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A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa)

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Dragunov Mylshka Teapot
Enhanced Leaf

I love DMT Enhanced Leaf!

Like Coschi so wisely once mentioned:

Coschi said:
My personal preference is to make DMT enhanced leaf.
The reason I like this method so much is that it is convenient, effective, easy to dose, and allows for a lot of experimentation with different blends of leaf.
deoxy said:
The effects of Changa are considered by many to be more grounded than just DMT freebase smoked on its own. The effects have been reported as being similar to a short Ayahuasca trip. The duration of effects is slightly longer than that of freebase DMT, with reports of trips lasting up to 12 minutes. There have also been reports of Changa being used in conjunction with Ayahuasca to intensify and then later revisit the experience.
Tribe said:
It is quite possibly THE way to go in terms of smoking dmt. It is commonly 30-50% dmt by weight, and people often change the recipe depending on what they wish to achieve. It seems that by incorporating the plant teachers into the mix a smokeable ayahuasca is achievable whereby the experience is a little more grounded and earthier and appears to last quite a while longer. It seems to be a lot more user friendly then just smoking crystal, and also allows for a level of plant interaction in what can be a quite ethereal experience. I have also read that it is incredibly effective at kicking a brew in, or re-visiting the peak, and u can even work yourself into a deep aya like state by having repeated sessions over a period of time.

There are some incredibly interesting mixes being made out there and people even incorporate ritual space, essences and harmonics whilst 'downloading' onto the plant matter (not to mention the multitude of different herbal constituents being experimented with). Its an exciting process and definitely an evolution in the way we are able to work with dmt and ayahuasca plant guides.
Erik said:
Along with a friend, I said hello to changa on the last night of the festival. The smoke was sweet, and the entrance into the vestibule of the tryptamine palace was smooth but strong, and I slid gently along DMT’s inside-outside Mobius strips of sentient energy with more clarity and with less anxiety than usual. My fingers folded into spontaneous mudras and the breath of fire sparked without will. Then the vibrating weave of nature’s alien mind fluttered and unfolded us and set us gently back on the scraggly hillside, where the crickets and their ambient chirp-track trumped the distant thump of machines. Boom!
Bluelight said:
I find it extremely enjoyable, too. It's gentler, less freaky, lasts longer, and yet it goes very deep.

When infused with particular herbs DMT evolves into an almost completely different experience. Electrically charged depth, colour and feeling ooze through you like a hot knife through butter, the herbs bring more into the experience than you could imagine possible. It is so easy to breakthrough, so simple to use and simply so amazing! Overall, any person who considers themselves a DMT enthusiast has to attempt this method of smoking at least once; in all honesty though it's the only way to fly.


Pau D'Arco: Rich and exuberant meadows of pleasure
Blue/White/Pink Lotus: A distinct pleasurable and bright character
Calea Zacatechichi: The dream herb allows for a perfect synergy
Passion Flower: MAOI which potentiates and lengthens the experience
Caapi: Adds a spirit quality and potentiates and lengthens the experience
Damiana: Unique vibrance and taste
Brugmansia Flowers: Distinct other wordly character
Silene Capensis: African dream herb
Peppermint: Adds fresh soothing qualities
Mullein: Respiratory healing and soothing qualities
Heimia Salicifolia: Increases auditory hallucinations
Justicia Pectoralis: Smoother taste and a nice smell
Salvia Divinorum: Acts as an opener and enabler
Chaliponga: Adds a spirit quality and more magic
Mugwort: Dream synergy and mystical powers
Pedicularis Densiflora: Psychoactive sedating effects
Sculcap: Strengthens, calms and sedates nervous system
Wild Letus: Strengthens, calms and sedates nervous system
Lions Tail: Euphoric smoking herb


White Sage


Harmala Extract


Ayahuasca Android: 70% Caapi - 30% Chaliponga
Dream Scape: 60% Calea - 40% Brugmansia
Electric Sheep: 50% Blue Lotus - 50% Calea
Minty Blast: 40% Capi - 35% Peppermint - 25% Mullein
The Mekong: 50% Passionflower - 50% Blue Lotus
Twisted Fruit: 50% Caapi - 20% Salvia - 30% Mugwort + Bufotenine

Personally, Pau D'Arco does it for me but Blue Lotus, Calea and Passion Flower are also very good.

