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Against the drug prohibition, but don't know what to do? Post Here.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
The reason the majority of the public is against drug use is because they have been misinformed by authority figures for their whole life (does anyone here remember DARE and health classes). Most people I've talked to think that drugs like LSD or Marijuana are as addictive as heroin or methamphetamine and are just as destructive to the body.

I created this thread so that we can discuss arguments against the drug prohibition and ways to take those arguments mainstream.
It would also be good to post pro-prohibition arguments so we can formulate and practice good counter-arguments

If anyone has any essays or websites dedicated to stopping prohibition please post a link.

In order to change their minds and their laws we need to proactively campaign for the drugs, instead of reactively bitching when something like salvia gets banned because of public misinformation and yellow journalism.
We need to clean up the image of drugs and drug users; write letters to newspapers, distribute pamphlets, post videos, anything to increase public knowledge about the good side of drugs.

The government controls drugs with goons, guns and grade-school. If we educate people about the real effects of drugs we can at least take away that last one.

This is a tough issue. I always try to approach it from the standpoint of individual rights. But on the whole the world seems to care less and less about individual rights and freedom as it veers steadily back towards totalitarianism and centralized control over economic life as well as social life.

But the reason I approach it from a legalize and rights issue is because the drug war IS the problem. People who are addicted to hard drugs die because of the war on drugs for the most part. They commit crime because of the war on drugs. If someone wants to smoke meth all day and blow their brains out its not my problem unless they get paranoid and crazy or if its someone I love but then the problem is not the drug its the person using the drug. That person needs help and support from family and friends not the government throwing them in prison.

The more people support government control over our lives the less likely the war on drugs will ever change. We need an attitude of live and let live but sadly in the public sphere I think that attitude is dieing fast.
burnt - what I see where I live, amongst my friends, acquaintances and family, is that there is more and more acceptance of drug and entheogen use (although most peeps never heard of entheogens). I think when it is seen more as a plant teacher it is generally more acceptable to people who are inexperienced with drugs in general. For instance... I told my parents recently I was going on an ayahuasca retreat. They were surprisingly accepting, and even curious about it. Neither of them really did drugs in their youth. However, they are both afaicr against drug prohibition. I live in London... maybe things are different here, or maybe I am just around certain kinds of people..?
Prohibition is a terrible thing and it ruins too many peoples lives. The prisons are full of non-violent drug offenders and those people don't deserve to be put in jail.

Personally I try to correct any misinformation that I hear. I am a college student with a decent job. A lot of people respect a lot of the hard work I do and that lets them accept me for who I am. Most people would never believe that I use psychedelics and smoke marijuana but I do. I am also very open about it with my family and friends. All of these people have learned through me that psychedelics can be used responsibly.

I am not for all of the harder drugs, but I believe that those should also be legal too. I agree with what was said above that we should have the freedom to decided what we want to put in our bodies. As long as we are not hurting others in the process it is nobody's business what you do you the privacy of your own home.

It seems that we might be on the road to an end in marijuana prohibition. This would be quite a victory for us and I can see it on the horizon. I would suggest that everyone go to www.mpp.org and sign up for their email newsletter. This will inform you of any legislation that is based around marijuana. When you hear of marijuana legislation happening in your state or federally be part of it. Write letters to your local representative and make your voice heard. MPP puts together a nice auto letter wizard to help you with making your point.

Hopefully within our lifetimes we will see things get better. I can tell that there has been an upsurge of psychedelic users within the pass 5 years, and I feel the public are starting to get smart. All I can do is take psychedelics responsibly and show the people of the world how good psychedelics can be.
Yea I also see a lot more people who are accepting or certain kinds of drug use. Its even in TV shows more (so many shows joke about marijuana these days for example or entirely based around it). Marijuana has become much more accepted I feel.

I don't think psychedelics or other harder drugs are though. Sure plant based drugs are but thats because people have a tendency to accept things if they are used or seen as religious tools which I think is the wrong attitude. People should have the right to use any drug for whatever reason they want period. If society can't accept that then prohibition in its entirety will never end.

So arguments like psychedelics are good but cocaine is bad is unfair. Some people like cocaine more then psychedelics or whatever. Its not up to anyone but the individual (assuming they are a mature adult) to make the choice whether or not they want to use a particular drug for whatever reason.
^ I agree, thats's the only way we are free..most people are drug addicts anyway..caffine, nicotine..I think the drug delivery system makes it acceptable to people as well..I am sure caffine and nicotine is pure form are preaty rough, and I bet a little pinch of cocaine in some morning tea isnt much worse than a coffee addiction..
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