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You know, ibogaïne causes a visual phenomonon that is very close to this akinetopsia disorder. It's very odd. First you see just a series of objects. Then, sometimes even e few SECONDS later, you see motion. The perception of motion is not being shut down completely, but it's delayed significantly. It's a realy confusing and also quite spectacular visual effect. The odd thing is...when motion finally occurs, it happens in a very complex way. Parts of the object in it's previous position are very rapidly being moved towards their new location and when they merge with the corresponding parts of the 'new picture', a bright flash of white light is seen. And this is happening very quickly, but also piece by piece, as if the visual system is literally 'putting the pieces together'. So you constantly see a series of bright flashing lights, wich makes it even more disorienting.

And the thing is, everybody who takes ibogaïne will experience this odd visual efect.

Ibogaïne is probably a very interesting substance for a neuroscientist. If it wouldn't be such a heavy drug with significant risks attached to it, i would definately reccomend it.

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