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Acacia simplicifolia for obtusifolia

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexus, I have 3 Acacia simplex/simplicifolia seeds for trade for obtusifolia seeds. I have successfully germinated 2 of these same seeds out of 2 attempted, so these seeds are viable. I would really like to grow Acacia obtusifolia but can't find seeds :?.

here is my method of germinating the seeds (primitive, i know):
put some water in mug, and microwave it on high for 1 minute.
drop your seeds in the hot water and let stand for 1 minute.
put the mug in the fridge for 10-15 minutes.
put the mug somewhere like a shelf where it wont tip over and play the waiting game.
I used this method with Acacia maidenii with great success as well
it has occurred to me this may be outside the rules of this forum. mods please take appropriate action if necessary.
mogascreeta said:
it has occurred to me this may be outside the rules of this forum. mods please take appropriate action if necessary.
Yea, no trading on the forum as it exposes your real world identities and potentially links them with your online persona.
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