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a 'physical' sensation of falling onto ground while falling asleep - do you experience it ?

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Rising Star
i have been experiencing this ever since i was a little kid - as i am just 'starting' to dream, to be asleep i guess, a scene interfere's into the dream, however vivid or vague it might be, and it is a scene in which i am experiencing the shockwave of falling onto the ground in daytime real life, i mean the 'physical' sensation of stress on the body. and it always so sudden and upredictable, that i get awaken by the rush of anxiety.

i have also heard from other people claiming to have experienced the same phenomena.

Having witnessed quite strange stuff originating from dreams, on the mark of paranormal, I have been thinking :

Let's make the assumption that the mind becomes somehow 'unlocal' while dreaming occurs, as in
it 'leaves the body' . So i suspect this might be a kind of reaction of the body trying to snatch the mind back on to focusing to this world. I.e. a physical rephlex aiming to prevent
or diminish OBE or dream vision

So, dear nexians, i was wondering has anyone here had similar type of experience and what are your thoughts about it
Interesting experience, thank you for sharing.

I cannot directly relate to this phenomena upon falling asleep. Although, I can recall many instances where upon awaking from sleep; to which similar sensations were felt. These experiences are brief but nonetheless strange, and still happen from time to time. Ime, it always starts with being between dreaming and 'awake,' while simultaneously, searching for ground to place my body on. It's almost as if two domains of reality are pulling and tugging in the same experience.

The sense of feeling reality upon awakening shifted after this point of experience. After a few more of these experiences, it then came to my attention that 'dreaming' and what we call 'reality' are actually not separate, but deeply connected. We can learn and integrate from both perspectives.

Perhaps your conscious awareness is adapting to novel, sub-conscious activities. Or vice versa.

Just some thoughts..
slugware said:
iSo i suspect this might be a kind of reaction of the body trying to snatch the mind back on to focusing to this world. I.e. a physical rephlex aiming to prevent
or diminish OBE or dream vision

That's exactly what it is. Well I don't know about it being some built-in subversion on yourdesigns on an OBE, :d but Fromwhat I understand, the phenomenon is common. I often experience it as a jerking limb if nodding off, or it can become similar to what you've related in a more relaxed setting, like going to bed as opposed to falling asleep in a lecture.

There is a medical term for it that escapes me, I'll edit if I find it. It actually used to worry the hypochondriac part of me a little. But as you say, it can be another tool in the explorers cache. I have some of my most visionary, unguided experiences at the verge of sleep and consciousness, and have learned over years to cultivate thus state.
Not sure if this is the same thing, but i've gotten this sensation my whole life as im falling asleep - typically falling really sudden (like a short 2 seconds or so), hitting the ground (or the feeling of). When I say 'the feeling of hitting the ground' - I mean the sudden shock, intensity, sound and knowing of hitting abruptly.

It always startles me. Very interesting nonetheless.
I experience this very often, but I have always attributed it to my tourrettes.

I noticed while I was using cannabis to control my condition, these moments of falling sensations and jerking upon entering sleep were almost non-existent. Now that I have had to stop cannabis use due to random drug testing, the sensations have come back again. It's interesting that the cannabis seemed to keep it away.
One of my deepest dmt trips started with the distinct sensation of my feet and legs dropping out from under me . I was laying down. It felt so real I still remember that feeling to this day .
That was the beginning of the most intense trip of my life . The trip had a parade with music and
wise over seeing entities high above me on floating carpets . They were observing me and showing me wild things all passing in a parade . I'll never forget it .
Nathanial.Dread said:
It's called a hypnic jerk and it's very well documented.
Here is the Wiki page for it.
Hey thanks :thumb_up:
Only now by this thread I realize not to have those anymore as it used to be.
This physical sensation of falling is commonly reported as an immediate precursor to OBE's. I do actually like your theory of it being a mechanism of the body to focus on the physical world as a defence against the perceived threat of an OBE, I hadn’t thought of it in these terms before.