Whats your favourite leaf to enhance DMT with?

In traditional Changa mixes a blend of herbs were used in combintion with an MAOi containing leaf, typically Caapi. However you don't have to research what leafs are going to work best together or worry about what ratios between different leafs are needed. To start off simply pick a herb from the list and use it as the stand alone ingredient for the Enhancement, this will give you a sure and thorough understanding of the effects of each leaf and is my preferred method. If further down the track you feel like experimenting you could then mix and match with the herbs you liked best or try out one of the suggested blends.

An important thing to remember when smoking Enhanced Leaf is to make sure you pull the cone slowly so it burns really well, the key idea here is heat which in turn will release all the DMT - as usual holding it in for around 10-20 seconds. If you smoke it too fast you won't vaporize all the DMT, practically throwing away your hard work, so make it count! My no doubt strongest experiences have been when I pulled the cone at a snails pace, burning every last bit of leaf to its potential. Although this is in reference to using a bong it would be assumed knowledge when using a pipe, however I feel a bong is the only effective means to a thorough experience. Depending on the size of the cone of course, a bong greatly increases the amount of smoke you can inhale in one go, which is important, and makes the smoke considerably smoother as it is cooled and replenished by the water.

I've found having a half cone to start with followed by a full one, after the effects plateau, makes the big cone come up much easier/faster/better as it allows the initial acceleration/adrenaline attributed to the first cone to subside before pushing further, creating a more relaxed and accepting atmosphere - for first time users its also good for gauging the strength. Essentially you have already taken off from the launch pad but at cruising speed, so when the boosters are turned on full power there isn't as much of a jolt making it smoother and crisper. This has become habitual for me as it allows the later experience to be more fulfilling and greatly minimizes the chances of too much too soon, which can become overwhelming if not prepared. However after the initial full acceleration has taken place I have yet to find that point of too much too soon and doubt it's even possible while existing in the Changa realm.

In my experience time of day and lighting has played a major role in the effects of different herbs as well. On large doses of MAOI containing leafs it doesn't much matter if it is day or night because the strength imposed completely rips you from existence. But when experimenting with the other herbs, specifically Pau D'Aro, I've found night time with very dim/dark/ambient lighting works best. For some reason the experience only properly activates when its dark, if done during the day a completely different effect is felt, all referring to eyes open. It's still enjoyable and different in its own right especially if done outside on a sunny day, but for a thorough experience a dark environment is needed. Usually having a light from a near by room or hallway marginally seeping through into the room you are in works well. Otherwise all lights off and a single tea light candle works a charm!

I've found the bong used has a substantial effect on the experience also. Fairly large bongs tend to dilute the smoke but is generally allot easier for inexperienced users. A small bong, around 10cm high, will give you a very strong and direct experience. The smoke goes straight from the cone to your lungs with very little air in the chamber to dilute it, but there is a definite technique to a successful hit and you need fairly tough and large lungs to stomach it - before your even half way through the cone you already have a decent amount of smoke in your lungs and by the time you finish it, sometimes not even been able to, you no longer have a clue about anything. The majority of my strongest experiences have been using a bong of that height and I've found there is a distinct difference between a big and small bong.

Part of why Enhanced Leaf is so good is due to the fact it's so easy to use which means you don't have to be completely sober to load up your next cone, fiddling with crystal etc. Not only this, but somehow each successive cone gets better and better with no tolerance (after 10 cones a subtle difference sometimes takes effect), even waiting as little as 5mins between attempts. It just keeps pushing further and further, making for some extremely elongated expeditions. It also looks like normal leaf and you could even put it back into the herbs original packaging making it extremely anonymous, compared to having crystal laying around. The smell, taste and feeling of the smoke is a really enjoyable experience as well, you feel every particle of smoke pass through your throat and fill your lungs like velvety gold atomic aroma - your face lights up just from this feeling let alone when the smoke starts to take effect.

Finally, when making it an important thing to remember is to let the herb completely dry out before having a taste as smoking acetone can make you feel painfully sick after a few cones. If your impatient like me and can't wait that extra day or two before it is completely dry, simply burn the cone before you blast off with a lighter then take it off and if it's still burning it means there's still acetone - just let it finish burning and you should be good to go. Lastly, if Harmala Extract wish to be used make sure it's a fairly clean product. WARNING: Mixing Harmalas with recreational/pharmaceutical SSRIs or stimulants can be potentially dangerous.

