Hello! New member (slightly new), long time lurker. With the aid of this forum, I completed a very nice mimosa hostilis extraction, using the straight to base procedure, since it seemed that Mimosa did not require a defat. (which was true. I got lovely eggshell white powder! very effective)
Nowadays, of course, mimosa is far gone, or at least out of my grubby fingers. Well within reach of these aforementioned grubby fingers, is Acacia Confusa. It seems that Acacia confusa contains a fair degree of tannins, plant fats, NMT, and DMT. Thus, this plant source requires a different approach (bear with me, I'm using this post to help myself better understand the process), the acid/base extraction. I've written out my general idea of what I should do, and I'd appreciate it if any experienced with Acacia could impart some knowledge. Apart from not having an acacia specific tek, I'd prefer to understand conceptually what I'm doing, so that I don't make mistakes out of ignorance.
So, thus, in the spirit of high school science fairs, I've written a procedure, and attached a set of question, for each step.
Does this seem alright? Anything else I should be concerned about, or that I missed? Is freeze precipitation the best approach for Acacia, or should I pursue the FASA method, forcing the fumarate salt out of solution?
Grind Acacia Hostilus bark
Acidify to ph 4 (is it specifically a pH of 4 that is necessary to salt and draw out the DMT?)
Collect acidified DMT water after simmering or boiling (which is better?) and combine in a separate container.
Reduce down (Do I have any temperature concerns in this? Is it already to keep this at a low boil and simmer it down?)
Pull using naptha (the DMT salt will not migrate over since it is a salt?), using 100 ml or so each time. Mix the water and naptha together thoroughly and let seperate, decanting the naptha and discarding. Defat no less than 3 times
Basify to a pH of 13 (is 13 too high?)
Pull with naptha no less than 3 times
Save and combine pulls, and freeze precipitate in cold freezer
(hope this isn't perceived as me being lazy with my research. I haven't, I'm just hoping for the guiding hand of the more experienced, or a simple affirmation if I've got it right )
Nowadays, of course, mimosa is far gone, or at least out of my grubby fingers. Well within reach of these aforementioned grubby fingers, is Acacia Confusa. It seems that Acacia confusa contains a fair degree of tannins, plant fats, NMT, and DMT. Thus, this plant source requires a different approach (bear with me, I'm using this post to help myself better understand the process), the acid/base extraction. I've written out my general idea of what I should do, and I'd appreciate it if any experienced with Acacia could impart some knowledge. Apart from not having an acacia specific tek, I'd prefer to understand conceptually what I'm doing, so that I don't make mistakes out of ignorance.
So, thus, in the spirit of high school science fairs, I've written a procedure, and attached a set of question, for each step.
Does this seem alright? Anything else I should be concerned about, or that I missed? Is freeze precipitation the best approach for Acacia, or should I pursue the FASA method, forcing the fumarate salt out of solution?
Grind Acacia Hostilus bark
Acidify to ph 4 (is it specifically a pH of 4 that is necessary to salt and draw out the DMT?)
Collect acidified DMT water after simmering or boiling (which is better?) and combine in a separate container.
Reduce down (Do I have any temperature concerns in this? Is it already to keep this at a low boil and simmer it down?)
Pull using naptha (the DMT salt will not migrate over since it is a salt?), using 100 ml or so each time. Mix the water and naptha together thoroughly and let seperate, decanting the naptha and discarding. Defat no less than 3 times
Basify to a pH of 13 (is 13 too high?)
Pull with naptha no less than 3 times
Save and combine pulls, and freeze precipitate in cold freezer
(hope this isn't perceived as me being lazy with my research. I haven't, I'm just hoping for the guiding hand of the more experienced, or a simple affirmation if I've got it right )