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acid for bufotenin/5-Meo precip

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So swim made an experiment.
1. took 20g of cebil empty seed pods and basified them with sodium carb (8g)
2. added water and let sit for some time till water evaped
3. pulled 3 times x 100ml with anhydrous acetone
4. what's next? swims interested in getting full spectrum of alks. it seems nobody knows what exactly do the cebil pods contain. If it's dmt, 5-meo, and bufo, will it be possible to salt it out with vinegar, citric acid or ascorbic (fumaric and tartaric is IMPOSSIBLE to get here)
freebase alks solution glows bright in acetone in UV yellow-green.
does anybody know whether freebase 5meo, bufo glows in uv?
I don't think the pods contain much 5meo but if you want 5meo then citric acid is a bad one to use because of the solubility of 5meo in acetone.

Vinegar is probably no good because most acetate salts are soluble in acetone.

I haven't got a clue about the ascorbate salts of these alkaloids.

I'd use citric acid if what you have is definately cebil pods as chances are the main alkaloids will be bufotenine with very negligable trace amounts of NN and 5meo DMT.

If you evap all the acetone and wash the result in naphtha, that should pull the both DMT's leaving bufo + other alks.

I'd just add some acetone saturated thoroughly with citric acid to what you have already as this works as a nice defat step which I'm guessing is going to be quite important for cleaning the bulk alkaloid.

Also I'm not 100% on 5meo citrate being soluble in acetone, but I heard somewhere it was. Sorrry I couldn't be more helpful
hey thanks for the answer.
swim was thinking to let acetone evaporate and then pull with vinegar.
then evaporate vinegar.what do you think about that?
don't want to saturate acetone with citric acid, 'cause citric acid won't evaporate
SWIM's experience with the seeds pods show that they contain either DMT or something very similar to DMT, and little else. SWIM could not detect the effects of either bufotenine or 5-MeO-DMT from using the pods sublingually, but definitely felt a DMT-like effect.

Bufotenine and 5-MeO-DMT are so different from DMT and easy to detect when present in active amounts. If they are present, they must be in extremely small amounts because they are both much more potent than DMT is when taken sublingually.

My guess is that you have some DMT in your acetone and little else. The only good way I know of to precipitate it out is by using fumaric acid. Fumaric acid will precipitate out DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenine. Citric acid will precipitate out bufotenine, if there’s any present. SWIM has successfully precipitated 5-MeO-DMT from acetone using citric acid a few times, but other times it didn’t work, and he has no idea why. Maybe the dryness of the acetone, or the concentration of the 5-MeO-DMT makes a big difference? I don’t know.
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