yeah like people have said, it wont physically affect but people can 'tune in'.. I witnessed very clearly people getting "contact high" when aroud others who were tripping, and as mckenna joked, there are also "contact lows".
Like when one plays a string, and other strings of the same tunning also vibrate, even if they were not played. I think its reasonable to think of consciousness as a vibrational field, that could possibly interact with different consciousness' nearby
I dont know if it has to do in some way, but it reminds me of the fact that girls that live close somehow 'tune' their menstrual periods and have it together...
Haha..from tuning into a psyquedelic high/journey to tuning into synkronized menstrual periods.
But i understand what you mean and thats what i belive happened. She tuned in to my dream.
Its funny you say that actually, as quite a few years ago now, a dealer came to drop off 'Sid at ours, and we gave him a little spice, but had been smoking some just before he arrived, with that smell permeating my friends room...anyway he got back home and found himself in a deep and unexpected psychedelic episode...he had experienced spice before, so maybe the smell triggered something, I'm not sure...
Well i'm not sure if its the smell that triggers her spirit to rise see it was the first time she smelled it, but you never know how the mind or spirit works. Maybe she smoked Dmt in a long past life together with some mapuche indians? haha
Physically, no, second hand spice smoke will not affect other people in the room. I mean, unless you have a couple OZ of spice and are just using it to make a fog in the room, then yes, otherwise, not a chance in hell.
I guess if they are very mentally atuned to people vibes I guess they could feel the engery coming from the person under...
Yes, i think she can tune in and feel the energies and this was the first time she ever came across something out of the ordinary reality. She's a very cool lady. And no OZ of spice, just me dreaming of toking a small ammount. But i do wish i had an OZ to learn more. Or maybe not..
safer to dream then to drive a it correct?
to ride in or drive a car is likley more dangerous. yes I think so my opinion
Well.. i don't drive a car, only a bicycleta.. but i agree that it's more dangerous to drive than dream. And the car purges so much more toxins out to the atmosphere than a dream does hehe..
Oye!... now i feel more calmed really and i thank you folks for your respons. I will do some more experiments soon and along with my dreams..paint..i love to paint between dreams. It's a very meditative therapy
And now i don't need to feel anxious so much about her getting high from the smoke, and to be honest i never did belive that she got high from the dream-smoke. But i got allerted when my friend said that it sounded like she got high from second hand smoke...he couldn't belive that our experience would come to be..spiritual? don'treally know what to call it. But i will do some more research in the name of Libertad! hehe
Thank you and if you have more information about this "paranormal" things PLEASE inform me..I'm new to this sort of dreaming and appreciate more info.
Love how the changuar sings its ancestral icaros hehehe and to see how we are all part of its visionary song
Paz y amor