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Acacia Identification help

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I was out for a hike one day when I came across this beautiful and familiar tree.
Can anyone help identify what species of Acacia this is?
The photos show that the phyllodes are quite rounded, long, and grow splayed in all directions.
I was thinking this would be an Obtusifolia as the trunk is also grey with lighter grey patches.
I dont know what the yellow colouration around the tips of the twigs are.


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it does look like obtusifolia.. interesting how it doesn't seem to have the resinous edges, redder stems and it also seems to have much straighter (lacking in the irregular indents) and and erect phyllodes too. interesting tree
nice one Orangespace, does seem you've found a plant ally, my advice is to take care of them as you would good friends, if you cultivate a receptivity to the alterations they can gift, even just by sitting with them, then they can also show you their own version of care.
most forms of obtusifolia will have quantitative (amount)/qualitative(different alkaloids) differences at different times of the year, and southerly forms seem to vary from northerly see here for more.. it's important to not reveal information relating to location on the internet, and to normally use the acacia identification thread for id's. another cool thing in the linked thread is that experiments on obtusifolia were done using twigs and phyllodes :)

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