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Adding Harmalas after making changa

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone

I was wondering, if it is possible, to add freebase harmalas when the changa is already finished? (harmala powder gained by cooking b.caapi leafs)

I've made 2 batches of changa...
the first is 1g spice, 0.5g blue lotus, 0.5g pao d'arco
the second is 1g spice, 0,5g blue lotus, 0,5g Damiana

Now, as it is a long time i haven't made any changa (about 3-4 years) i made it with my old methods.

But just now i read the article about infusing the changa also with harmalas.

I usually infuse my herbs with acetone.

Would it work, to dissolve 1g of harmalas in acetone and infuse it into those already prepared changa mixes??

or would i destroy the mixes?

Any suggestions on that?

Thanks for your help.
Contact said:
Hey everyone

I was wondering, if it is possible, to add freebase harmalas when the changa is already finished? (harmala powder gained by cooking b.caapi leafs)

I've made 2 batches of changa...
the first is 1g spice, 0.5g blue lotus, 0.5g pao d'arco
the second is 1g spice, 0,5g blue lotus, 0,5g Damiana

Now, as it is a long time i haven't made any changa (about 3-4 years) i made it with my old methods.

But just now i read the article about infusing the changa also with harmalas.

I usually infuse my herbs with acetone.

Would it work, to dissolve 1g of harmalas in acetone and infuse it into those already prepared changa mixes??

or would i destroy the mixes?

Any suggestions on that?

Thanks for your help.

It's quite ok to dissolve you're harmala in acetone then re-add you're old enhanced leaf then re-dry then enjoy :thumb_up:
awesome :) thanks for the reply... i was worried that it will destroy my 2 mixes which i made with lots of love :love:

i read that acetone takes a bit longer to dissolve the harmala but it should work.

I ruined the batch of harmala i tried to extract form the b. caapi leafs, so i ordered some 1:10 P. Harmala Extract from syrian rue.

the guy who sold it to me told me that the extract is rock-solid... any tipps on how to move on?

better use acetone (which i already have) or find ethanol for infusing my mixes with harmalas?

thx for your help :thumb_up:
i didn't really succeed. the Syrian Rue extract didn't dissolve in the acetone, so it was a fail.

But i got some 97% ethanol now and i'm going to try it with this...

but as i found now my superb perfect changa mix, i think i won't even need anything else than that ;)
I've just sprinkled some freebase harmala extract on top of bowls of changa. It works great, plus you can keep the enhanced leaf clear of maoi.

I do enjoy having the maoi in the mix though. Less work when you are in a compromised state.
Just to add my experience:

For me the Harmalas did not dissolve in ANYTHING!

I also tried Methanol (!) and DCM and no solvent ever just dissolved it, so that nothing would have been left.

Therefore I just throw them at last on top of everything and hope they just distribute well.

Sadly also some powder just drifts to the bottom of the jar, which is logically as it is just powder in a liquid.

So sadly no solvent ever really worked for me : \
Have you tried slightly warm ethanol such as everclear heated in a pot of warm water from the tap? I have never had issues getting harmalas to dissolve enough to evenly coat mullein. Even denatured alcohol has served me well. IIRC, I could not dissolve much of the harmala extracts in it, but it was plenty good enough to perfectly coat some mullein with some stirring to ensure an even coat and to keep the harmalas from trying to come to a rest at the bottom of the solution as it evaporated.
Brennendes Wasser said:
Just to add my experience:

For me the Harmalas did not dissolve in ANYTHING!

I also tried Methanol (!) and DCM and no solvent ever just dissolved it, so that nothing would have been left.

Have you tried hot methanol?

I usually add about 1-2 grams of DMT and 300 mg of harmalas to about 25 ml of methanol in a small beaker or shotglass (approx. 50 ml). Then I immerse this into a hot water bath (60-80 °C) and stir until the methanol starts boiling. It takes some heating and stirring until everything dissolves. By the point of boiling the solution turns amber clear. Then I add my herbs.

The methanol is already dried. I used methanol from chem supplier but a cheaper option is methanol from RC car fuel cells. This is already ultra pure and you can get a canister of it cheaply.
Pitubo answered years ago, post #4.

I use hot 90% ethanol and have no issues at all, same method as blue.magic.

Less toxic too... though I don't think that really matters in this scenario.
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