Hello there, I just last night had my first dmt experience. After finding out about the dmt nexus website, and seeing some of the posts. I feel I should share my experience, and hope that it can help anyone researching experiences, but also provide some information for those thinking about trying for the first time.
So a little bit about myself. I am 37 years old. I am a frequent user of cannabis, and also an experienced psychedelic practitioner. Specifically my experiences have been mostly with LSd, Mdma, and psilocybin.
While I don"t use them on any regular basis, my experiences with psychedelics do number in the multiple dozens.
Before trying dmt taking the time to research it and the experiences of others is essential! And I can't be more thankful that I took the time to learn. This psychedelic something that needs to be treated with the utmost respect!
I had my experience with one of my best friends (also an experienced psychedelic user) and my girlfriend. My girlfriend did not participate in the dmt but she as well is somewhat experienced with psychedelics.
So my friend and I got a fresh brand new glass pipe called a bong pipe. We grabbed a number of stainless steel screens as well. Our first attempt we put the spice on a small bed of cannabis, and used a lighter to melt and vape the dmt. It should be said that while we did not weigh our first doses, we put a small pile probably less than 1/4" square and 1/8" high. But this should in no way be used as an accurate estimate, as the densities and strengths of dmt can vary. So using a lighter i think is too hot for the material. While we both got a slight euphoric and warm feeling. It was a definite misfire for the both of us. We decided to wait at least an hour before trying a second time.
On attempt number two we made changes to our method. We used the same glass pipe, but this time we put the material directly on to a stack of multiple screens (I think 4) and nothing else in the bowl. The pile of material we each used was significantly bigger this time. Personally my pile was probably the diameter of a dime. and 1/8" high.
Using matches. Specifically two wooden matches held approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch above the material, I started to toke slow and deep. Right away I could see the chamber begin to fill with a white vapour. I exhaled the first, and immediately got my girlfriend to pass me two new lit matches. I again toked slow and deep. Halfway through inhaling my second toke my vision started to narrow and the objects in the room turned into a kaleidoscope of sorts. I then closed my eyes and exhaled. Everything slowed right down, It started at my feet, and worked its way up. It felt like a giant hand was enveloping my body and about to take me through kind of a doorway. I remember feeling like it was a cross between travelling through circuit board and (if anyone has seen Star Trek Deep Space Nine) it was like the scenes where they travel through the wormhole. I remember seeing giant machine gears turning and super vivid colours. Mostly red, yellow, and orange. There was also what i can best describe as a hum. A loud and deep hum that drowned out all sound around me, and my whole body was just vibrating and humming with it.
I then started feeling my self slowly come back. I again became aware of sounds in the room around me. And just felt myself slowly leaving the "wormhole". when I opened my eyes I still had strong visuals like strong lsd or psilocybin. They quickly dissipated and I was left giggly and euphoric. While I don't think i quite broke through. I was right there. I think had I been able to get a third toke in me, I would have gone right through that doorway.
On that note, I will end my post. I hope I haven't taken too much of your time. I really appreciate you taking the time to read it. If you are researching for the purpose of trying it yourself. It was an experience I will never forget. But please do tread lightly. The intensity of the onset was almost a bit much for me, and I consider myself quite experienced psychedelically. Start small and get the feel for it. I really look forward to my next experience now knowing what I know.
So again, thank you so much for reading, good luck and happy travels.
So a little bit about myself. I am 37 years old. I am a frequent user of cannabis, and also an experienced psychedelic practitioner. Specifically my experiences have been mostly with LSd, Mdma, and psilocybin.
While I don"t use them on any regular basis, my experiences with psychedelics do number in the multiple dozens.
Before trying dmt taking the time to research it and the experiences of others is essential! And I can't be more thankful that I took the time to learn. This psychedelic something that needs to be treated with the utmost respect!
I had my experience with one of my best friends (also an experienced psychedelic user) and my girlfriend. My girlfriend did not participate in the dmt but she as well is somewhat experienced with psychedelics.
So my friend and I got a fresh brand new glass pipe called a bong pipe. We grabbed a number of stainless steel screens as well. Our first attempt we put the spice on a small bed of cannabis, and used a lighter to melt and vape the dmt. It should be said that while we did not weigh our first doses, we put a small pile probably less than 1/4" square and 1/8" high. But this should in no way be used as an accurate estimate, as the densities and strengths of dmt can vary. So using a lighter i think is too hot for the material. While we both got a slight euphoric and warm feeling. It was a definite misfire for the both of us. We decided to wait at least an hour before trying a second time.
On attempt number two we made changes to our method. We used the same glass pipe, but this time we put the material directly on to a stack of multiple screens (I think 4) and nothing else in the bowl. The pile of material we each used was significantly bigger this time. Personally my pile was probably the diameter of a dime. and 1/8" high.
Using matches. Specifically two wooden matches held approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch above the material, I started to toke slow and deep. Right away I could see the chamber begin to fill with a white vapour. I exhaled the first, and immediately got my girlfriend to pass me two new lit matches. I again toked slow and deep. Halfway through inhaling my second toke my vision started to narrow and the objects in the room turned into a kaleidoscope of sorts. I then closed my eyes and exhaled. Everything slowed right down, It started at my feet, and worked its way up. It felt like a giant hand was enveloping my body and about to take me through kind of a doorway. I remember feeling like it was a cross between travelling through circuit board and (if anyone has seen Star Trek Deep Space Nine) it was like the scenes where they travel through the wormhole. I remember seeing giant machine gears turning and super vivid colours. Mostly red, yellow, and orange. There was also what i can best describe as a hum. A loud and deep hum that drowned out all sound around me, and my whole body was just vibrating and humming with it.
I then started feeling my self slowly come back. I again became aware of sounds in the room around me. And just felt myself slowly leaving the "wormhole". when I opened my eyes I still had strong visuals like strong lsd or psilocybin. They quickly dissipated and I was left giggly and euphoric. While I don't think i quite broke through. I was right there. I think had I been able to get a third toke in me, I would have gone right through that doorway.
On that note, I will end my post. I hope I haven't taken too much of your time. I really appreciate you taking the time to read it. If you are researching for the purpose of trying it yourself. It was an experience I will never forget. But please do tread lightly. The intensity of the onset was almost a bit much for me, and I consider myself quite experienced psychedelically. Start small and get the feel for it. I really look forward to my next experience now knowing what I know.
So again, thank you so much for reading, good luck and happy travels.