hello im new here. a few months ago a friend of mine whos actually my boss gave me a book by terence mckenna called food of the gods and that is when i became interested in DMT i have tried it 1 time b4 that about 6 months ago and had an awesome experience however it was not in the best environment. after starting to read that book i once again took intrest in psychoactives having not done any for several years. reason being i wanted to drastically change my life style and thers nothing that gets me back on track than a good psychadelic experience. i am a former heroin/fentanyl addict and always have a hard time staying away for the past 4 months i have been on suboxone but 1 month ago when i started my DMT quest i quit .
it was an awesome experience not only smoking the DMT but finding the trees doing the extraction was a whole experience by itself actually trying my own DMT was just a huge bonus i am studying to become a chemist so i am always looking for new things to experiment with. first i dfistilled my own alchohol then made some parillin and sarsaparillin distilled nutmeg oil . many other things i cant think of right now. soon i will try to still absinth. DMT is an amazing thing and the reason why i joined this sight is because i dont have anybody to share this with my girlfriend does not do drugs and i feel most of the people i know that would do DMT with me do not take it seriosly and view it as another high. infact i shared some with one other person but when asking them why they wanted to do it after they told me 'to get really high and see some cool shit' everyone has ther own reasons but i feel that 'to get really high and see some cool shit' is disrespectful to the power that DMT contains.
i have not had a break threw yet tho i feel like i got close for example the only thing i was aware of my body was my breath.
thank you for reading i hope to become a full member ASAP i feel like i have alot to bring to the table regarding chemistry and extraction paths
ps. i would never do anything illigal this is like a role playing game of being a clandestine chemist peace
it was an awesome experience not only smoking the DMT but finding the trees doing the extraction was a whole experience by itself actually trying my own DMT was just a huge bonus i am studying to become a chemist so i am always looking for new things to experiment with. first i dfistilled my own alchohol then made some parillin and sarsaparillin distilled nutmeg oil . many other things i cant think of right now. soon i will try to still absinth. DMT is an amazing thing and the reason why i joined this sight is because i dont have anybody to share this with my girlfriend does not do drugs and i feel most of the people i know that would do DMT with me do not take it seriosly and view it as another high. infact i shared some with one other person but when asking them why they wanted to do it after they told me 'to get really high and see some cool shit' everyone has ther own reasons but i feel that 'to get really high and see some cool shit' is disrespectful to the power that DMT contains.
i have not had a break threw yet tho i feel like i got close for example the only thing i was aware of my body was my breath.
thank you for reading i hope to become a full member ASAP i feel like i have alot to bring to the table regarding chemistry and extraction paths
ps. i would never do anything illigal this is like a role playing game of being a clandestine chemist peace