Rising Star
NO, Michael Jackson is NOT dead, in fact, he's still very much alive and no longer addicted to propofol, he now prefers SPICE!!!
I know this because he visits me sometimes. Now he's asked me to forward this message to you guys in hopes that you will be able to answer some of his questions.
So here it is...a message from Michael:
Hello lovely people of the world, greetings from NEVERLAND!!!
I've just recently been introduced to spice and have only smoked it on three seperate occasions. The first time I think I just made it to the threshold but not through. I don't know exactly how much I did but I estimate I put about 40-70 mgs of spice in the bowl. After I snapped everything in one hit using the leaf bed/bong method I had a swirling wall of beautifully colored diamond shaped patterns arise from nowhere and engulf me. I felt the intense rush of being propelled at hyperspeed but just then there was a jolt going all through my body. It felt like I had stuck my finger in an electric socket. I also heard a really loud ringing sound in my head and I felt as though I was going to faint. I had to lay back and I couldn't close my eyes, I tried for a moment but saw a lot going on and felt it was too intense.
I had melted into everything around me. I had a slight hallucination and it appeared like I was in a Salvidor Dali painting in the desert and I was one of the melted clocks hanging over some stone. It then felt like my head was a bird head and was moving it around all jerky like a bird would when it looks around. My eyes felt very huge and I could really feel my eyelashes. I blinked and two black birds flew away, one from each of my eyelashes. That hallucination stopped pretty quickly and I found myself staring at the ceiling watching it and the walls breath in and out. By this time I knew everything was all good...ha. The walls breathing was nothing, I've lived through that on LSD and shrooms. The walls soon stopped breathing and I could just see cool "cosmic elven" looking patterns swimming in the ceiling and they slowly began to fade away.
The second time I smoked I actually did have a scale and weighed out 35 mgs. I was not able to snap this all in one hit using again the leaf bed/bong method. The leaf was packed too tight and I wasn't getting a good pull so I had to stop and take a breath and try to hit it again a few times. I never really got the chamber nice and full and didn't come close to getting that intense rush I had in the first trip. If my eyes were open I'd just see the patterns swimming in the ceiling and walls. I close my eyes and I'd get some images rushing through my minds eye. It's hard to describe these images as I've forgotten most of them but they weren't all that spectacular. I did however get the uncontrollable urge to smile.
I just did it for my third time tonight. Before I smoked I did my usual rituals; a little prayer to the universe, a relaxation ritual, then a banishing ritual. One of the most magical lessons I've learned is that there are too many factors to control in life and it is impossible to have complete control over everything. So, ultimately one must surrender to the chaos and learn to go with the flow. In my prayer tonight I asked the Universe to look after all of us as we learn to surrender, because letting go can be quite frightening at times.
I weighed out 55 mgs, I know this sounds like a lot for me, but little do you know that I've actually tripled in weight since now FINALLY the cameras will never be on me again. Magic Johnson was right, I loves me some KFC!!! So I now weigh 280lbs. I once again used the bong and the leaf bed method. I packed the leaf loosely this time in hopes that I'd be able to snap it all in one big hit. However, due to my pre-flight anxiety I fell short of breath rather quickly and once again had to pull small hits at a time, without a carb, through my bong and of course never got that good good rip. I did feel a tingle in my body before I finished but I knew to keep smoking, so I did, until it was all gone.
I didn't get that intense rush that I felt the first time so I figured right away I would not be entering hyperspace. I laid back and looked around for a second and saw nothing more than the typical swimming patterns you'd see during a shroom or LSD trip. "What a bummer" I said as I closed my eyes. All of a sudden my body just froze stiff. I laid back and my head the the pillow but my arms and hands stayed hanging in the air as I was paralyzed. The typical mandala/fractal/diamond shaped/colorful patterns swirled around in my minds eye. The ones that I think are commonly seen at threshold level, as I've seen them before. I began to feel faint so I opened my eyes. What I saw was boring so I closed my eyes again. This time the fractals were no more. I began to see dream like images flow through my minds eye at hyper speed. It was really intense and gloomy looking so I wanted to open my eyes again.
