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Long post but I’m hoping someone with pharma experience could help me out. I have already read the FAQ and searched on my own for a while. If an answer to this exists, I can’t find it. Thanks in advance.

I know someone that wants to do pharma without having to take multiple dosages and playing around with them. They want pharma-superhuasca. Fairy normal metabolism, average weight and height.

They don't want to deal with multiple dosages, potentially wasting spice, so on. They are not worried about puking or it being overly intense. They would diet a week before just in case. They have some Harmine/harmaline FB, HCL and Harmine FB.

If they wanted to do pharma superhuasca which one should they take? or should they get some harmaline FB? They are looking for a very very strong experience.

When this person experienced Ayahuasca in Peru. None of this multiple dosing stuff was necessary.

Granted we are taking about a traditional spirit vine brew so this person might not even be able to recreate a true experience as described below.

I know considering the infinite amount of knowledge on this forum someone can tell me how to do this. It might just be as simple as taking what would seem like too much and next time backing off on it. Just not sure about the Harmine/harmaline FB, HCL and Harmine FB or harmaline fb.

I truly appreciate anyone that would take the time to help me figure this out.:thumb_up:

In Peru the shaman gave them a cup with about 4oz of the foulest tasting, thickest, dirtiest, grimiest shit ever and they drank it immediately. They wanted to puke right after getting it down, but they were told by an English-speaking girl to wait 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, they were so happy they could finally puke and then it was on! Holy crap! There is no way they could have taken more unless a shaman was feeding it to them thru a tube down their throat or something. Even the thought of dosing again would be crazy.

The aya experience was like an lsd terror trip for 20 minutes at first. They were so disoriented that they felt powerless and nearly paralyzed. That made them think, omg did they just poison me? Are they going to harvest my organs? No shit. It was very scary at first.

It felt like too much at first, then the visions came. They heard a woman's voice. The woman said I know you're scared. I know you don't understand, but relax, just relax, open your heart and focus. The light guided them thru hyperspace from there and everything was good.

The difference with Aya vs a vape break thru was that drinking aya was like being in a hyperspace coma and freezing to death at the same time. It's an intense hyperspace coma but someone can wake you up if they try hard enough and ask if you are OK and then you can close your eyes and go right back into hyperspace as if it never happened. If that makes sense. Plus, the shipibo icaros amplify the experience.

The most intense part lasted for about 4 hours and then 2 hours of come down reflection each time. 😁

This is what they want. Can this be obtained with pharma?

They tried to brew with caapi extract and mhrb and it failed. They don't want to waste anymore bark.

So, what about dissolving 300-400mg harmine FB or the full spectrum FB or HCL and 300mg holy grail FB in coca cola to make one drink? Should this be enough to work on an empty stomach?  Besides having some preflight anxiety, they have always had a wonderful and enlightening experience with spice. It is a sacred gift of infinite knowledge to this person.

Like I said, they don't want to have to dose multiple doses. One dose, one time. They would rather deal with an overly intense situation than having to dose multiple times and risk wasting precious spice and or complicating the experience.

This person tried 4.5 grams Syrian rue seeds blended up in apple sauce and then 200mg spice 30 minutes later in OJ and it did absolutely nothing. This person then tried to take another 150mg spice in OJ an hour or so later and nothing but a tingle. It’s not the spice, so it's obviously being destroyed down under. What a waste.

So, what do you think?

I have read a lot of things on different forums saying that vaping is stronger than true ayahuasca, but in this persons experience that's not the case. Don't get me wrong. Both are intense, and lessons are to be learned from both. I like both equally. Just want it to last longer sometimes.

I think some think vaporizing is stronger because 1. Some people have never experienced true aya and or Aya has become so popular that when people go to the jungle(or wherever) for "healing" the shamans assume these people have emotional/mental problems and they don't want them to freak out so they give them the baby juice box ayahuasca and then put them down for a nap.

Either that, or the person I'm talking about was just lucky enough to go to a place that gives you very strong medicine.

If you made it this far I cannot express how grateful I am. Thank you.

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