Hi there Nexians!
Im mescalitano form holland.I've been reading through the nexus for over 1year now.It is my no.1 source of information on the extraction of dimehtyltryptamine.Any search on google about a specific process on extraction led me to the nexus.So,the last days i thougt,why not register there and become a member of a community that is not only interested in the best info on extraction techniques,but also has subfora about philosophical questions,other entheogens etc
Also the respect and way of communicating with eachother is one thing that made me decide to register.
Since i began to look into psychedelic drugs,DMT has always been that ultimate substance,the drug that ruled over all the other drugs in terms of intensity and mystery.I am no stranger to things like mescaline,mushrooms and come to think of it,half of PIHKAL and TIHKAL.But DMT was so shrouded by a mystical haze,it intrigued me so much that before i ever encounterd it in it's real form.I read ALOT about it.How it is present in our own body,how it is releaed every night when we sleep and how it is believed to be the doorway to the spiritual realms,well for me DMT is a very sacred drug that is not meant for people to be found,its meant for the DMT to find you.I believe it will come on youre path if it needs to be.Sounds very ''out there'' i know,but being a schizophrenic for over 8 years now,i came to the conclusion htat after months of research DMT and schizpphrenia cannot be seen apart from eachother.I have alot of documents on this subject and i am looking forward to put them on the forum and discuss them:d !
Well,as you may very well can read,my english is not that good,i come from holland,but i think its understandable,
Once again,hi there fellow travelers
Im mescalitano form holland.I've been reading through the nexus for over 1year now.It is my no.1 source of information on the extraction of dimehtyltryptamine.Any search on google about a specific process on extraction led me to the nexus.So,the last days i thougt,why not register there and become a member of a community that is not only interested in the best info on extraction techniques,but also has subfora about philosophical questions,other entheogens etc
Also the respect and way of communicating with eachother is one thing that made me decide to register.
Since i began to look into psychedelic drugs,DMT has always been that ultimate substance,the drug that ruled over all the other drugs in terms of intensity and mystery.I am no stranger to things like mescaline,mushrooms and come to think of it,half of PIHKAL and TIHKAL.But DMT was so shrouded by a mystical haze,it intrigued me so much that before i ever encounterd it in it's real form.I read ALOT about it.How it is present in our own body,how it is releaed every night when we sleep and how it is believed to be the doorway to the spiritual realms,well for me DMT is a very sacred drug that is not meant for people to be found,its meant for the DMT to find you.I believe it will come on youre path if it needs to be.Sounds very ''out there'' i know,but being a schizophrenic for over 8 years now,i came to the conclusion htat after months of research DMT and schizpphrenia cannot be seen apart from eachother.I have alot of documents on this subject and i am looking forward to put them on the forum and discuss them:d !
Well,as you may very well can read,my english is not that good,i come from holland,but i think its understandable,
Once again,hi there fellow travelers