I wouldn't say you have a higher tolerance, a strong stomach might be reason enough for not vomiting, i have a messed up gut so it really doesn't take much to get my gut to purge lol, some people purge, some don't, but 4.5 grams of Rue seed powder is pretty strong, and if it was indeed ground down into a powder you should've definitely felt it.
Though another explanation is that the applesauce threw off the absorption/timing, which can happen on occasion i've noticed, food getting in the way of things. So next time encapsulate the Rue seed powder, should be between 4 to 6 capsules (not counting the weight of the capsules), i usually used 00 sized capsules, fitting about roughly 800mgs into each capsule so about 5 capsules for 4 grams, 6 capsules if the capsules are packed a bit lighter, wait 30 minutes and then try the DMT, should definitely work then. If it still doesn't work, which it should, but if it doesn't, and you're not feeling much of anything around an hour to an hour and a half, eat a little something to help move digestion forwards and it might kick things in but if you eat something between the Harmalas/Rue and the DMT it could throw off absorption and mess with the timing.
One night i took a dose of Rue and Mimosa, didn't feel much of anything (i think i had slow digestion due to decreased stomach acid due to taking too much Zantac), and so i figured it was going to be a dud experience so i fixed me some food to eat and head to bed, midway through eating i noticed things starting to kick in, my tv screen fragmented into puzzle pieces, then my body started going numb from my feet all the way up to my head and the only thing i could sense/feel/was aware of was my forehead, and then i saw a bright white light that was there regardless of closed or opened eyes, and then i chickened out and threw up, came back down over a few minutes, was definitely a one of a kind experience because that was the only time i had that happen lol.