Hi all,
Im looking for help identifying the following acacia below.
1. Found in NSW South Coast (Approx. 2 Hours south of Sydney)
2. Same tree, photo of the tree itself
3. Also found in NSW South Coast (Approx. 2 hours south of Sydney)
4. Found near tree 1 and 3
5. Sydney, near highway
6. Sydney, near highway as well
7. NSW South Coast - Young Obtusifolia?
8. NSW South Coast
Im looking for help identifying the following acacia below.
1. Found in NSW South Coast (Approx. 2 Hours south of Sydney)
2. Same tree, photo of the tree itself
3. Also found in NSW South Coast (Approx. 2 hours south of Sydney)
4. Found near tree 1 and 3
5. Sydney, near highway
6. Sydney, near highway as well
7. NSW South Coast - Young Obtusifolia?
8. NSW South Coast