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A weighty issue!!!! ;)

Migrated topic.

5 Dimensional Nick

"Full of multiversal flow!"
I have been thinking about gravity for a while now and just wondered what everyone's thoughts on it might be. If all mass exerts this force on all other mass the I somehow imagine many 1 dimensional strings attaching every atom in the universe to every other one. This is of course a vast number of strings but to my calculations not more than a googolplex.

Anyone else care to comment?
Can you eat gravitons? Or make a drug out of it? And without mass, is there any form? And do gravitons, gravity or strings exist, if you don't observe them? I postulate a neuronal correlate of gravity in the space monkey brain which is reflected by their culture and their machines.

Yours sincerely

Gravitino the Grave
The more accepted view is not that massive objects exert gravitational forces on each other, but rather that massive objects warp spacetime which thus affects the trajectories of other objects (even massless ones!).
But aren't most fundamental particles "massive", and therefore have to have connections to every point in spacetime?
5 Dimensional Nick said:
But aren't most fundamental particles "massive", and therefore have to have connections to every point in spacetime?

Does a marble sitting on a taught bed sheet need to have connections to every point on the bed sheet to change its shape?
I wonder if gravity can truly be thought of as a concept which is separate from space and time. Seems that energy manifesting as matter in space-time is inexplicably tied to gravity. The more matter the gravity. Perhaps 'defying gravity' means moving outside of space-time.
Psybin said:
5 Dimensional Nick said:
But aren't most fundamental particles "massive", and therefore have to have connections to every point in spacetime?

Does a marble sitting on a taught bed sheet need to have connections to every point on the bed sheet to change its shape?

good point. i stand corrected.
Some interesting articles:

* Tomography from Entanglement
Gauge/gravity duality posits an exact equivalence between certain conformal field theories (CFT’s) with many degrees of freedom and higher dimensional theories with gravity. It is of obvious interest to understand how bulk spacetime geometry and gravitational dynamics emerge from a non-gravitating theory

* Locality of gravitational systems from entanglement of conformal field theories (can someone pull the complete article?)
The Ryu-Takayanagi formula relates the entanglement entropy in a conformal field theory to the area of a minimal surface in its holographic dual. We show that this relation can be inverted for any state in the conformal field theory to compute the bulk stress-energy tensor near the boundary of the bulk spacetime, reconstructing the local data in the bulk from the entanglement on the boundary.
(The energy tensor calculations show how space-time should be curved, which in turn specifies the amount of gravity)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Pandora said:
Regardless of connectivity at Nemo and our ages it just sucks. Literally. Sucking our interesting parts downwards, :p.
Well, down is quite contextual.

I would rather call it that the earth and you are attracted to each other. ;)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Like in space-ships with artificial gravity, they spin the ship causing a force so we can fall down.
On earth we constantly fall on a downward slope of space/time/gravity caused by earths mass.
(that is the reason water spins down the drain in opposite directions, in opposite hemispheres)
I think the closest we are to this is with our theoretical work on black holes where a mass implosion of sorts breaks down space and time completely thus breaking the rules of physics.

Now I'm pretty humble in this regard and have not the slightest patch on black hole theory as the heavy weights which champion the subject, but I'm pretty sure if there exists a component of space time you don't understand and thus declare it's breaking the rules, then the rules are wrong. I just think of how recent the electron is in terms of the history of science and we're still breaking down the components.

I always like to term the expression that you can't make a dog understand general relativity, so it's fully feasable that the most evolved of human minds could still be far too limited.

I can't ever get my head round a singularity or even the event horizon because I don't know what goes on through the other side. I used to be informed it was obliteration, but more recently it has been said that it only appears obliteration from one side of the hole and on the other, from the observation point of one travelling through the hole, time and space remain the same as it's the fabric of time and space that is being warped around the observer and thus includes the observer rather than acting against it. Obviously this model completely sidepasses the inhabitability of getting such an observer to such a point of witness. Anyway I think it's called the copy machine theory of something? Whereby just before a body enters a black hole a copy is made of that body, one is burnt up by the radiation and the other passes through... Now that I definately can't get my head round.

Damn we're some tiny-ass people :)
MaNoMaNoM said:
(that is the reason water spins down the drain in opposite directions, in opposite hemispheres)
Unfortunately that is a myth, other effects like the slope of the bottom of the drain and the current of the water (by you plugging the drain and temperature differences) strongly overpower the Coriolis effect.

You need to nullify quite a few other effects before the Coriolis effect makes this happen.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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