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after effect..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
ok so i heard about this guy that took dmt for his first time... and he did very very little becouse he was nervouse, but he took in super deep breaths and held it as he shaked and his heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest.... nothing realy happend after, all the colors were intence for him. he went out side and looked at the moon and it felt like it was popping out and everything sounded beautiful. The next day he woke up with a terrible headacke the whole day... Is this common?
[quote:41dba5bcb7]shaked and his heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest....[/quote:41dba5bcb7] Yes, normal SWIM said. [quote:41dba5bcb7] nothing realy happend after,[/quote:41dba5bcb7] Oh ?! Not normal... [quote:41dba5bcb7]he went out side and looked at the moon and it felt like it was popping out and everything sounded beautiful. [/quote:41dba5bcb7] Why did he not closed his eyes and layed down ? [quote:41dba5bcb7]The next day he woke up with a terrible headacke the whole day... Is this common?[/quote:41dba5bcb7] Next day ? Hmmm, too much alcohol no ? 😉 Warning to not smoke naphta :roll:
Sorry, i was somehow joking about smoking naphta. As long as your friend let evaporated it enough long, there should be no problem.
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