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aglae growing

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i wasn't sure whether to put this in health and lifestyle or into sustainable living, its kindof both, as you can see i finally decided on sustainable living, so i wanna know if anyone has any experience growing algae, specifically small scale organic algae. if there is no experience but there is interest i would be happy to share the information that i have found, the initial on it seems really promising
Funny. The last topic i responded to was about growing Spirulina...in the Health section.

What type of algae are you talking about growing? Chlorella, Spirulina, Klamath Lake Bluegreen algae? These are all amazing foods for the the human body and I like to eat them :)
Never grew any....
funny thing that, ya i started the first one, then no response, further more i could not find it myself/forgot about it...so this one was started. so generally the parameters include heat 70-100 F.. aeration/ a bubbler, ph about 10. nutrients soluble phospherous and soluble nitrogen, minerals, generaly chelated iron is considered the most important thing mineral wise...the specific recipes for soluble nutrients vary but they are all chemical fertilizers, i dont know how they make "organic" spirulina and chlorella production, cause as far as i know its not possible, even though it theoreticaly should be, i even herd that the klamath lake algae which is supposed to be the best natural source for algae the bloom is fueled by farmland runoff upland of the lake...i yern to know the key of organic algae production...the culture i have now is spirulina
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