Recalling one of my more recent experiences about a month or so ago. I remember waking up pretty early one morning and feeling unusually awake, so I decided to try and induce an OBE, as in the early morn having slept already seems to be the best primed time to practice. I listened to some binaural/isochronic tones for a while doing some deep breathing exercises to get very relaxed. After half an hour or so, nothing was happening, and I got bored and tried to go to sleep...this is when things got weird…

I remember feeling quite suddenly very tired, and as I fell into sleep, I e4nded up in a very vivid dream. I was in some kind of large underground chamber, circular and concrete, like an abandoned missile silo, and it was flooded. I was with a group of people, and we were all on this walking on water workshop. For some reason I was expecting instant Christ like results, and was disappointed to find the laws of physics definitely seemed to apply. As I walked along the bottom of this pool, the water got deeper, and quite suddenly it went over my ahead. As soon as this happened, it was like the bottom of the pool gave out, and I fell at incredible speed and intensity into the blackness below. Now, the experience of this far exceeded the sensations I expect one would feel were this to happen in "real" life (you would fall at the same speed as the water)...but this was felt as a very physical feeling in the pit of my stomach, and not remotely dreamlike at all, it was felt to be hyper real and to be honest the intensity of the sensation gave me the fear! I came back to what I assumed what was my physical body lying in bed, but I noticed that my arms seemed to be help upright, when I knew them to be definitely lying on the bed next to me, as if I was asleep. I then relaxed, ans found I could bring on that falling sensation again, but I lost it after a bit...that initial intensity had really caught me off guard. But I think I was in the early stages of an OBE in progress and didn't recognise it at the time...I think I had actually switched perspectives to my dream/astral body (hence the floating arms when they definitely weren't "for real", but there was a lot going on in a very short space of time which caught me unawares...practice makes perfect I guess. Other feelings like rollercoaster like feelings of acceleration and powerful electrical vibrations and tinglings have been felt at other times; all felt as very tangible and very real feelings, nothing remotely vague or dreamlike with any of these experiences.
I have had that sensation many times in my life and it almost all ways happens when I am just about to nod off to sleep. I also get a very weird levitating sensation sometimes. One occasion I thought I was dying, as I lifted off my bed and then started falling through my carpet on the floor. When the thought of dying entered my head I shot out of the carpet, landed onto my bed and was awake as if I had been the whole time.
hey, thank you all for sharing your thoughts

i actually didn't formulate very well what i meant last night when i wrote that

Tattvamasi said:
Not sure if this is the same thing, but i've gotten this sensation my whole life as im falling asleep - typically falling really sudden (like a short 2 seconds or so), hitting the ground (or the feeling of). When I say 'the feeling of hitting the ground' - I mean the sudden shock, intensity, sound and knowing of hitting abruptly.

It always startles me. Very interesting nonetheless.

Yes, Tattvamasi, that's exactly what i mean - the sensation of hitting the ground with the preceding fall from maybe a 1 - 1,5 m height, it's very short always ;)

Nathanial.Dread , thanks for pointing that out, i wasn't aware of that.

I've never had a sensation of levitating though i am really eager to know about your experiences and thoughts , guys&girls.

The only physical sensation that I tend to get that comes close to what this describes for me is some kind of flickering in the front of my sight and sensation of flipping through and a sometimes enlargening of this thing coming in my sight and sometimes i feel ensmalled.
I get that occasionally but more often is a vibrating sensation in the bed as if someone is rapidly pushing down on the mattress right near my legs. Sometimes it feels as if something is standing on the bed.
I've had this sensation before but not just when falling asleep. I've had a reoccurring dream for as long as I can remember where I am falling from a high place and am jerked awake because of it sometimes. Very odd indeed.
The Grateful One,

sometimes when it happens to me, it feels like it's a scene interfering into whatever i am dreaming. Usually my first dreams after falling asleep are quite harder to recall, but vivid enough to remeber i have dreamt something, out of nowhere i get this reoccuring scene of me in a horizontal position hitting the ground, but it happens in the dreamscape that has developed so far...
slugware said:
The Grateful One,

sometimes when it happens to me, it feels like it's a scene interfering into whatever i am dreaming. Usually my first dreams after falling asleep are quite harder to recall, but vivid enough to remeber i have dreamt something, out of nowhere i get this reoccuring scene of me in a horizontal position hitting the ground, but it happens in the dreamscape that has developed so far...

I guess for me it isn't so much of a reoccuring dream as it is more of a reoccuring sensation while asleep. But the premise is the same every time: I am falling from somewhere high and it is very startling when it happens.

As a kid, I used to sleepwalk and talk (I have grown out of it mostly as an adult) and even fell down the stairs once while asleep. Maybe I have a deep seeded fear of falling? :d I'm not really too terrified of heights when I'm awake so I don't really know. Interesting nonetheless!

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