Rising Star
...a journey from chaos into harmonic order. Chaos was all I knew for as long as I can remember. Sure there was the occasional moment of bliss, but it was short-lived and there I was back behind the wheel driving like a bat out of hell down the winding roads of my so called "life". It took meeting the most wonderful and kind-hearted man, who is now my fiancee, to pull me out of my abyss and open my eyes. Where one ride ended, another began and this one had its ups and downs as well but we always pulled through... together. We even shared a few "D"ivine "M"oments of "T"ruth together and have been forever changed (but those stories are for another forum post:wink: ) I am 33 and by no means perfect but ever since having my EYE open things have been alot clearer and just make more sense. My chaos has become beautiful harmonic order. We are all just one and the one is everything... yet nothing. Live for one another and you shall know the "meaning" of life. Namaste.