This was SWIM's first time with spice that she had extracted herself. The time spent giving her love and joy throughout the process seems to have brought it back many times more. SWIM managed the does in one toke, and a carrier wave arrived immediately, like a taxi waiting at strange angles to her launching pad. It traveled with a great speed, but the intensity had been reduced quite a lot.
Then she was in hyperspace. An elfin creature appeared before her, making it clear that he was actually the entire space surrounding her, and that he had taken on the form to make it easier on SWIM.
He proceeded to show SWIM a survey of the types of Love, activating each within her. Love of a father for his child, the love between an aged couple, the love of a young girl for the artist that moves her, the love of an animal for its human companion... on and on. After a time, it seemed like the guide was looking for SWIM to make some connection... and the word came to her in a flash of confused emotion, "Family."
Then a series of shadows of love appeared: rage, betrayal, dishonesty... many taking drawing up the form of incidents from SWIM's childhood. She had to see, even when she didn't want to, how Love cast such shadows. SWIM saw how she blocked the flow of love from herself to others in revenge for their own blocking the flow of love. SWIM felt ashamed at this behavior, yet in the two days since, she has noticed herself continuing the pattern.
Returning, she asked me to convey the sense of family she has with everyone here at the Nexus. Even though we're very new here, the feeling of connection builds each day.