A voice then echoed in my head. This wasn't me saying this now, although it was something I'd said in my prayer not long before. "Surrender," I heard. "Surrender to it all." What the hell is this??? So I keep my eyes closed and the images keep flowing. They were gloomy but are becoming celestial, as if I were smack dab in the middle of an electric ethereal energy field. I dissolved into that but for some reason I opened my eyes as soon as I did...grrr...typical ego jerking you right back out.
What I saw with my eyes open was normal/boring so I closed my eyes again, it was dark and gloomy. I felt trapped in a maze. I thought to myself, "oh no, I'm going to be trapped in my own mind." I thought this because when I opened my eyes everything felt normal and I wasn't sure if I was tripping still. I remembered though, "surrender." So I kept my eyes closed and let the images keep coming. I saw two dark shadowy figures pacing around in circles, and then a tiny little face formed in what looked like the corner of a room. It looked kinda like a wicked looking elf but when I realized "elf" it slowly dissolved.
The whole vibe felt like I was trapped in my mind like Jennifer Lopez was trapped in that dudes mind in the movie "The Cell." The images were all just as dark and gloomy but kept coming and going so fast it was hard to remember much more detail. I kept opening my eyes and seeing normal stuff, then closing my eyes and seeing crazy crazy stuff. I did this for a while until all of the images stopped rushing through my minds eye.
So I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask:
What's the difference between the "hyperspace" and "loss of ego" experiences?
Do you guys think I was in hyperspace but don't realize or remember it?
Was the third trip close to a "loss of ego" experience?
Now, that I'm packing some pounds, should I try smoking 60-70mgs next time?
Should I try another method of smoking the spice?
Is there usually much more to experience than what I've described above?
I've reunited with Bubbles, is it safe to give spice to your pet monkey?
Thanks in advance for all of your help.
The King
Michael Jackson
I know this because he visits me sometimes. Now he's asked me to forward this message to you guys in hopes that you will be able to answer some of his questions.
So here it is...a message from Michael:
Hello lovely people of the world, greetings from NEVERLAND!!!
I've just recently been introduced to spice and have only smoked it on three seperate occasions. The first time I think I just made it to the threshold but not through. I don't know exactly how much I did but I estimate I put about 40-70 mgs of spice in the bowl. After I snapped everything in one hit using the leaf bed/bong method I had a swirling wall of beautifully colored diamond shaped patterns arise from nowhere and engulf me. I felt the intense rush of being propelled at hyperspeed but just then there was a jolt going all through my body. It felt like I had stuck my finger in an electric socket. I also heard a really loud ringing sound in my head and I felt as though I was going to faint. I had to lay back and I couldn't close my eyes, I tried for a moment but saw a lot going on and felt it was too intense.
I had melted into everything around me. I had a slight hallucination and it appeared like I was in a Salvidor Dali painting in the desert and I was one of the melted clocks hanging over some stone. It then felt like my head was a bird head and was moving it around all jerky like a bird would when it looks around. My eyes felt very huge and I could really feel my eyelashes. I blinked and two black birds flew away, one from each of my eyelashes. That hallucination stopped pretty quickly and I found myself staring at the ceiling watching it and the walls breath in and out. By this time I knew everything was all good...ha. The walls breathing was nothing, I've lived through that on LSD and shrooms. The walls soon stopped breathing and I could just see cool "cosmic elven" looking patterns swimming in the ceiling and they slowly began to fade away.