If you haven't already experienced the awe-striking beauty and magical brilliance of DMT Enhanced Leaf I would highly suggest you do.

For those who aren't familiar with how to make Enhanced Leaf the following was borrowed from The DMT Handbook, be sure to check it out for very helpful pictures and information:


Weigh the amount of leaf you wish to enhance with DMT at the desired ratio.
Using leaf that is chopped to the consistency which it will be smoked at makes
life easier later on. Pictured is a mixture containing 4 grams of Calea leaf and 3.5 grams
of Brugmansia Sanguinea flower. Weigh the amount of freebase DMT needed to enhance your leaf
to the desired ratio. Thoroughly dissolve the freebase DMT (use about 40mL of solvent per gram
of DMT) in one of the following: 100% Ethyl Alcohol, Acetone or Isopropyl Alcohol.
You want to use a dish with a width that will allow your leaf to sit between 5-10mm high.
Add the leaf to the DMT saturated solvent and swirl it around so all the leaf is spread evenly on
the bottom of your dish. If you need to, add a little more solvent so that the leaf is well
covered. Place the dish somewhere where it will stay undisturbed for several days. It took
about four days for the Acetone to completely evaporate and the leaf to dry in this example
Once dry, the leaf can be weighed. It should be heavier by the amount of freebase DMT that
it is enhanced with.​



Changa - The Musical!
Ill have to tell Rufus about these. Even with as much as he has done he never thought to try it with medicinal herbs. He just always thought MJ and he gave that up a long time ago.
Caapi leaf is all that SWIM has tried so far, it looks like tobacco leaf, is very mild and burns nicely. He's been calling it "Changa" but probably would be best(more accurate)to refer to it as "Enhanced Leaf".
does the caapi leaf potentiate the spice trip at all? SWIM is a HUGE fan of spice-infused mixture of mullein and mj. 1/4 mullein, 1/4 mj, 1/2 spice...VERY blissful and nurturing to the lungs.

....i like the sound of that mint leaf addition!!
Using caapi, passion flower or any MAOI containing leaf makes for an extremely stronger and longer experience.
now SWIM has read about enhanced leaf, he's never tried it, and wouldn't mind a bit of experimentation.

thing is don't you lose a lot of the spice? from all i hear you don't want to actually touch the spice with fire as it destroys it, and i would think you'd have to do just that, and then wouldn't embers from the burning leaves waste the spice as well?

am i grossly overestimating the damage excessive heat/fire does? i assume this is being smoked out of a pipe. or is it better rolled?

i iz nub.
mugwump77 said:
now SWIM has read about enhanced leaf, he's never tried it, and wouldn't mind a bit of experimentation.

thing is don't you lose a lot of the spice? from all i hear you don't want to actually touch the spice with fire as it destroys it, and i would think you'd have to do just that, and then wouldn't embers from the burning leaves waste the spice as well?

am i grossly overestimating the damage excessive heat/fire does? i assume this is being smoked out of a pipe. or is it better rolled?

i iz nub.

Excessive heat is the key here. Heat itself isn't the enemy, we need it at above 140F to vaporize the spice, but too much of it for too long will kill it.
SWIM has found with the dry Caapi leaf that it takes care of the possibility of overheating because all it takes is a touch of the flame and the leaf lights and smolders on it's own and you don't have to put any more heat on it.
Chaaanggaaa :) the one and only :)

just made my first changa mix this afternoon with blue lotus... i made the mix a bit more gentle then 1:1...

mixed 1.5g spice with 2.5g blue lotus herb....

need to smoke alot to get a breakthrough, but it gets all wonderful flowery!!
WoW, changa is what you need!

Need definitly to try passionflower and b. caapi leaves...

Uck, I'd stay away from smoking passionflower. It is one nasty tasting plant to smoke.

I always advocate the use of blue or white lotus for the smooth smoke they produce. I doubt that Caapi leaves really add that much to the mix (other than its spirit), considering that it takes 1/4 kilo of leaves to reach MAO inhibition.
Ye, smoking passionflower by itself is a bit tangy but when infused with DMT it's fine, in fact even good.

If I'm right in assuming caapi would be the same as passionflower, you'd be surprised how much it actually effects the experience acolon. Very strong and much longer.
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