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Alchemy, Al-kemet..the lands of eqypt..

I want to start a compilation of alchemical texts, videos, lectures on the subject etc here..so if you have any please link to them here in this thread. Discussions welcome as well :)

For me alchemy has been a bit of an obcession..but it's a very deep and complex phenomenon spanning multiple civilizations and cultures..so as you can imagine a lot of reading and studying is involved in trying to fully understand it all..

Hermetic philosophy is a good place to start..I listened to this lecture abotu 3 years ago so I need to listen probly a few more times still to remember much of it..I warn you it's long..

Here is another interesting video series on alchemical traditions..this one is more esoteric..but then again it is alchemy so..

The rig veda I need to read in full..never read the whole thing in it's entirety..

Chinese alchemy is also a very interesting topic..and it is the roots of chinese herbalism.
nice jamie ive always been interested in alchemy especially after watching FMA :p but i knew it was alot of learning im excited to see what comes of this thread.
What an amazing Synchronicity...I was just watching (on TV) an interview with an author (Lucy Wyatt) who was talking about the exact same thing...
She had some very interesting takes on the Ancients...her book is 'Approaching Chaos' http://www.approachingchaos.co.uk/book.html
From her explanations it sounds like an enlightening read...

quote "The Egyptians’ use of quantum physics and alchemy in megalithic building and shamanic ritual became esoteric, hidden knowledge; and we have been going in the wrong direction with regard to science and religion ever since."

(it seems that synchs ignore time zones) 😉
the old scientific knowledge before chemistry was considered alchemy ,

yet da vinci's dream of converting lead into gold was totally something else together and very possible if we had advanced technologies , i used to discuss this with my frnds when in school yet no one would believe me

let me start by saying energy can never be created nor destroyed its just converted from one form to another , so what is the difference between lead and gold

sound travels at 340.29 metres per second , light travels at 299,792,458 metres per second , thus a very measurable difference between light and sound except for physical features is the speed itself

thus if sound was propelled to the speed of light it would not remain sound anymore , it would become light , i believe everything in the universe is energy travelling at different speed ratios , thus the difference between lead and gold is the apparent energy speed ratio

if one could change the universal speed of lead to match that of gold it would become gold

when in school i had actually worked up an equation of this working , with theory of relativity also providing essential data , i'll try to find that equation and report back , till then let me know how the theory sounds

thank you
also if a piece of wood can become fire , heat , light and ash when combusted

lead becoming gold is not that far off provided the parameteres are right and we get our hands on alien technology
My background is mainly based in the Western Mystery traditions and Hermeticism so I've worked with alchemy, although not the full-blown labwork side of things. It's a fascinating subject but, as Jamie says, is incredibly complex and hard to fully appreciate without a sound knowledge of the symbolism and allegory involved. There's a universality to the framework of alchemy, regardless of whether it's Fulcanelli or Taoism, which, once you actually understand it, can be seen in all genuine mystical traditions.

Oddly enough, I'm working on an essay I was going to post on here called "The Alchemy of Extraction" which overlays the basic alchemical conceptual model to the process of extracting actives from organic material. Basically, I think there's the potential to use the extraction process as an externalization of inner alchemy, a sort of 'psychospiritual tek' so to speak. I'll try to finish it and post it as I'd like to hear peoples take on this.

Linkwise, one of the best sites for classic Western alchemical texts is The Hermetic Library; this site is also a goldmine of comprehensive info and some interesting practical "plant alchemy" techniques; Holybooks.com is another winner. Aleister Crowley's 777 has a wealth of information and presents some revealing correlations between the symbolism of various traditions.

I still consider the idea of literally turning lead into gold - at least without massive amounts of energy, such as what's possible at CERN, to completely reorganize the molecular structures involved - to be missing the point. It may have been the precursor to modern chemistry, true, but the application of the processes described by the alchemists, regardless of geographical location, leads to a far more sublime outcome.
Jin said:
the old scientific knowledge before chemistry was considered alchemy ,

yet da vinci's dream of converting lead into gold was totally something else together and very possible if we had advanced technologies , i used to discuss this with my frnds when in school yet no one would believe me

let me start by saying energy can never be created nor destroyed its just converted from one form to another , so what is the difference between lead and gold

sound travels at 340.29 metres per second , light travels at 299,792,458 metres per second , thus a very measurable difference between light and sound except for physical features is the speed itself

thus if sound was propelled to the speed of light it would not remain sound anymore , it would become light , i believe everything in the universe is energy travelling at different speed ratios , thus the difference between lead and gold is the apparent energy speed ratio

if one could change the universal speed of lead to match that of gold it would become gold

when in school i had actually worked up an equation of this working , with theory of relativity also providing essential data , i'll try to find that equation and report back , till then let me know how the theory sounds

thank you

It is interesting thanks. I dont personally believe that the whole lead to gold thing was as large a part of alchemy as some think. In chinese alchemy I think it was sort of a lesser path to most alchemists. It seems that the chinese alchemist in large were more interested in seeking immortality though the ingestions of metalic and plant elixers..this is also why so many of them lived real short lives..ingesting all those metalic substances they were making..mercury being on.

Of couse the literal goal of lead to gold was present was well..and I think in china there was even at some point a law passed against the production and use of artifical gold.

The stone though was said to be something that did not exist naturally on this planet(at least in it's pure state)..it was produced from natural products but required an alchemical process..that sounds more like monoatomic elements that actaul gold to me..and maybe a deeper metaphore of the soul of an enlightened person who used certain plant elixers and alchemical breathworks etc to attain the state

I dont know enough about vedic alchemy yet to really speak to that.