The second time I smoked I actually did have a scale and weighed out 35 mgs. I was not able to snap this all in one hit using again the leaf bed/bong method. The leaf was packed too tight and I wasn't getting a good pull so I had to stop and take a breath and try to hit it again a few times. I never really got the chamber nice and full and didn't come close to getting that intense rush I had in the first trip. If my eyes were open I'd just see the patterns swimming in the ceiling and walls. I close my eyes and I'd get some images rushing through my minds eye. It's hard to describe these images as I've forgotten most of them but they weren't all that spectacular. I did however get the uncontrollable urge to smile.
I just did it for my third time tonight. Before I smoked I did my usual rituals; a little prayer to the universe, a relaxation ritual, then a banishing ritual. One of the most magical lessons I've learned is that there are too many factors to control in life and it is impossible to have complete control over everything. So, ultimately one must surrender to the chaos and learn to go with the flow. In my prayer tonight I asked the Universe to look after all of us as we learn to surrender, because letting go can be quite frightening at times.
I weighed out 55 mgs, I know this sounds like a lot for me, but little do you know that I've actually tripled in weight since now FINALLY the cameras will never be on me again. Magic Johnson was right, I loves me some KFC!!! So I now weigh 280lbs. I once again used the bong and the leaf bed method. I packed the leaf loosely this time in hopes that I'd be able to snap it all in one big hit. However, due to my pre-flight anxiety I fell short of breath rather quickly and once again had to pull small hits at a time, without a carb, through my bong and of course never got that good good rip. I did feel a tingle in my body before I finished but I knew to keep smoking, so I did, until it was all gone.
I didn't get that intense rush that I felt the first time so I figured right away I would not be entering hyperspace. I laid back and looked around for a second and saw nothing more than the typical swimming patterns you'd see during a shroom or LSD trip. "What a bummer" I said as I closed my eyes. All of a sudden my body just froze stiff. I laid back and my head the the pillow but my arms and hands stayed hanging in the air as I was paralyzed. The typical mandala/fractal/diamond shaped/colorful patterns swirled around in my minds eye. The ones that I think are commonly seen at threshold level, as I've seen them before. I began to feel faint so I opened my eyes. What I saw was boring so I closed my eyes again. This time the fractals were no more. I began to see dream like images flow through my minds eye at hyper speed. It was really intense and gloomy looking so I wanted to open my eyes again.
A voice then echoed in my head. This wasn't me saying this now, although it was something I'd said in my prayer not long before. "Surrender," I heard. "Surrender to it all." What the hell is this??? So I keep my eyes closed and the images keep flowing. They were gloomy but are becoming celestial, as if I were smack dab in the middle of an electric ethereal energy field. I dissolved into that but for some reason I opened my eyes as soon as I did...grrr...typical ego jerking you right back out.
What I saw with my eyes open was normal/boring so I closed my eyes again, it was dark and gloomy. I felt trapped in a maze. I thought to myself, "oh no, I'm going to be trapped in my own mind." I thought this because when I opened my eyes everything felt normal and I wasn't sure if I was tripping still. I remembered though, "surrender." So I kept my eyes closed and let the images keep coming. I saw two dark shadowy figures pacing around in circles, and then a tiny little face formed in what looked like the corner of a room. It looked kinda like a wicked looking elf but when I realized "elf" it slowly dissolved.
The whole vibe felt like I was trapped in my mind like Jennifer Lopez was trapped in that dudes mind in the movie "The Cell." The images were all just as dark and gloomy but kept coming and going so fast it was hard to remember much more detail. I kept opening my eyes and seeing normal stuff, then closing my eyes and seeing crazy crazy stuff. I did this for a while until all of the images stopped rushing through my minds eye.
So I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask:
What's the difference between the "hyperspace" and "loss of ego" experiences?
Do you guys think I was in hyperspace but don't realize or remember it?
Was the third trip close to a "loss of ego" experience?
Now, that I'm packing some pounds, should I try smoking 60-70mgs next time?
Should I try another method of smoking the spice?
Is there usually much more to experience than what I've described above?
I've reunited with Bubbles, is it safe to give spice to your pet monkey?
Thanks in advance for all of your help.
The King
Michael Jackson