"This person tried 4.5 grams Syrian rue seeds blended up in apple sauce and then 200mg spice 30 minutes later in OJ and it did absolutely nothing. This person then tried to take another 150mg spice in OJ an hour or so later and nothing but a tingle. It’s not the spice, so it's obviously being destroyed down under. What a waste."
If they did not first grind up the Rue seed in a coffee grinder before blending it with apple sauce, and instead just mixed whole Rue seeds with applesauce, that was the problem. Rue seeds are tough/hard little seeds, they need to be ground into a powder, consumed, and then 30 minutes later consume the DMT. If 30 minutes still isn't long enough, try an hour. I used to drink my Acacia teas an hour after consuming Rue seed powder capsules or a Harmala/Rue extract capsule and it'd work like a charm, but 30 minutes should be fine.
Also if the 4.5 grams were to have been fully/properly absorbed (had it been in powder form), you most certainly would've felt it, 4 to 4.5 grams of Rue seed is STRONG and can cause quite the nausea/vomiting.
9 times out of 10, if the DMT doesn't work, it's something to do with the guts MAO-A inhibition from the Harmalas/Rue/Caapi/Moclobemide, either dosage related, or timing related.