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Alcohol Tincture Taste

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Tincture made with grain alcohol tastes like smoking alcohol, oh well I guess. It is pretty strong though...any suggestions?

It works though!...
If it's alcohol that you're tasting, then there's probably a little still trapped in there. Did you fully dry it out? I know that seems obvious but looks can be deceiving. Finely chopping up the end product also helps to release a little extra solvent.

If not, hmm... I'd try bang it in a chamber with some desiccant, sap all the extra moisture that the alcohol may be clung to into the dry air. Grain alcohol usually does have this extra bit of moisture.
I thought that maybe I did not wait long enough...how long would one suggest to wait, say after placing goo tincture in a pipe?
I assumed you'd put it on some smokable material before drying, my bad. But if you want to try and smoke/vape anything with remaining alcohol in it, it will have to completely dry out first.

It does take a lot longer to give up the solvent when the raw product was a goo, and it would be difficult to say since I don't know how you extracted your magic...

I guess you want a one-for-all solution in the form of a tincture, but I think perhaps infusing some of it onto herb and drying that for smoking would be a bit easier. You would essentially be making enhanced leaf/changa, which gets rid of the goo problem as well.
I made some changa using b. caapi leaves, chacruna, ground up syrian rue seeds, and blue lotus stamens. I dissolved a few pulls of goo with grain alcohol, then soaked the leaves in the solution, let dry, smoked a few bowls in a GVG of it today, nothing, just a stomach and headache. Tincture made of the same stuff/goo worked well loaded straight into a GVG, so IDK....? What could that mean, not enough of a goo/leaves ratio? It seems to be a good bit, I am so confused about that...
Are putting tincture drops into some leaf material?

Tincture buried in leaf will take longer to dry...

If so ..maybe you did not waite long enough for the grain alcohol to evaporate?

The way i dry and vape my DMT tincture is to put a measured amount of tincture into a small wad of copper chore boy pad...[or a wad of volcano wet pad]

If you hold up the dmt loaded pad to the sunlight you can see through it...meaning that air easily will move through the pad alowing for fast evaporation of the grain alcohol...leaving only the sticky dmt clinging to the metal fibers...

Remember to ..[ crush or compact].. the metal pad dense enough to hold the dmt drops without them falling through the pad holding the pad stuck on the end of a wire or needle alowing air to get

through it..

Once dry put pad into pipe bowl and vape...

keep your hand steady right after putting drops into pad preventing any shaking out of the drops ..

The alcohol should evaporate pretty quickly in the sun with air going through it...leaving the sticky dmt clinging to the metal fibers..ready to vape...
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