose laser experiment to try to glimpse alien code on the wall.
I'd say this aligns with my pleasant entity experiences.

When I break through--on any psychedelic--I always get reassuring messages:

"Welcome back"
"It's been a while"

But, when I try to move like they do--through objects--I get:
"Stay here," followed by a gentle push.

Feels like I'm an alien trying to leave a coma, and the alien nurse is giving me a calmer version of "Woah, easy there! Stay in bed!"

Only aya has given me messages without face-to-face contact, so I've never really been sure if they are truly messages or just realizations.

For example:
"Everything around you was made by others"
the low dose laser experiment to try to glimpse alien code on the wall.
What is the laser experiment?

I have seen some stuff on the walls when high before. The first time I smoked some fat bowls of sour diesel weed when I was 16. I saw something akin ancient and maybe demonic writing on the walls, which I found amusing. I was likely in a psychosis, as I have seen videos of myself from this episode, where I looked like I was demonically possessed. It was pretty hilarious, because if I was in a psychosis, it wasn't a very severe one. I remember being aware of how smacked I was, yet I played into it; it was straddling the line between roleplay and conviction.

Other than that, I typically see pulsating kaleidoscopes on most surfaces when doing 2 or more tabs of LSD (though I haven't experienced this effect with shrooms, but that might be due to me having less experience with them).

So, the question then becomes; what would be necessary for the hypothesis that these "illusions" are actually a form of communication to be true? Well, I think that if it is form of communication, then it is either something projected through us by the communciators during the trip, the projection allowed by the programmability of the psychedelic state; or, it is something latent within us (a message coded into our being somehow), and the message is released by psychedelics. For example, if our evolution has been guided by the communicators, then perhaps our minds have been evolutionarily primed/guided into developing structures that would release these patterns onto surfaces during a psychedelic experience. Perhaps the pattern-originating structure is the structure of signal transformation, given the interconnected, synesthesic state of mind that the brain is put into by psychdelics. Perhaps our visions are the result of a metacognitive awareness of this signal transformation being synesthesically transformed into visual stimuli? As such, the communcators' message may be about change itself?

I find it fascinating, especially because certain traditions find there to be great insight hidden in certain psychedelic-y patterns, like the flower of life. Of course, it is possible there is no communciation going on. As a skeptic, I am not (yet) convinced about either position.
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