Hey people
I joined the nexus almost a year ago and have been reading the forum's pretty much daily since, so thought it was about time I started posting on here.
I did a variety of psychedelics in my late teens early 20's mushrooms,mescaline,LSD,2c-e,2-i etc always in the aim of getting wasted rather than any sort of inner experience/healing. then I came across datura and after one hell of a nightmare experience with that I stopped doing all drugs what so ever. After 3 or 4 years i tried lsd again and found the experience completely different than previously, it would show me aspects of my life I wasn't so happy with which I found beneficial, but the mean's of acquiring it wasn't with my liking so once again I stopped taking it.
Then one day I came across one of Joe Rogan's speeches on dmt which made me very very curious about it and I started reading up on what ever info I could find and that's what brought me here.
After looking over these forums I got the materials I needed and set about extracting my own, since then I have done it fairly regularly starting out with smaller doses, each time has been more profound than the last, It has taught me a lot and changed me for the better I believe. I think it would be impossible to reverse the changes it has made now.
I'm now also becoming interested in the oral route of administration, but will be a while before I try that.
I joined the nexus almost a year ago and have been reading the forum's pretty much daily since, so thought it was about time I started posting on here.
I did a variety of psychedelics in my late teens early 20's mushrooms,mescaline,LSD,2c-e,2-i etc always in the aim of getting wasted rather than any sort of inner experience/healing. then I came across datura and after one hell of a nightmare experience with that I stopped doing all drugs what so ever. After 3 or 4 years i tried lsd again and found the experience completely different than previously, it would show me aspects of my life I wasn't so happy with which I found beneficial, but the mean's of acquiring it wasn't with my liking so once again I stopped taking it.
Then one day I came across one of Joe Rogan's speeches on dmt which made me very very curious about it and I started reading up on what ever info I could find and that's what brought me here.
After looking over these forums I got the materials I needed and set about extracting my own, since then I have done it fairly regularly starting out with smaller doses, each time has been more profound than the last, It has taught me a lot and changed me for the better I believe. I think it would be impossible to reverse the changes it has made now.
I'm now also becoming interested in the oral route of administration, but will be a while before I try that.