European alchemy did seem to put more emphasis on the literal task of turning lead into gold.
maybe a deeper metaphore of the soul of an enlightened person who used certain plant elixers and alchemical breathworks etc to attain the state
Rather than thinking of it in terms of a "soul", think more along the lines of pure, unconditioned consciousness as it may be a bit easier to conceptualize for further contemplation. There's a point in LSD trips, and as I've observed recently with DMT and bufotenine also, where it's possible to recognize the clear light and dissolve the identity in toto; this is basically getting a glimpse of what the perceptual baseline becomes when "enlightenment" occurs.

Do you know what I mean? The way perception becomes crystal clear in that indescribable way, and everything becomes so alive, immediate and intimate but, if you look for it, there's absolutely no sense of being or of 'soul'?

I know this may sound a little off-topic, but I'm still talking about the basic principles of alchemy as a method of perturbing consciousness so that it can be recognized as it 'is'...if that makes sense. :lol:

Btw, great idea for a thread. :thumb_up:
yeah I have to be careful with terms like soul and spirit..end especially god. They are all such loaded terms anyway..and soul can imply for many people that it is something singled out from the physical body. I am talking about enlightenment as a wholistic integration of mind/body/spirit..

It is sort of the same way I feel about people talking about spirt over matter or matter over spirit..I think there is another option that is matter is spirit and vice versa.
I want to start some discussion also on mono-atomic elements. Now I know this is a very controvercial topic, and I am aware that some big people in the Ormes community are not even sure they exist any more and have put forth the idea they are diatomic..so this is a finicky subject but one that cannot really be avoided in a really in depth discussion about alchemy. It is bound to come up.

The "red lion" was claimed to be a red waxy substance, and was the purest form of the stone I think..which has led people to speculated that these white powder gold "ormes" that are comming out of these salt precipitation teks is not at the same level of what the alchemists were seeking(assuming at least one physical form of the elixer was ormes).

The closest I have seen to the red lion is "trap water"..which is a yellowish color sort of when concentrated enough and is described to have a slight oily texture to it. This is a water solution of course produced by running spring water through a magnetic vortex water trap. This is a complex subject all on it's own..trap water systems so I will leave that as it is..I think Barry Carter has enough information on the web for people to seek out if that interests them.

My own involvement with ormes has been based around spring water and what I like to call "water shamanism"(really I stole that from Daniel Vitalis :)) for the lack of a better term..and working on building vortrap water systems which are still in the process of completion. I sort of lost focus on the older dead sea salt precipitation teks..but I will revisit that at some point.

Of course plant psychedelics are another relevant topic of discussion when adressing possible candidates for the elixer..
..yeah good thread concept thanks jamie..
buried away i've got bits and pieces of Hermetic alchemical texts and drawings which i hope to post in the future..
the Egyptian thing reminds me that, given what it is often said the ancient Egyptians were capable of technically, separating polar and non-polar fractions of an acacia/mimosa brew would not be hard to work out and achieve..
2-3000 years ago only high-tech priests and alchemists knew how to do it..these days an increasingly enlightened minority of people learn about it on internet sites..:)
..the use of Sound Waves in Alchemy is a very interesting, and also ancient field..picture the Indian yogi chanting Om for 3 days at the sand until a mandala appears..this is theoretically scientifically possible..and is done these days with oscillators..
..Singing or chanting over the brew as it is being prepared is considered universally important in shamanic traditions..
here's an interesting quote from the Lycaeum:
One recalls that when pulling MHRB using an STB method, it was good to play the didgeridoo over the jars before putting them in the freezer, as this helped the formation of very intricate, beautiful crystals. Also, with later pulls when both white and yellow substances were coming out, using the didge made these compounds crystalize in distinct clumps from one another.

often the deepest insights into alchemical procedure come to me when i assay the results of such work..
nen888, i'm uninformed on sound waves, i use the chakra tones, singing bowls, quartz bowls recordings, and positively gaian mind created music for creating optimal conditions for the work. what do you have in mind?
i presume your familiar with this too?? A web page that points a browser to a different page after zero seconds
..lol caban..i am no bloody New Age levitating wanker!!:d

i mean science mate!

it's about separation, serious 'alchemists'..

also, Ultrasonic techniques are now used in high-tech Rose oil extraction..again science..

trace gold, magnetite and other metals are essential for brain functioning (neurology)

"Jamie, you into colloidal silver/gold ? i've been wanting to pump one or the other through my condenser for projects."

No. I am highly skeptical of colloidal silver. I wont rule it out but I have no experience and dont know enough about how it works (or does not) to claim I know anything about it really.
I like this thread and would like to keep it going



The first one is more an introduction to alchemy.
The second one I already posted and is more about sexual alchemy

Also Jamie do you have any teks for making your own ormes that you liked/used? Or any sources on information about that? Since everything I read about it is seemingly contradicting.

Also I found an old text at this old rare and used book store about making the philosophers stone/ elixir of immortality that says to conjure the stone you must use your own body as a distiller for sulfur, essentially you save your urine and concentrate the sulfur from it somehow. It is said only to work for those with a proper diet,and certain level of attainment, the process has to occur in accordance with certain astrological events and corresponding dietary measures. Ill have to dig it up and I will post it soon. It is strange if nothing else:lol:

Also great site on alchemy here

from the same site plant alchemy part 1
^..nice!:) adam..the philosophers' stone..interesting topic indeed, and very mysterious..
i like this thread too and forgot about it..

but, where's caban's posts gone..? weird that i'm responding to posts which aren't there anymore..
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