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Accessible sources of MAOIs?

Migrated topic.

Above the Sky

Rising Star
B. caapi and syrian rue are the most famous sources of monoamine oxidase inhibitors for psychonauts, but are there any more readily available ones? Pharmaceutical MAOIs can't be bought without a prescription where I live but I was thinking that maybe some common foodstuffs might have sufficient doses? Or possibly even cigarettes? I can procure B. caapi from the same source where I get my MHRB but I'm feeling curious and figured if anyone would know it'd be you guys.
Lists of β-carboline alkaloid source plants are out there for the finding - even a little dedication and effort will be rewarded with knowledge. Whichever plant may turn out to be the most practical, or the most rewarding, depends on your situation and your capabilities.

Blackcurrants are more likely to be of use than tobacco where, afaik, harmalas are trace products of pyrolysis for the most part. Some rustica tobacco may be richer in suitable alkaloids but there is always the problem of nicotine being dangerously toxic, not to mention physically addictive.

If you are somewhere where Syrian rue is remotely accessible, just use that - I've struggled to cultivate it, however.. Otherwise, consider growing caapi. If you have a lot of temperate outdoor gardening space, it may be worth getting to know sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) or/and various of the Elaeagnus species, e.g. Russian olive or autumn olive.
I wish I were in a situation where I can grow my own plants... well, one day hopefully I will be. Thanks a lot.
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